Brian Pfeiffer – Lead Gen Affiliate 2019



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Brian Pfeiffer – Lead Gen Affiliate 2019

Proven Ways to Six Figure Campaigns
No cloaking, no customer service, no product sourcing, and nothing shady
  •  Master buying high-quality traffic
  •  Gain Consistency in your affiliate campaigns
  •  Learn how to test to find winning offers
Introducing the Lead Gen Affiliate™

This program is designed to teach White Methods and take a newbie to super affiliate in 2019.

The much-anticipated step by step eight-week program is what you have been waiting for.
Our campaigns are “what’s working now” in 2019 with over the shoulder training on real campaigns and real case studies.
Who is this for:
  • The complete newbie that has never launched a campaign before
  • People with little or no copywriting skills
  • Non-techie people that don’t have many computer skills
What is Working Now

Most of the Gurus out there are teaching from theory or skills that worked years ago.

I am guessing in 2019 if you have a cell phone and YouTube then you have seen or heard of Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is a simple equation of spreading the word about someone else’s product and earning a commission from the sale.
There are many choices when it comes to making money via the internet, some of the biggest pluses of affiliate marketing are:
You are a freelancer, and you own your own business
You can quickly earn unlimited income by scaling campaigns
Money can come in while you sleep

You have location freedom, provided you can get to
decent internet connections

No inventory or customer service

Your creativity will likely be what sets you apart from
other affiliates

The Traditional CPA Marketing Model

This still works in 2019 and we will teach you what is working now, obviously it is a big revenue generator for us to this day.

It’s a simple model with a lot of little tweaks and programming that makes it profitable.
We will continue to teach the method and make a lot of profit with it.
There are some flaws that are fairly obvious:
  • You only have one chance to get the sale or conversion.
  • After you get the sale or conversion that is it for you, the advertiser now has that lead and can market to them over and over.
  • It’s hard to increase your profit, because you can’t typically re-target them, or market to them again. Sure you can tweak your landing pages or quiz, but people will swipe them and really it doesn’t give you a large competitive advantage
  • ​You are really only reliant on one offer or product.


This is an 8-week training program that teaches you step by step, how to build a system with White Hat Offers that generates money day in and day out.

You will get EVERYTHING you need to become a lead generation machine and become profitable in affiliate marketing.

This is the perfect program to take you from inception to a real-world money making system.
Let’s Go Inside The Lead Gen Affiliate™


Let’s Grab a Coffee and Talk About The Industry, Introduction, and what you need to know .

In this week we talk about the Industry, some of our results and how to get there, and some of the critical mindsets that will help you believe you can do this.
  • Sign The NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), this information is for you and only you
  • Introduction to Brian Pfeiffer and Ross Minchev
  • Some of our results
  • State of the Digital Marketing Industry
  • Mindset Health and Wealth Knowledge
  • Mind Map and How it Works
  • Follow all of our Social Media
  • Fill out our survey so we can continue to improve the course
  • Motivational Wall Paper For Your Phone and Computer


It’s time to find an offer to promote. Before you start this week you will need to go through my 18 Chapter Free course.

This will help you understand all the terms and all the over business model. 
Being a newbie, it’s tough getting in most affiliate networks, we have a few tricks for you later in the course that will all but guarantee entry into the affiliate networks we are using.
In this week we’ll include:
  • All about offers and proof of our results
  • How we found the 100k+ a month offers
  • Over the shoulder training on how to use and find offers on ClickBank
  • Mindset hack to improve your chances for success in affiliate marketing
Bonus Training and PDF’s for Week #1
  • PDF of Videos on Affiliate terms you will need to know and understand
  • Video on setting up a Click Bank Account for success
  • Video on how to talk to a Vendor
  • PDF and Video on “11 Questions for Vendors”
  • Do’s and Dont’s Video with Ross and Brian


Here we are going deep into ads and how we are able to create profitable winning ads over and over again.
  • What is Click Through Ratio(CTR) and why is it ultra important
  • Anatomy of a winning ad and the reason behind its success
  • The underground secret site for finding incredible images
  • More winning ad examples, with a proven success formula
  • Advanced Image Training, the different image type that works over and over again on all traffic sources
  • Why illustrations are super affiliates best friends
  • Testing Training and why you shouldn’t be afraid to test
  • Spy training 101 and starting a swipe file
Bonus Training Videos for Week #2
  • Fivver and Upwork Video and setting up a team for success
  • Specialized Video Ad Training with Ross Minchev
  • $300K a month bonus video with in house Media Buyer Max S
  • 5 years of all of our ads and high click-through ratio images for every profitable campaign we have ever run
  • Scripts for profitable ads

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Here we go deep into the $300k a month online salesman, the infamous pre-sales pages. We show you step by step how we create high converting quiz landers and advertorials.

We also go into depth on copywriting and telling a story that sells.
Finally, we show you a 1 million dollar physical products/e-commerce page.
  • The $300K a month pre-sell landing page
  • The $300K a month quiz landing page and walkthrough
  • Learn the Psychology behind landing pages and how to craft them
  • How to tell a story and why is a six-figure skill set
  • Writing advertorials that sell and address the main points of your avatar
  • How to construct a $1 million e-commerce physical products page
Bonuses For Week #3
  • Share link for the actual click funnel that we used to make $500K on Click Bank
  • Advertorial Sample to model
  • Actual Debt advertorial that was making us $30K month
  • Mind Insole Lander That is still profitable for us as of today
  • Video Choosing a setting up a domain/brand name
  • Video on setting up hosting on Liquid Web
  • Video on Click Funnels set up and walk through of shared funnels
  • Video on setting up a landing page on a WordPress site
  • Video on how to find a quality coder to help with your pages


This week we do a full breakdown of Facebook ad and go super deep into how we spy to find winning campaign after winning campaign.
  • The $300K a month pre-sell landing page
  • The $300K a month quiz landing page and walkthrough
  • Learn the Psychology behind landing pages and how to craft them
  • How to tell a story and why is a six-figure skill set
  • Writing advertorials that sell and address the main points of your avatar
  • How to construct a $1 million e-commerce physical products page
Bonuses for Week #4
  • Setting up Your Facebook Ad Account
  • Business Manager Set Up
  • Disabled Business Manager Training
  • Business Manager Pixel Transfer Training
  • Setting up a Fan Page
  • Avatar and Cover for your fan page
  • Posting to your fan page
  • Setting up a PPE Campaign
  • Setting up a Traffic Campaign
  • Setting up a Conversion Campaign
  • Setting up a Facebook Pixel
  • Setting up a Custom Audience and Look a Like
  • Improving your Facebook relevance score – PDF and Video
  • How to make look-alike audiences on Facebook – PDF and Video
  • All about Facebook ad placements – PDF and Video
  • Facebook sponsored posts – PDF and Video
  • Facebook Retargeting PDF and real-life video examples (2 Videos)
  • Shopify Spy Tactics 2 Videos for 2019
  • Shopify My-IP trick and trick video
  • Spoofing Facebook to show you all the profitable products video


This week we are looking are firing up the ads and starting to set up your Facebook pixel gathering data.
  • Facebook custom audience advanced training
  • Turn in your best ad for a full critique form our professional media buyers
  • Tracking pixel a Click Bank set up
  • The “Tap The Vein Method”
  • Failure and why it’s not an option
  • Negative Keywords set up and our exclusive list
Bonuses for Week #5
  • Our exclusive list of fan page auto remove words
  • Professional media buyer ad critique


This week things are going to get real, we are going to show you a live demo of an over the shoulder campaign that we took from losing money to profitable and a matter of days.  

The rubber will meet the road as we show you “the actual” working creatives and how we scale to four and even five figures a day.
No “guru” is going to show you an actual working profitable campaign live in action as we do in Week #6.
  • In-depth training on vendors and Placing Pixels(Can be a Hurdle)
  • Dayparting and weekend parting training
  • Over the shoulder how to scale training and tracking training
  • Budget management for campaigns
  • Our system for testing offers
  • All about Refund Rates
  • All about Reserve Accounts
  • Our Top affiliate networks Max Web, Common Acquire, A4D
Bonuses for Week #6
  • Affiliate networks PDF and our links to join
  • Over the shoulder optimizing and scaling part #2
  • Over the shoulder optimizing and scaling part #3


Now that you have seen exactly how we take a losing campaign to profitable you will want to watch it over and over again and duplicate our efforts.  

This week we discuss how to turn your affiliate marketing skills into a real business.
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  • How to Hire a Media Buyer
  • Using Other People’s Money
  • All about VPNs, caching, cookies, 3rd party tools
  • All about credit cards from years of experience
  • A Funny Video on going to events
  • A lesson on business cards from an ex-commercial printer
  • Relationship building in this business and any business
  • Making this into a Real Business
  • Set up an LLC to protect yourself
Bonuses for Week #7
  • Media buyer template that I used to hire multiple media buyers
  • Dosh app case study on $1500 profit in a couple of days direct liking
  • New Year’s Eve 2019 retargeting Case Study on how $300 in Ad Spend made over $26,000 in revenue in 2 weeks
  • The landing page on server and FTP set up
  • Automated rules training and set up


This week is still in production as we plan to set up funnels and systems to promote The Lead Gen Affliate™ product and will give students the opportunity to earn a high ticket commission. 

Coming soon creatives, ads, videos, copy.
We would also like to add to the course based on questions from the Q and A’s and on this ever-changing landscape.
Our goal is to help you make money and in the course of the weeks it takes to launch this product we make hit a hot campaign and would like to share that in week number #8
Bonuses for Week #8
  • Many Chat Features PDF
Extra Bonuses
This most important part of all this is you, and we want you to #1 feel like you received your money’s worth and #2 receive the proper information to achieve the success you desire.
How can we increase your odds of success?
I sat down with my team and brainstormed these fantastic bonuses.
Join the Lead Gen Affiliate™ Complete Program
  • Full Access to the 9 Week Lead Gen Affiliate Course ($4,997 Value)
    Get Access to our “no fluff” step by step system that generated almost a 1/2 million in revenue in quarter 1 of 2019.
  • 12X Live Q&A Group Calls ($2,497 Value)
    After week #2 we will have live question and answer sessions lasting an hour or more, bring your questions and we will get all of them answered.  We will also have an Ad Critique in many of the sessions were we go over student ads and tell you our thoughts on the Images and copy
  • 5X Done For You Campaigns ($5,997+ Value) These are proven to convert with incredible profit margins, I am also giving you the actual giving you the ADS themselves and the targeting making this a TRUE set and forget system this makes everything much easier for you because you can have the actual ads that have generated me 6 and 7 figures and the exact targeting I used as well.
  • 7 Figure Mentorship ($997 Value) You’ll have the ability to access ME WHENEVER you want VIA email or Facebook Messenger You even have direct access to the coaches in the Lead Gen Affiliate™ Program This will allow you to have all your questions answered RAPIDLY and by business owners in the trenches everyday just like you. That means you can bypass the occasional hurdles that appear, that some affiliates face accelerate your results(see money rolling in faster)
  • Bonus: Pinterest Mini-Course for Affiliate Marketers ($1,997 Value) Want a Facebook alternative? Well, we cracked the code on Pinterest in December of 2019 and to date, we are doing about $10K a month profit. We will show you the step by step process we used to get profitable. Pinterest is a unique beast and no one is teaching paid advertising like this.
  • 4X Profitable Case Studies form 2019 ($7,997 value)
    These are real campaigns that turned an actual real-world profit. You will get four case studies. One of the four was 4 figures in profit, three of the four were well into the 5 figures of profit.
  • The Lead Gen Affiliate Private Facebook Community ($497 Value)
    Myself, Ross, Max, and Nicholas will be the moderators and be active in the group to help you along on your journey, but the real value will be interacting with the other like-minded affiliates.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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We will provide GOOD quality of courses fast. If any issue, please email: [email protected]
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B. Digital Shipping Proceess

After your payment, we will review your payment, Then, we will send you PCLOUD LINK OF COURSES through email in 3 – 8 hours. If any issue, we will inform you as soon as possible.

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