Amanda Coffman – Amazon Dropship Shenanigans



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Amanda Coffman – Amazon Dropship Shenanigans

mazon Dropship Shenanigans
Discover The Safest, Fastest Way To Break Past Six Figure Sales Per Month Dropshipping On Amazon ……All While Minimizing Your Risk Of Getting Suspended!

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wanted to start your own online business to make a little extra money, or replace your income?

The truth is, it’s not as complicated as you might think.

You see, thousands of folks just like you are making a full time income selling on Amazon from the comfort of their homes in just a few hours a day, allowing them to spend more time on the important things in life.

Things like hanging out with family.

The typical “employee” day looks like this…..

…you wake up, get ready for work sometimes eat breakfast, drive maybe an hour or more to work, spend 8 hours contributing to someone else’s bottom line,  go home and feel too exhausted to contribute much to your own life.

Your life DOESN”T have to be that way.

Yep… There Is An Easier Way…

Nearly 50% of all online sales in the US are on amazon!!
Amazon Provides the Platform AND Brings the Traffic!!
….No Building a Website
….No Paying for Traffic
Listen the #1 Biggest Barrier to Entry is the Knowledge Required to Get Started and Keep Your Account Safe!
Fortunately, you won’t have to go into it blind and stumble through like I did.
You’re on this page because you want to learn how to start generating income online.
Am I right?
If that’s true, then you’re in the right place and in just a second… I’ll explain why.
Your Instructor

Amanda Coffman
Amanda Coffman
My Name is Amanda Coffman and I am a single mother of 3 beautiful girls and a full time drop shipper.

This time 2 years ago I was signing up for a program that would help provide Christmas gifts for my children, because as a single mother of 3, my income from my day job just wasn’t cutting it. Fast forward 2 years and I’m finding myself in the position to help other families in that very same position.
As a full-time dropshipper, I’ve experienced financial freedom that I never imagined could be possible, all from the comfort of my home! I am now making four times the amount of money that I was making from my full-time job and I can spend a lot more time with my amazing children. Drop Shipping has allowed me to provide the life that my girls deserve. I left my job almost a year ago, and I can confidently say, I will never go back to using my time to make money for someone else again!

I started my Drop Shipping Journey with eBay drop shipping. I was able to build that business and quit my job within a year. The truth is, Amazon is the biggest e-commerce platform on earth, currently selling around $200 billion dollars a year and still growing. Once I got my ebay business to the place where it provides passive income for me, I decided to take on Amazon Drop Shipping. My Drop Shipping businesses are now well established and generating profits of over $10,000 a month. When I started on this Amazon Journey I tried to find a quality Amazon Drop Shipping Course and there are currently none available and this is why I decided to create this complete course so that you too can have the kind of success I have had. As the saying goes….. “teach a person to fish and they’ll never be without!” Which is why I’m super excited to be able to help others learn the skills needed to create the same financial freedom that I now have.
That’s why I created
Amazon Dropship Shenanigans
Here is what it covers…..
•    Proper setup of your Amazon account to pave the way for your success!
•    Detailed instructions for the most powerful inventory and order management tools!
•    Step-by-step guidance for everyday operation of your drop shipping business!
•    Easy to understand product research methods so you’ll never have to ask “what should I be selling?”
•    Key factors in avoiding Amazon suspensions!
•    Private Facebook group dedicated to supporting the growth of your business!
•    The best tricks to help you maintain flawless metrics!
•    Updates as new information becomes available and/or changes are made!

Course Curriculum

•    Why Amazon Dropshipping (4:29)
•    Join My Facebook Group
•    What is Dropshipping? The Gateway to Endless Opportunity! (5:57)
•    Choosing Your Business Entity (3:50)
•    Sales Tax/Economic Nexus (12:47)
•    Tools to Organize Your Business (3:24)
•    Funding Your Amazon Sales (7:28)

Setting up Your Amazon Store
•    Creating Your Seller Account (4:36)
•    Adding Checking Account for Payments (1:17)
•    Shipping Settings (5:34)
•    Return Settings Old and New (3:56)
•    Sales Tax Settings (9:30)

Amazon Overview
•    Reports and Functions (5:11)
•    Account Health/Metrics (8:42)
•    Amazon Mobile App (1:23)
•    Metrics -In Depth (20:54)

Priming Your Account With FBA **If Needed
•    Avoiding Velocity Review (4:12)
•    Finding Products to Send to FBA (15:51)
•    10 Safe FBA Products
•    Creating an FBA Shipment (11:24)

Product Research
•    What is the Buy Box? (7:18)
•    Sniping Other Sellers (13:59)
•    Spidering Through Brands (11:48)
•    Using Junglescout to Find Products (14:53)

Listing and Software
•    Adding a Listing (2:49)
•    Ron Myers – What is Webscraperapp and How do I get  ed (3:19)
•    Ron Myers – Webscraperapp Setup Overview (4:45)
•    WebscraperApp Setup and Use In Depth Overview (14:12)
• Use and Setup (8:24)
•    Products to Avoid (3:20)
•    Manipulating Margins (4:14)
•    Tip for Items Frequently Canceled by Walmart (6:34)

•    Organizing Your Gmail (5:40)
•    Walmart Tax Exempt Process (18:54)
•    Profit Tracking Sheet
•    Processing Orders (12:17)
•    Processing a Return (9:07)
•    Confirm Shipments (3:15)
•    Daily Task Checklist
Increasing Profits
•    Scaling Margins Up (6:00)
•    Cardbazaar Discount Gift Cards (12:20)
•    Coinbase Overview (14:59)
•    Cashback (2:04)

Customer Service
•    Contacting Customers (4:14)
•    Common Message Templates
•    When You Need to Cancel an Order (9:54)

BONUS* Build a Team and Automate Your Business!!
•    Where to Find Experienced Virtual Assistants (6:16)
•    Sample Job Posts

BONUS** Bundles
•    Sniping Bundles (7:51)

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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