Laura Belgray – Story Hero



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Laura Belgray – Story Hero

Learn to tell stories that get your emails devoured…
And your offers snapped up!

Quick story
(It’s about YOU):

You hit “send” on an email to your list.

Your subscriber sees it hit their inbox. They open it right away, knowing there’ll be a great story inside. You’re their fave.

They’re in the middle of a group Zoom meeting. They *should* save your email for later, but it’s too good. They read it furtively while glancing occasionally at the laptop cam and nodding to look engaged. They accidentally snort-laugh at a funny you made, and pretend to the meeting that their cat just did something hilarious.

There’s an offer at the end of the email.

The story was so good, they can’t help clicking that link. They’re with you. They’re feeling you. They want your thing.

They hit “buy” and check out—while giving a well-faked thumbs-up to someone’s BS on the Zoom call about “shifting the paradigm.”

While they give their attention back to the meeting, their payment hits your Stripe account.

And not just theirs. All day long, as your subscribers open and devour your email, the payments roll in.

You just got paid, over and over, for telling a story.
That’s what great email stories do. They get you paid.

Even when your story’s not tied to an offer, you’re getting paid.

Here’s why.

When you know how to tell them well (especially in emails), your stories:
– Make people remember you.

– Make your information stick.

– Keep you top of mind.

– Build the know, like, and trust factor that makes people buy…if not right away, then down the road when they’re ready.

That’s shorthand for, great stories make people obsessed with you. They make you a star. Potentially, a rich one.

You in?

 In this 2-hour video training, you’ll learn:

  • The Art of The Start: How to jump into a story so we’re gripped from the get-go
  • The seamless segue: How to get from your story to the sell without feeling like you’re awkwardly jamming them together
  • Concrete details: the magic element that turns words into pictures. But how much to pack in and what to leave out? We’ll cover that, too
  • Rhythm changes. (See what I did there?)
  • “How do I use dialogue and spoken lines?” ME: I’ve got you.
  • Humor, or which words add the yuk yuks
  • Length. How long is too long?
  • The difference between a “who cares” anecdote and a real story
  • How to make a story “email appropriate”
  • Who the story should be about when it’s in an email. You, the writer? The reader? Your purebred cockapoo, Roger?

Video, text, audio, puppet show…
Consume it the way you learn best!
You’ll get:
• The 2-hour recorded video training, including q&a portion at the end
• All 112 presentation slides, containing links to the full versions of all the example emails
• The full presentation transcript
• The audio-only version so you can listen to it on the go

Be a Story Hero!
Write stories that get people to say, “If you sold stale toast, I’d buy it.”
(People really say that.)

Super-snoozy emails begone!
I learnt all the tricks for pulling rabbits out of the storytelling hat with Laura’s Belgray’s Story Hero™ course. It gave me confidence in moving forward with my own writing and now I can also help my clients with theirs – woop!

Laura’s know-how, experience, encouragement, and humour are all packed into this class. For added VFM the class also incorporates discussion of segways, yuk yuks and ballsacks.

– Jillian Pocock, Virtual Assistant at The Resourceful Badger

My open rates jumped by 10%!
Ever since I took this training and implemented the changes, my open rates and click-through rates have gone up by a whole 10%! 23% to around 33-35% and I am gettin more replies from my subscribers. Everything Laura shares is magic!

– Deepshikha Sairam, Biz Mentor + Lead Gen Expert

Everything Laura teaches and creates gets me writing better.
Everything Laura teaches and creates gets me writing better with ideas that inspire my best work—whether it’s copy for my site, course sales pages, or an article for Business Insider. When I need inspiration to write, I go through anything I have from Laura (seriously!). She is a copy GENIUS!

– Marietta Gentles Crawford, Writer and Personal Brand Strategist

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