Elizabeth Purvis – Get Clients In 30 Days
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Elizabeth Purvis – Get Clients In 30 Days
Dear Phenomenal Woman Entrepreneur,
How to Make Yourself Irresistible To High-Paying Clients While Staying True To Who You Really Are
In this module, you’ll discover how to go from “just another [fill-in-the-blank]” to getting your preferred clients to raise their hand and seek YOU out. You’ll discover…
- Why the common advice of “picking a niche” is actually holding you back from getting clients and what you need to do right now to move forward
- The secrets to discovering what your clients REALLY want your help with (this is the key that can unlock a goldmine of opportunities, currently being ignored in your business)
- The simplest system EVER to transform “single shot” sessions into lucrative packages to easily make $5k per month or more – with just a few clients.
- A simple system to set your fees when you’re just starting out (how to charge 10-25% more, while staying in integrity)
- How to transform feeling like a fraud into the authentic confidence that magnetically attracts clients
- The 1 thing you MUST do to get new clients within the month
- My “overwhelm busting” secrets, including a 2-step system of exactly what to do each day so you create consistent income
- Templates for 2 high-value packages you can offer right away (no “figuring it out” required)
- A list of proven problems that high-paying clients will eagerly invest in
How To Add 5-Figures To Your Business This Month Using “Hidden Opportunities” To Help More People
Guess what? Your ideal clients are in your midst RIGHT NOW. Yes, really!
They seem “hidden” because you’re simply not aware of them. And that’s great news because once you SHIFT your awareness (I’ll share how in this module), all of a sudden, the clients appear – as if out of thin air.
Uncovering the opportunities is a LEARNABLE skill. Once you really “get it,” your problem won’t be a lack of opportunities, but deciding which ones to jump on. You’ll discover…
- A checklist of my 10+ favorite “hidden opportunities” to get clients that exist in your business right now and what to do with each
- The first 2 places you should ALWAYS look for new clients (when you’re just starting out OR if you have a new program – and yes, I still do these first)
- How to talk about what you do so that high-paying clients want to know more
- How to avoid “dead-end” networking events and consistently turn networking events into $1000, $3000 and even $5000 paydays
- My favorite ways to generate a flood of Transformational Selling conversations with highly qualified potential clients (once you learn these, your business will change forever because you’ll ALWAYS know how to get new clients)
- How to deal with the peeps who want to “pick your brain” and transform them into opportunities for new clients
- What to do if you’re starting COMPLETELY from scratch
- Word for word script to invite your clients into a Transformational Selling conversation
- Word-for-word script to offer your Transformational Selling conversation at networking meeting (without sounding all cheesy or pushy)
- Simple scripts to generate a flood of referrals – without being pushy
- Template & script to help you answer the question “So what do you do” in a way that has clients lining up to work with you
How To Use Transformational Selling™ To Easily Enroll Clients While Serving Their Highest Good
If the thought of “asking for the business” makes you uncomfortable, I have great news: As a conscious woman, you already have amazing “superpowers” that allow you to do this in a way that is NOT pushy or salesy, but is really about changing lives.
In this module, you’ll discover how to have a truly transformative conversation that has your potential clients talking themselves into working with you. You’ll learn…
- Simple mindset shifts that will forever change how you see the “sales conversation” (dare I suggest that you’ll love them after this? You just might!)
- My simple heartfelt script to say at the beginning of the conversation that gives you permission to openly share your services
- 1 question that lets you know instantly if they truly can’t afford your program
- The secret behind objections and what you MUST do when your client says “I’d love to, but…” if you want to save the sale
- Simple tweaks to the marketing you’re already doing that will double or even triple your enrollment conversation results
- The secret to stop giving away free service and instead have clients raising their hand to talk with you about working together
- Simple template for a Transformational Selling conversation to “seal the deal” with integrity
- Detailed checklist of exact steps to take BEFORE your sessions to weed out the people who aren’t really serious about hiring you (no more freebie seekers!)
- Pre-session email template to send the client so when you arrive on the phone together, they practically talk themselves into working with you
- Word-for-word scripts to answer objections from “I can’t afford it” to “I have to think about it”
- Step-by-step strategy for what to do when they say “I have to talk to my spouse” so you don’t lose a client
How To Get Your First – Or Next – Clients In 30 Days
You’ve got the plan – now it’s time to work the plan! I’ll show you how to put it all together to get clients in 30 days. You’ll discover…
- The “inner game” secrets that practically guarantee you’ll get clients within the month (are you willing?)
- Your 30-day action plan, broken down week by week and day by day with EXACTLY what to do
- My “magic money tools” that work like, well, magic to bring in income (these aren’t magic, they just seem that way)
- How to use “The Plan” to get clients consistently
- Your 30-Day Action Plan, presented as a beautiful checklist you can keep by your desk
- The simple practice I used to fill a 28-person group program in half the time when I was starting out (with a super-small list at the time)
- Money tools handouts
Discover a powerful sisterhood focused on CONSISTENT manifestations of your biggest and boldest goals. Every month we focus on practicing the 30 Day Game Plan, my proven process for calling in even your biggest desires like clockwork.
Even better, you’ll receive access to monthly New Moon Rituals to activate your goals, and ongoing accountability to help you get there.
Your massive success is the result of aligning to your Highest Level and taking action, DAILY. The Circle provides a supportive, like-minded sisterhood to ensure you do both.
My well-tested method for signing up high-paying clients by giving easy-to-deliver talks and workshops! If you’ve always wanted to lead workshops – at your local bookstore, yoga studio or even in your home – but you don’t know where to start… this is for you. If you already lead workshops to get clients, but nobody is signing up… this is especially for you. ?
You’ll craft a workshop or talk that gives amazing value WITHOUT “giving away the farm” – and you’ll know exactly what to say to have potential clients in your audience following up to sign up with you.
Includes in-depth training, scripts and templates to make signing up clients from your next workshop a done deal.
A tried-and-true, 3-email sequence to have clients reaching out to talk to you about your program.
From the very first email, you’ll have the perfect peeps raising their hands to have a Transformational Selling conversation to become your client. Our clients have used this simple, non-salesy sequence to sign up 3-5 clients in less than a week.
The fastest way I know to call forward clients who are ready to work with you, NOW!
I used this when we’d hit a rough patch a few years ago to call in $45,000 in sales in under 2 weeks – perfect for you if you hate reaching out, or need to call in some cash, fast. Best of all, it’s sooooo connecting, heart-centered, and non-pushy.
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