Tom Gaddis & Nick Ponte – Yellow Brick Road



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Tom Gaddis & Nick Ponte – Yellow Brick Road

Get On A Better Road And…


Discover the #1 Never-Fails Breakthrough That Permanently Vanishes Fears About Getting Clients Once And For All!

Dear Future Hands-Off Agency Owner:

What if you found a way to escape the “normal” 9-5 grind work-for-someone else and let them determine how much to pay you, how much time you have off, and what kind of life and lifestyle you could provide your family?

And what if that “escape” enabled you to work the hours that you want to work, with the people you choose to work with, and the level of income that you want to earn?

Finally, what if you had a FOOLPROOF process for adding all the local clients you needed and could handle?

How would your business (or your life, for that matter) change?

Would your day be one of mostly your own choosing, with time spent with loved ones enjoying things you really wanted to do? Would you take more real vacations and go out to dinner more often? Would you be free to buy gifts for your family and friends? …and not worry over an unexpected expense?

You’re Probably Asking,
Is This All Really Possible?


It all happens because of this…

#1 Business Model That Never Fails To Generate Constant Revenue

We’ll show you in the next 2 minutes the secret
that will change your financial and business life forever…

But be prepared because:

You’re Getting a Clear Shot at the Strategy That Doubled Our Revenue in Only 12 Short Months… WITHOUT All The Normal ‘issues’ that spoil a great opportunity like…

  • NO multi-level or network marketing
  • NO bothering friends, family or neighbors
  • NO get-rich-on-the-Internet program
  • ​NO product to buy, inventory, handle or ship
  • ​NO office needed outside your home
  • ​NO salaried employees (unless you want)
  • ​NO credit required
  • NO Cold Calling strangers
  • NO Expensive mailings
  • NO special education required
  • NO long learning curve
  • NO equipment to buy or lease
  • NOT a difficult business
  • ​NO expensive advertising
  • ​NO licenses or permits needed
  • ​NOT time-consuming (as little as 10 hours a week)
  • NOT disruptive to your family life
  • NOT real estate or stock market oriented

(That’s a relief, isn’t it!)

First, let’s tackle the BIG MYSTERY…

“Why Do So Many Aspiring Business
Owners Never Achieve Success?”

Because they depend on themselves, but they are only an army of one! 

  • They do the prospecting
    (which they hate)
  • They make the calls
    (which they despise)
  • They do the mailings
    which are so tedious
  • They go to appointments
  • They pitch the prospects
  • They do the
  • They sign the deals
  • They gather all the documents
  • They do the
    post-sale interview
  • They design the marketing plan
  • They execute the campaign
  • They track
    (and adjust)
    the campaign
  • They stay in touch
    with clients
  • They repeat process
    again & again

Despite Being Overwhelmed By All These Tasks,
Most Owners Begin And Stay Solo Practitioners

And Even If They Succeed…
More Roadblocks Are Waiting For Them…

  • The ‘Big Boy’ marketers can be too much competition
  • No Name – Without any brand name all but the tiniest businesses are gun shy to hire you…
  • Poor Quality Of Clients
  • ​Scalability is difficult (unless you know how)
  • ​Many local markets are glutted
  • Retaining clients takes know-how
  • Insufficient management expertise
  • Lack of support resources
  • ​Too many small projects
  • ​Can’t be 2 places at once
  • ​Unwilling To tell client the truth (fear)
  • ​Charging too little

Which still leaves the biggest flaw in
every local consultant’s solo strategy:

No Consistent, Automatic
Marketing Outreach!

This Shouldn’t Be A Surprise,
Since We Already Know What Works!

Every survey, every case history, every interview shows successful consultants, agencies and advisors need a steady stream of qualified prospects.

This is NOT optional, it’s not a theory, it’s not unproven… it is the “oxygen” that gives life to our business.

The World Has Changed…
Businesses everywhere are adjusting to a ‘New Normal’…
Local Marketing Consultants are only now waking up to the reality they confront.
…and while they are beginning to move in the right direction, they’re still making
3 Major Mistakes:

Mistake #1:

Focusing on Fads & Gimmicks

Mistake #2:

Trying to Become a Master Salesperson / Prospector

Mistake #3:

Ignoring the NUMBER ONE Process

Scores of consultants have no idea this repeatable, automatic system for attracting clients even exists!

You’re About to Discover How our Simple
“Fast Agency Model” With Built-In Automatic Prospecting Delivers A Phenomenal Income

For The Rest Of Your Life…
Without ever personally making a cold call or cold visit…

Introducing the Road to a
100% Ethical Life-Changing Automatic Marketing Agency…

“The Fast Agency Model”

More on the Fast Agency Model in a minute, but let’s get personal…

We know the typical local marketer agrees they have to prospect to get appointments and land clients…


…in fact they will do almost ANYTHING to avoid prospecting.

We see that conflict at the core of why so many are failing.
Our solution isn’t a CHOICE, It’s more like an ULTIMATUM.

You MUST Build An AGENCY Focused On Consistent, Constant, Creative Prospecting

Does that mean YOU have to do the prospecting?

Should YOU make the calls?

Should you personally visit businesses?

Should you cold call night and day?


Every survey, every case history, every interview shows successful consultants, agencies and advisors need a steady stream of qualified prospects.

This is NOT optional, it’s not a theory, it’s not unproven… it is the “oxygen” that gives life to our business.

We can’t emphasize this enough…

The ‘Jack-Of-All Trades’
Local Consultant Is History!

A Simple Test:

Think about this: If you wake up tomorrow and
your car doesn’t start, what do you do?

Enroll in Auto Mechanic School

Hire a Mechanic!

If your tax returns are due, and you don’t know
the first thing about it, what’s next?

Start taking night classes in Accounting

Hire H&R Block!


is the smart way to build a local marketing business. And the most important hire you will make is…

Leave the “Dead End Highway” of…

  • Planning to prospect but never getting started…
  • Taking course after course but never doing anything…
  • Searching for alternatives to prospecting…
  • ​Convincing yourself you don’t need to prospect…
  • Complaining about the time it takes to prospect…
  • Trying to depend on ‘easy methods’ like social media…
  • Prospecting just enough to barely survive…

“Yellow Brick Road
Of Success”

This is THE groundbreaking method that’s already changing the way consultants think about Local marketing.

Our New System Fills Your Calendar With Top Quality Appointments By Having Others Do All The Work

It’s a 24/7 Cash Machine dedicated to only ONE thing:
Bringing You A Flood Of
Quality Appointments Non-Stop!
This entire ‘Fast Agency Model’ has the real potential
to meet ANY consultant’s income goals.
(We promise, it’s not the ‘same old-same old’.)

Stay with us for the next few minutes, we’ll…

  • Prove This ‘Fast Agency Model’ is your Golden Ticket…
  • Outline all you’ll need to implement it right now…
  • Hand you the system for less than a large pizza…

Our Fast Agency Model mean ….

  • No More Complacency
  • No More Procrastination
  • No More Excuses
  • No More Dodging Unpleasant Work
  • No More Hoping For New Leads

Building An Ethical Business That Helps Others And Yourself is what we strive for… Being in a business you can be proud to tell others about, not embarrassed by… isn’t that what YOU want?

When you follow our Fast Agency Model your lead generation effort is outsourced…and on top of that, it can be almost entirely automated.

To succeed, lead generation/appointment setting can’t be an on-again-off-again affair. CONSISTENCY COUNTS!

Most consultants fail to be consistent with appointment outreach because the whole process is distasteful enough, they avoid it completely!

They will almost do anything else to avoid it. ANYTHING ELSE.

Following our step by step process you’ll see how to outsource 85% of the work to well selected, well-trained, highly motivated, highly skilled freelancer contractors.

Our process turns an uncomfortable ordeal into a well-tuned machine that produces bookings from ideal new clients while you sleep!

Then all you have to do is what you do best… deliver value once they become your clients.

Now’s the time to outsource the lead generation work you don’t want to do, (but know must be done).

This way, you’ll be happier and more fulfilled than ever! You’ll be doing the tasks you were born to do and leaving the grunt work to others.


We teach what’s working NOW!
Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover building
an appointment-generating engine the smart way:

  • ​Why this approach is superior to ALL other forms of prospecting
  • ​Why the biggest most successful agencies ALL use this model. (pretty much no exceptions)
  • ​How much experience should you require for the appointment setter job?
  • ​​Wasting my time interviewing novices OR are novices the best?
  • ​Interviewing On Skype, Zoom or good old fashioned phone
  • ​Are places like Upwork a good place to start?..or do they suck?
  • ​Forget Craigslist…OR is it a hidden Goldmine?
  • ​Nobody’ Fool: Realistic expectations advertising for appt setters
  • ​Are Bonuses important or a waste of money?
  • ​Tactics for using bonuses correctly. (when bonuses can hurt!)
  • ​Questions you MUST ask them & ones to avoid…
  • ​Secrets to maintaining good rapport without kissing a**
  • What’s the right and wrong way to pay appointment setters?
  • Sneaky? Should they all be on the same pay scale?
  • ​SPECIFIC pay examples you need to know.
  • ​Is there software you recommend?
  • ​Clever way to track their hours on the phone making calls.
  • ​If they complain, maybe YOU’RE The problem?
  • ​We reveal the best way to train appt setters. (light years ahead)
  • ​How do I avoid paying their taxes AND Stay Legal?
  • ​What’s the Best, Easiest, Tested Script for them to use?
  • ​Be honest, how long until they are really productive?
  • Want to fire someone? Here’s how we do it

Why Can’t I Learn On My Own?

Maybe you’re saying to yourself…
OK, Tom it seems like a winner, but is this all really necessary? Why can’t I learn this on my own – hey, I’m smart.

We’re sure you are smart, but don’t you want to succeed as soon as possible? Did you know you’ll get there A LOT faster with direct guidance and mentorship from a team that actually runs an appointment sales service…a team that actually built a successful agency with these techniques.

If not for this rapid scaling model, you could still be ‘figuring it out’ 6 or 8 months from now! (and probably get sick of it).

Isn’t NOW the time you want to turn things around?


Feast Your Eyes On The
For Appointment Setters

M O D U L E # 1
Start Here

  • Welcome
  • ​The Fast Agency Model

M O D U L E # 2
Ready, Set, Go!

  • Building Your List
  • ​Give Them Something to Talk About
  • ​The Script
  • ​Email vs. Phone
  • ​On a Tight Budget? Do This to Get Cashflow Now

M O D U L E # 3
Removing Yourself From Prospecting

  • How Many Hours Do You Really Need?
  • ​Hiring Local vs. Overseas
  • ​Paid vs. Free Fishing Spots
  • ​Pay Structure: Hourly vs. Commission
  • ​Using O.P.M. (Other People’s Money)
  • ​Interview Process

M O D U L E # 4
The Well-Oiled Machine

  • Explaining Their Role & Responsibilities
  • Getting Them Comfortable With The Script
  • ​30 Day Orientation Strategy
  • Free Tools for Setting Up Your Appointment Machine
  • ​Adding Leads To Your CRM
  • ​An Interview With Our Appointment Setter

M O D U L E # 5
Tracking Success & Scaling

  • Setting K.P.I.s
  • ​E.O.D. Checkout
  • Time Tracking
  • ​When to Expand Your Team

Secrets To Successful Appointments

  • You Have An Appointment… Now What?
  • Virtual vs. In-Person
  • ​Moving It Forward
  • ​What Do You Sell?

Make no mistake… this is an Advanced Strategy and requires attention and commitment.
However, we believe ANYONE can do it if they’re committed to developing real and
unique expertise and delivering exceptional value to their clients.

THIS Is Exactly
How WE Do It

And I’m sure you know that it would cost a small fortune to replicate what we’ve built inside the Members Area. That’s why we’re bringing you this Turn-Key package NOW, while it’s still affordable…

Can you see why we were so excited when we saw the results we’ve been getting? Nick and I knew INSTANTLY this was something we wanted to share with all of you…

We know what this training can do for your business… it’s revolutionary. But maybe you’re still unsure? Then ask yourself one question:

Ask Yourself…

Are You Getting New Client Appointments Every Week?

Are you getting results that give you confidence and optimism for the future? Are you able to enjoy being an independent marketing consultant

OR are you tied down to a desk, making mind-numbing cold calls OR knocking on doors personally, hoping to get ‘lucky’?

This is for serious marketers who want results, not rah-rah or ‘feel good’ motivation. If you can follow a step-by-step formula you CAN succeed.

WE Already Know How To Do This…
It’s YOU That Needs Automatic Daily Clients

So go ahead NOW. We’re urging you, if you’re at all interested in having appointment setters replacing your efforts, and creating a self-perpetuating, profit-surging practice, then you need to get in on this!

This is a tested and proven approach, where you take no risk… and, by the way, it really works… RIGHT NOW.
In fact, as I’m writing this right now, our appointment setters are reaching out to business owners and bringing in new business. If this is like most days we’ll have a new batch of appointments and probably get 2 new clients signed up—just like that.

Don’t procrastinate any longer…

Join us today while all this is fresh in your mind. You will not regret it.

There Are No Roadblocks
On The Yellow Brick Road…
We’re anxious to welcome you to the group and
get your reaction to everything that awaits you!

We know you’ll be excited, as excited as the momentous day we started down the same
road (a road with no roadblocks, no deadends)…
“The Yellow Brick Road”.

Nick & Tom’s Story 

(The Nick & Tom You Don’t Know)
Life is good for us, but it wasn’t always that way.

Nick and I were definitely not born with silver spoons in our mouths..

Back in Oklahoma, I was a restaurant manager. Do you know what that means? Long hours and crummy pay. I really saw little chance for advancement, and those upper jobs didn’t look much better than mine. With a wife and 2 young children, I felt trapped.

Nick wasn’t doing well either. As an auto mechanic he was unfulfilled and severely limited in his income. Despite what you may think, while auto shops can charge a lot, most mechanics never get rich.

We’ve always believed that success leaves clues… so in the simplest terms; we followed the clues.

It seemed the most successful people took action – DECISIVE action. So, we could continue to live lives of quiet desperation, mired in debt, sick to death of our jobs… OR


It would not be easy, but what meaningful change is easy?
It would not happen overnight, but we understood that.
It would not solve all our problems since nothing does…

But it would set us on a course that would change our lives forever.

Most of us have this vague dream of retirement – no job, lots of freedom, nothing to do – no purpose.

But purpose is vital and when one purpose is being fulfilled, it’s time to add another. We’re not mega rich but we’re both rich in friends and enjoy helping others do better.

Eventually, we came out of the haze of disappointments and frustration to a realization…

If we could start building an agency by the ‘Golden Rule’, we could do things a little differently than others and we would get noticed. That was our admittedly simple and maybe naive belief, but it came true.

Yes, we want our agency to succeed but even more we want to materially impact the lives of others. We know, first hand, how good this business can be. And we know the challenges.

We don’t want to lose the money that we’ve earned over these years and we don’t ever want to have to start from scratch again…. But Here’s The Key: We Know We Could.

What we want most, is to live “in” the process – experience the moment as it happens – have a good time producing value in our life, and in the lives of those in our groups. We want our customers to be our friends and our friends to be our customers.

So that’s the journey we’re on. Yes, we have come a long way, its almost hard to believe as we look back…but we spend most of our time looking forward.

A local consultant’s road to success is a rocky one, one that’s VERY hard without the right mentors…we aim to change that.

Now (today) is your chance to be virtually mentored by (modesty aside) the best there is, Nick & Tom.

Why not follow our process to building a local agency and realize your dream… once and for all?


Nick & Tom 

Founders – Sharks

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Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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