Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend
Sales Mentor Ascend, Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend, Sales Mentor Ascend download, Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend review
Taylor Welch – Sales Mentor Ascend
There is short time window on this.
The guy that Taylor brought in to do this training is Tony Robbins’ top sales guy. Did $80M in sales last year….
Only 9 People Have EVER Seen The Contents of This Thumb Drive, And…
It’s The “Next Level Up” That Took All 9 of Us From Committed and Driven Action-Takers
To Million-Dollar MASTERS of Influence
… In Just Days!
“I will never be able to share these secrets over the internet, for reasons you’ll understand in a moment. But as my congratulations to you, I will ship this thumb drive to your door IF you claim this once-in-a-lifetime offer…”
Right Now Is Your One Chance!
Demand for the secrets inside this thumb drive is OVERWHELMING.
This is the most advanced training on our selling system we’ve ever documented.
Even the members our in-house team had to QUALIFY to gain access to this. And only two of them were allowed inside.
Our clients, even at the highest level who’ve invested near six figures to work with us, have been restricted from this content.
That’s why, ONLY for the next 60 hours…
YOU Have Your One Chance to Claim This Package Now
More than 300 other people from the challenge have already requested access to this page.
Not only because its contents are extremely valuable, and will take anyone’s sales game to the next level. But also because we have a LIMITED number of packages.
Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
And I mean gone forever…
Everyone who buys must sign a legally-binding, non-disclosure agreement.
This material is confidential, costing me millions to produce…
And odds are — by the time you get half way down this page — somebody more committed than the “other 95%” will have already taken the very last package.
So if you’re serious about continuing to up your sales game, don’t wait another second…
“Ship My Package Out to Me Now”
Sunday, 3:53 PM
From the Desk of Taylor Welch
Nashville, TN
Dear trusted advisor,
First of all, congratulations!
To be candid, in the days leading up to the challenge I had no idea what to expect from you and the rest of the crew…
Because (since you sell over the phone) you probably notice all the time that most people go through life telling themselves they want something…
… then doing nothing to follow through on the promises they make with themselves, until their dreams turn into a pile of excuses like “I’m not ready yet”.
That’s exactly who I did not want in the challenge…
So you can imagine my excitement when the group blew up with takeaways / wins / questions on the first day!
It’s an honor to help you with your sales, truly.
And now I’d like to invite you even deeper, and ship you a little black thumb drive with the most ADVANCED sales training we’re ever released.
Until now, only 9 people have EVER received access to this.
It compounds (perfectly) on everything you learned this month.
And if you say “yes” to this once-in-a-lifetime offer, your life will never be the same…
“It’s The Critical ‘Next Step’
For Taking Your Sales Game
To the Next Level”
If you enjoyed the training from our $100 challenge, just wait.
By now you probably already agree that the way we do sales is 100% different than everything you’ve ever seen.
The overwhelming response we get is that it feels better. That’s because instead of looking at your prospects like they’re numbers on a spreadsheet, you become their trusted advisor…
Which always comes with a healthy dose of control.
In fact, just at the results we saw over the last 30 days alone:
… only a small handful of wins from the challenge.
It’s obvious this system is far more effective than the high-pressure / high-volume tactics from the 80s… that everybody’s repacking and rehashing as “brand new”, and bombarding on people like you and your clients.
That’s why…
More and More of The Marketplace is Responding
To This Control-Based “Advisor” frame Every Day
Not only because it’s more effective, but also because of this:
People are recoiling from the barrage of old-fashioned “hard” sales tactics that have become so widespread.
You see, every high-value entrepreneur and closer (that I’ve talked to) is beginning to notice this cross-industry “sales revolution”.
It’s catching on fast, even at the highest levels.
For example…
In a second I’ll introduce you to a man whose team just sold $85MM from a stage in one afternoon. And he said this one control-based sales training is “the best he’s ever witnessed”.
But that’s only the beginning.
What’s really going to blow your mind is this:
Everything you just learned over the last 30 days about how to get control over your sales numbers… Everything that’s already going to transform your life for the better…
That was step one.
The rabbit hole goes deep.
And if you’re committed, get ready because…
This is The Last Sales Training You Will Ever Need
To Maintain a Permanently Increasing Income
You see, Q1 2019 was our best quarter ever.
In March alone, two of our advisors closed more than $800,000 combined and sustained close rates above 60%.
And since they qualified, I wanted to reward them with a training that would take their sales game to an even higher level.
These two superstars have been trained into our Reflex System (same as you). But what I’ve learned after training more than 30 closers to mastery level, is this…
There are nuances of influence and persuasion that can’t be covered without extremely deep immersion.
We call it “hyper-immersion.”
The way we get people from 0-60 in this type of selling system (the way you just experienced inside the 30-day challenge) is perfect for gaining momentum and results as fast as humanly possible.
You’ve already seen how fast it can work.
But to hit that “next level” in your sales game, your level of immersion needs to change with it.
For example, in just a few seconds I’m going to introduce you to a brand new strategy I developed called the “Mid-Week Sales Bridge”.
In short, it’s the most powerful strategy I’ve ever developed for avoiding productivity slumps and sales ruts. And I couldn’t include it in the challenge because it has multiple stages and takes hours to train on effectively…
But the results have already been mind-boggling.
Ruts that used to knock out my head closer for days, now last only minutes. And my clients are raving about how simple and effective it is.
You’ll learn all about how to install the “Mid-Week Sales Bridge” into your life in a moment. But that’s only one of the sales-boosting secrets you’re about to discover in this brand new training.
All you need to know right now is this:
“The Best, Most Complete 2 Day
Sales Training I’ve Ever Witnessed”
— a Sales Pro Who Sold $80MM Last Year
For two days at the end of April, just before “the challenge” kicked off…
We held a secret workshop for an elite few who wanted to become unstoppable on the phone.
We held it in the beautiful Dominican Republic…
And only 9 of us were in attendance (myself and Chris included).
We invited our two best advisors. Four highly-motivated clients doing several hundred thousand dollars per month. And a special guest named Eli who sold over $80MM last year alone.
The result?
They ALL said this was the best and most advanced training on sales and persuasion they’ve ever gotten to be apart of.
Just check out this post from Eli.
“Probably the best, most complete 2-day sales training I’ve ever witnessed.”
“Everyone there will make at least an extra million dollars because of this training.”
Those are powerful words to come from somebody who closes $80MM per year.
And he’s NOT exaggerating.
As you’ll see in a second — in just the short time since that weekend — it’s already coming true. But the craziest part is…
Right now you’re on the one page that our attendees wished they knew about. Because I’m about to make you an offer so insane than we will never offer it anywhere else, ever.
The Deepest and Most Coveted
Selling Secrets We’ve Ever Released
Over those two days, me and this elite sales pro who sold $80MM last year shared our most coveted insights about how to control the outcome of any call.
We dove into the unexplored corners of our “reflex” style of selling, dividing the never-before-revealed secrets over 4 mind-melting sessions:
DAY 1-
Session #1:
Control Theory, Momentum, Sales Management:
Pitfalls & Levers for the Modern Day Sales Professional
Session #2:
Philosophy & Energy, Follow-Up, Pipeline & Prospecting:
Modeling the Millionaire Sales Closer
DAY 2-
Session #3:
Levels of Influence, Postures, Advanced Leadership Models,
And the Copy/Paste 9-Figure Sales Presentation
Session #4:
Rules of Engagement, Spiral Dynamics
And a 4-Step framework for “Expanding the Buying Pocket”
I go into more detail shortly, because the rabbit hole goes deep.
In fact, a big reason why we had to restricted admission so tightly is because of this:
There are secrets inside these recordings that will empower you to influence your prospects and clients at a level that most people would call unethical
And that is NOT some hyped up “marketing” hook.
For example back in the 70s, scientists discovered a deep connection between brain processes, language, and a person’s unconscious decision-making patterns. But that’s not all they discovered…
Because they also learned that these connections can be manipulated to achieve a desired outcome. In other words, if somebody knows the right levers to pull, our unconscious decision-making patterns can (literally) be reprogrammed to their desire.
Today, this is called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and there have been thousands of cases now where a patient comes in with depression, phobias, allergies, learning disorders, poor sight, etc etc…
And in just one session with a practitioner of NLP, their sickness or disorder was cured.
It is extremely powerful.
And it can also be used in selling.
Now, maybe you’ve heard of NLP before. Maybe you’ve even heard of somebody who uses it in selling. But I should tell you…
How we use it is different and than anything you’ve ever seen, because it requires that you say less, ask more, and listen. And we’ve made it far easier to pull off because you can plug the questions seamlessly into our script.
In session 3 of our Dominican sales bootcamp, you’ll discover over a dozen copy/paste frameworks and languaging patterns…
… ones that you can plug right into our script, and pierce the armor of logic so even your most skeptical clients / prospects put down their guard.
Instead of defending themselves with objections… within moments, they’ll expose their soft emotional core — handing you (without even realizing they’ve done it) total control over their decision making.
I cannot police people to make sure
they are influencing for the right reasons
… which is one reason why everybody who buys must sign a legally-binding non-disclosure agreement.
But this is ALSO a big reason why results have already been so mind-blowing…
Aleric is killing it right now and he’s not the only one…
Like I said before, it’s only been a short time since our Dominican sales bootcamp. And everybody in attendance — no matter their years of experience and top-of-the-mountain sales numbers — has already reported massive leaps in their ability to control the call.
Here’s what five of the attendees (everybody beside me, Chris, and our 2 closers) had to say about this life-changing sales training:
And if that doesn’t say enough about the value of this workshop…
Each Person Invested $5,000
–Some Flying Halfway Around the World–
Just to Attend This Once-in-a-Lifetime Sales Training
… and dozens more raise their hand to apply, but were politely turned away. Here’s why.
To be transparent with you, we have hundreds of active clients right now. Some investing $10,000 to work with us, some putting up $18,000 or $35,000…
And others who’ve plunked down a king’s ransom of almost $100,000 just for ongoing coaching with us on how to close more sales.
You’re damn right. And that’s because they get a quick ROI and make far more than $100,000 in the long run.
Now, normally these highest-level clients are given full access to the in-person training events, we hold every quarter.
They’ve trusted us with a lot of money after all…
But the Dominican workshop was different.
Besides the four in attendance, not a single one of our clients — not even the elite clients who offered obscene amounts of money — were granted access.
And even if you wrote me a $20,000 check at the end of April, I would have politely declined and asked you to join the Double Your Sales Challenge.
Not because I don’t like money. I do.
Fact is:
The only reason I would’ve turned
you and your $20,000 check away, is this…
Remember how I told you only 2 of my closers qualified to attend?
Well, those two closers (Cole and Payton) are currently bringing in a combined $700-900K in business per month.
That’s a big chunk of our total revenue.
So it is far more profitable for me to invest in their education, keeping the event small and elite…
… than it would’ve been to accept 100 checks for $20,000 and lower the conversation to a more basic level.
We chose to keep the workshop small, and the material advanced.
It’s already paying off…
Because immediately after the event, Cole used his notes from Session 3 to set a new weekly sales record for our closers — more than $130,000 in one week.
And until these 60 hours are up, you have your one chance to get this training for a discount we will never offer you again.
This is Your One Chance to Steal Your Copy
Of the Most Advanced Sales Training
My $400K Per Month Closers
Have Ever Consumed
You’ve gone through our sales challenge.
You’ve invested 30 days of commitment to yourself.
You’ve caught a glimpse of what that next level can look like…
And now, because you deserve permanent sales mastery, I’m going to make you an INSANE offer that nobody on the face of this Earth has ever seen before.
This will absolutely take your sales game to the next level. And I have no doubt this is the last sales training you will ever need, because it’s so advanced that I have my own team consuming the recordings (literally) on repeat.
If you’re still committed to upping your sales game forever, let’s take a look at what’s inside right now. It’s all going to happen over 4 never-before-revealed video sessions…
Session #1:
The Real Secret to Gaining Unshakable Control
Over Your Sales Numbers Is…
… knowing exactly what levers to pull to keep you hitting the same numbers month after month — no matter how “up and down” your outside variables are.
It’s not how fast you can dial 1000 phone numbers, or how well you handle objections, or how good your leads are today. Those things can help when times are good. But for maintaining consistency, they are overrated.
The most critical factor by far is knowing what levers to pull…
So in Session 1, I’m going to give you six of the single most important levers you could ever pull to keep permanent control over your income. And I’m going deep into each, so you’ll discover HOW to best leverage these hidden pockets of leverage that — until now — I’ve NEVER revealed publicly.
For a long time, all six of these underutilized money-pockets remained hidden to even my internal team. But discovering just one of them could change your life forever.
For example…
37 minutes into Session 1, you’ll discover an easy-to-implement lever that I call “The Momentum Pressure Point”. Here’s what it’ll do for you…
Have you ever gone to the doctor, and they tap you below the knee cap with a tiny hammer? Most people have. But how hard did they have to swing that tiny hammer into your pressure point to make your entire leg swing up? Not very hard, right?
Well, after training more than 3,500 clients on sales, I found a tiny “pressure point” for creating momentum almost out of thin air — with very little energy or effort.
Just like the little spot under your knee cap, this “Momentum Pressure Point” is extremely sensitive. And all it takes is a small tweak to the way you take calls.
The exact month we started implementing this, we had 3 record Mondays in a row — one $75,000, one $80,000, and one Monday of almost $90,000. Which (naturally) lead to a record month for our company. And that’s not all because…
Implementing “The Momentum Pressure Point” has had a similar effect for everybody who attended this workshop — sending their monthly income through the roof.
And it can do the same for you. Because it doesn’t matter what you sell, or how much of it you’re selling now; this one secret will be worth many times more than your investment today.
But remember…
“The Momentum Pressure Point” is only one of the many hidden leverage points you’ll discover in Session 1. There are many more.
And Session 1 is only the first of our four game-changing sessions.
Session #2:
Modeling the Millionaire Sales Closer
This session will blow your mind, but first…
Have you ever been on the phone with somebody who — no matter what you did — they wouldn’t let you get control over the call?
They were too “alpha” to be led, or they “just wanted to know the price”, or they had too much of an ego to admit they needed help…
And ultimately, somebody who would’ve (otherwise) been a good fit… didn’t get the help they needed from you because they were too stubborn to open up?
If so you’re not alone, because this is one scenario that a LOT of my newer clients struggle with. And (like with most problems) there’s one solution I prescribe that works every time like clockwork:
Model what’s already working.
Question: If you knew the routines / philosophies / follow-up strategies / pipeline management tactics / relationship-building methodologies / objection-prevention strategies…
… of somebody closing more than $400K a month in business right now — could that help you close more sales?
Absolutely! I don’t know a single person who sells over the phone who would say “no” to that question. So that’s what I’m going to give you in Session 2.
For example…
53 minutes in, you’ll discover exactly how my closers handle an “alpha” who refuses to hand over control of the call. It’s easier than you think.
This is a strategy I call “Energy Flipping”. And if you use it correctly, within seconds they’ll let down their guard and actually WELCOME YOU to lead them.
But that’s only one example of what you’ll learn in Session 2 because we’re just getting started…
What my $400K/mo head-closer and top clients are doing to optimize habits and routines for an unlimited well of energy, clarity, and productivity
The core philosophies that keep them grounded in a calm sense of certainty and confidence
The 4-word “trust trigger” you should use several times on every single call
The quickest and easiest way to “course correct” BEFORE falling into a sales rut
Do this on every sales call, and I’ve found that 40% of your prospects or clients will hand you control automatically before you even open your mouth.
The beliefs and culture I’ve installed into my team that — after testing dozens of models — is by far the best
How my team 1) builds a pipeline and 2) manages their pipeline
And much, much more
There are secrets held in Session 2 that have cost me millions for my team to learn. And they will save you years of trial and error.
But again, that’s only one session out of four sales-boosting sessions…
Session #3:
Levels of Influence, Postures, Advanced Leadership Models,
And the Copy/Paste 9-Figure Sales Presentation
This is Eli, our special guest who sold over $80MM last year…
And if you’ve EVER found sales to be hard, or you’re interested in a way to make it easier…
Then you’re going to want to watch this one session over and over and over again, for years to come.
And that’s because Eli is about to spend 2.5 hours with you, breaking down the psychology behind a sales presentation he’s given more than 3,300 times — once to the tune of $84 MILLION in a single afternoon.
Yes, you read that right.
This 2.5-hour session is the single most advanced sales training I’ve ever been apart of. And you know that’s not some bullshit hyperbole or superlative because…
Although I’ve spent the last 30 days coaching you on the methods that took me to a 75% close rate… during Eli’s talk, you’ll see me on the right side of your screen typing on my computer as fast as I can. Taking detailed notes.
You see, the magic to Eli’s absurd level of mastery and success in selling comes down to this one fact: He operates in repeatable frameworks…
Which means he can take his one sales presentation (the one he’s done 3,300 times, responsible for hundreds of millions in sales) and copy/paste it into ANY industry for ANY product at ANY price point, and cause a buying frenzy of starving prospects every single time.
He’s given this one presentation for a room full of CEOs… He’s given it at used car lots… One time in a prison. And now, he’s using this one presentation to close $80MM a year as Tony Robbins lead closer.
You get the full breakdown of the psychology behind his nine-figure sales presentation in Session 3 of your Dominican Sales Bootcamp.
Think about it…
How much could it be worth to you if you had full, behind-the-curtain access (for the rest of your life) to a copy/paste sales presentation that’s SINGLE HANDEDLY responsible for closing $80MM a year in business?
This was truly a gift to be apart of, and this one session is worth 100x the insane discount you’re getting today. But here’s something you’re going to love…
Eli’s also leading you through Session 4…
Session #4:
Rules of Engagement, Spiral Dynamics, Presuppositions
And a 4-Step framework for “Expanding the Buying Pocket”
Remember the buying pocket from the Reflex training videos?
To recap, it’s the emotional “location” where you want your prospect or client; halfway between “this is impossible for me” and “this is so easy I can do it myself”.
In the challenge I taught you a lot about the buying pocket. But after I explained the concept to Eli, he came up with a new way that you can expand it so your prospects have no choice but to engage with you emotionally.
You see, as somebody who sells over the phone you probably already know how hard it is to sell when your prospect’s not emotionally engaged with you.
… times when your prospect or client closed up, or they wouldn’t let you lead them, or they had a “you’re not going to sell me” attitude.
I struggled with this for a long time and (frankly) it hurt my confidence on the phone. So in Session 4, you’re getting a “plug-and-play” 4-step framework that will make this problem go away forever.
And I DO mean forever. Because in just the short time since the workshop, my team has already used this system to engage the emotions even our most hard-nosed prospects.
All it takes are 4 key questions — asked at the right time — and you can plug them right into our script to use them on every single call.
Each of the 4 questions acts like an emotional “checkpoint” that tell you exactly how engaged the prospect is… or more importantly… how primed they are for a close.
If you get to the 3rd checkpoint (by our averages) you have a 65% chance of closing that prospect. And if you get to the 4th, that number shoots up to over 80%.
This 4-step framework is extremely powerful, and the best part is…
Eli’s going to walk you through the entire framework step-by-step, showing you exactly how to get to those 3rd and 4th checkpoints on almost every call.
That’s only one of the selling secrets you’ll discover in Session 4. But how much confidence could you have on the phone if you knew (with 80% certainty) that your call is ready to close?
A hell of a lot, surely!
Again, this is by far the most advanced sales training I’ve ever been apart of. And according to Eli, it’s the most advanced he’s even been apart of too.
The secrets inside these recordings will allow you to influence humans at a level most would call “unethical”. So we’re trusting that you will only use them ONLY IF the person on the other end is a perfect fit for what you’re selling.
This is a big reason why…
IMPORTANT: This is NOT a Downloadable Program
For security reasons…
Chris and I do NOT want this floating around on the internet. This training is far too valuable and (frankly) I don’t want the wrong people getting anywhere near it.
This will not be emailed to you, or put in a members’ portal, or even be available on a private downloadable link…
And for the person who’s thinking about sharing this or making copies, think again.
Everything been loaded up as *watch-only material* on high-capacity thumb drives…
Each numbered.
And your specific Sales Bootcamp thumb drive will be shipped out to you right away via first class mail.
And that’s only the beginning, because…
When You Place Your Order
for the Dominican Sales Bootcamp,
You Also Get…
6-Month Membership to SalesMentor
“It’s Like a Six-Month ‘Double Your Sales Challenge’
…PLUS Every Single Training Sits Permanently
For You Inside Your Member’s Portal
So You Have Access Forever!”
That’s what people are saying about this bonus I’m giving to you right now, for free.
This is our flagship service. Hundreds of entrepreneurs and sales people (from all over the world) are enjoying swift boosts to their income because of this:
The only difference between your membership, and the memberships of those happy clients you see above is…
If they didn’t sign up through this page, they’re investing $319 per month.
If you look at their numbers above, that’s an easy ROI. And we’re not giving you one month free, or two months free, or even three months free. We’re giving a SIX-MONTH membership to The SalesMentor™ — a $1,914 value — and you don’t pay a penny, ever.
This is non-renewing so you’ll never be charged again. And if you’re already a SalesMentor member, easy. We’ll just bump your membership out another 6 months!
So let’s look at what you’re getting:
Six months of advanced training letters
Fresh out of the field… I’ll send you everything my team is learning from closing 7-figures a month in business.
You’ll get this 8-10 page memo on strategic sales advice that will take your sales game to the next level, month after month.
Inside you’ll find everything from strategic mental advantages, word-for-word scripts, and objection prevention.
But most importantly… every memo ties back to our control-based style of selling that you’ve been introduced to over the last 30 days.
Six months of sales clinics
Every single month you’ll enjoy live sales clinics with me or somebody on my team.
I promise, there’s no problem you’ve dealt with as it relates to sales that we haven’t faced, beaten, and built a system around. So this is how you get them solved.
We’ll carve out time each month for you and the rest of the family to attend video conferences for personalized coaching, feedback, and Q&A.
Six months of classic sales book “debriefs”
This is all about collapsing time.
How often has somebody recommended you a book like “Influence” or “Greatest Salesman in the World” or “Pre-suasion” and you didn’t have enough time to dig in deep?
You’ve probably a busy person. So instead of missing out on the golden insights that made people like Og Mandino rich, let us read for you.
Each month we pick a new must-read and break it down over a 6-8 page memo, giving you everything you need to know about the best books on sales — in just 15 minutes a month.
Six months of call breakdowns
You’ll receive a full – behind the scenes call – and have it broken down, analyzed and rebuilt from 7 and 8-figure closers.
You’ll not only hear exactly how it’s done…
But how you can get every edge and advantage possible to take your sales game to the next level.
I’ve never seen anybody else share these… let alone break them down like this.
Like I said before, this service is worth many times more than the $319/mo fee that we charge…
But you don’t have to pay even that. Because if you join through this page in the next 60 hours, you get a SIX-MONTHS for free.
Value: $1914 — Yours FREE
(One-Time-Only: You will never see this offer again)
The “Vault”
Get Instant Access to What My Internal Team
Has Affectionately Named The SalesMentor™ “VAULT”
When somebody on my team goes into a sales rut or isn’t hitting their numbers, this is where I send them. It’s a treasure-trove of our best and most effective trainings / strategies / frameworks that are proven to boost your sales game.
So what is it exactly?
Well, we’re already giving you the next six months of SalesMentor™ for free. So let’s pile on the value and give you the last six months for free too…
Every training letter
Every sales clinic recording
Every class book “debrief”
Every call breakdown
You get instant access to it all. Plus permanent access to the Double Your Sales bundle…
The Reflex Selling System
The script
Behavioral Optimization
And a whole armory of…
Mindset trainings
Wealth trainings
Marketing trainings
Productivity trainings
And much more…
All yours, just moments from now.
… and everything you see here sits inside your members portal so you can access it whenever you like, for the rest of your life.
Like I said before, if you came across this service anywhere other than on this page, it would cost you $319 a month. And since this is the FIRST time we’ve ever made this offer…
That means, before right now, everybody who’s gotten access to this vault of sales-boosting secrets has invested $1914 ($319 x 6 months) to get it.
But since you conquered the challenge, you’ve proven your commitment to controlling over your sales numbers, and because you’re seeing this special one-time offer…
Value: $1914 — Yours FREE
(One-Time-Only: You will never see this offer again)
Fact is, that’s a total of 12 months of access to SalesMentor…
Which means for these bonuses alone, people are already paying $3828.
That’s how much we charge for 12 months of access right now…
And since we have hundreds of happy subscribers — at that exact price point — getting massive ROIs as we speak…
You know these bonuses alone are worth many times more than $3828.
But that’s just your free bonuses, so let’s recap.
Okay, Here’s a Recap of What
You’re Going to Get…
We’re going to ship you a little black thumb drive with the full 4-session recordings from the Dominican Sales Bootcamp — the most advanced sales training me and my team have ever been apart of (Real Value: $5,000)
You’re going to get a 6 month membership to The SalesMentor™ — the flagship program that hundreds of people (just like you) are using to maintain permanent control over their sales numbers. (Real Value: $1914)
And even though your thumb drive will arrive at your doorstep soon — just to make sure you don’t have to wait another second to dig in — we want to give you instant access to the entire SalesMentor Vault. Which includes 6 months of SalesMentor backorders, the script, Reflex, and permanent access to our treasure-trove of selling wizardry. (Real Value: $1914)
A total value of $8,828!
And you know that’s not some made up number because that’s exactly what everybody else paid, until right now on this page only.
But you’ve already gone through the challenge…
You’ve committed to getting control over your income…
You’ve proven to yourself that you’re worthy of every advantage…
And that means you’re the perfect person for this one-time deal, and…
I know (without a shadow of a doubt) this package
is the last sales training you will ever need
to maintain permanent control over your sales numbers..
… by MASTERING the art of influence, in just days.
I know it.
That’s exactly why I’m making you this once-in-a-lifetime deal.
… and exactly why you won’t need to invest $8,828 like everybody else did.
But before I tell you the final investment, I have a question for you…
Let’s say I did charge you $8,828…
If all this did for you was uncover ONE hidden selling principle
that gives you an advantage for the rest of your life…
… Would it Be Worth $8,828?
There’s no question, right?
I don’t know a single person who’s serious about growth, and wouldn’t invest $8K for a secret that helps them for the rest of their life…
But here’s the thing…
Finding just “one” hidden selling principle that takes you to the next level… that’s a joke!
Because like I said before, my closers are some of the best in the world — closing 75% of their calls without a glitch — and the secrets they pulled out of this training, blew them out of the water.
That’s how you know this investment will reveal so many game-changing insights that your income won’t stop going up for years.
If all this did was give you a little more
CONTROL over the buying pocket
whenever you wanted it…
… Would it Be Worth $8,828?
Of course it would…
For example, in session 3 we’re training you on a strategy I call “sales jiu jitsu”.
This is a languaging pattern I picked up from our $80MM/year guest, Eli. And if you’ve ever had someone on the phone who wouldn’t open up to you about their pains, this will eliminate that problem for you…
Because when you pull this unconscious “vulnerability lever” on your next call, your prospect or client spills their entire life story / their darkest secrets / and their biggest regrets, at the snap of a finger.
Just takes are a few simple words used at the right time, and this fits perfectly into our script that you will already have inside your SalesMentor members area (from Bonus #2).
Again, Session 3 and it’s yours.
You’ll notice my closers (just over an hour in)
frantically scribbling notes as fast as they can…
… as Eli breaks down this “sales jiu jitsu” secret.
And it’s paid off because they’re using it right now to snap control into their favor on almost every single call.
And it will do the same for you…
So ask yourself:
If you had dozens of languaging patterns and strategies at your fingertips (like the “sales jiu jitsu” secret for example) that could snap people into the buying pocket whenever you wanted…
Couldn’t that give you more control on the phone?
Of course!
And wouldn’t that control on the phone translate into control over your income and other areas of your life?
That one’s pretty obvious…
Because if you didn’t believe more control over your life then you wouldn’t be here. So let me ask you one last question:
Would it be worth the $8,828 to give you
permanent control over your income and your life?
1000 times over, yes!
Truth is: Everyone who went to the Dominican Sales Bootcamp ROI-ed within days. And once you ROI, this training doesn’t “cost you” anything. It becomes free.
And I have no doubt you’ll continue to use this for the rest of your life — referencing it weekly or monthly or any time you need.
Which means permanent control can be yours, starting today.
You just have to invest.
When I was Pricing This I Had Two Options…
Option #1:
I could go cheap as possible and try to sell everybody in the challenge.
I’d make a lot of money at first but the truth is, I don’t want to sell everybody.
One reason we were able to keep the Dominican training so advanced is because we TURNED PEOPLE AWAY who were not a fit…
One reason we get such massive results for our clients is because we only work with the “creme de la creme”.
One reason this training is not cheap is because I don’t want a buying frenzy of uncommitted people who don’t implement what they learn.
So anybody who’s NOT committed to growth
And permanently upping their sales game,
should leave this page immediately.
Wait for it…
Good I think they left, so let’s you and me talk investment.
Remember this screenshot I showed you from Eli, our special guest who sold $80MM last year…
Look at that one highlighted line…
“Probably the best, most complete 2-day sales training I’ve ever witnessed”
What does that tell you?
If somebody who sells $80MM/year says THAT…
Then it’s safe to say this is probably the most advanced sales training on the market today…
So let me ask you one final question:
What Would it be Worth to You to Always
Have this Little Black Thumb Drive in Your Back Pocket
With the Most Advanced Sales Training on the Market Today?
It’s different for everyone, but let me put this in perspective.
My company is currently selling $33,000 per day…
And these are the secrets we use.
We have hundreds of clients selling more per month than most people make in a year…
And these are the secrets they use.
Eli’s team did $84 Million from a stage in ONE AFTERNOON…
And these are the exact strategies they used…
I don’t know what kind of drive you’ve got in ya, but equipped with these trainings you can become unstoppable just like everybody else who uses them.
So what’s it worth?
A hell of a lot more than $8,828.
But Since You’ve Gone Through the Challenge…
Since you’ve committed to getting control over your income…
Since you’ve proven to yourself that you’re worthy of every advantage…
Since you deserve it…
We’re going to ship you a little black thumb drive with the full 4-session recordings from the Dominican Sales Bootcamp — the most advanced sales training me and my team have ever been apart of (Real Value: $5,000)
You’re going to get a 6 month membership to The SalesMentor™ — the flagship program that hundreds of people (just like you) are using to maintain permanent control over their sales numbers. (Real Value: $1914)
And even though your thumb drive will arrive at your doorstep soon — just to make sure you don’t have to wait another second to dig in — we want to give you instant access to the entire SalesMentor Vault. Which includes 6 months of SalesMentor backorders, the script, Reflex, and permanent access to our treasure-trove of selling wizardry. (Real Value: $1914)
A total value of $8,828!
NEXT WEEK, An Offer to Buy the Punta Cana Bootcamp is Going
Out to All of our Customers.
WITHOUT the Salesmentor Vault…
WITHOUT 6 Months of SalesMentor for Free
For Just $2,997.
For Challenge Participants ONLY we are Cutting the Price…
I’m Going To Give You Access To
EVERYTHING We Talked About Today, For Just…
One Easy Investment Of $1,497.
YES! Ship my Thumb Drive Out Right Away!
If you think about it, that’s insane!
Because right now, we have hundreds of people who pay more than that for the 6 months of membership to SalesMentor alone.
Remember that one bonus alone is worth $1,914. You get it for free…
… never mind the SalesMentor “vault”; also two grand. You get it free.
That’s already $3,828 in free bonuses alone if you got access to them anywhere else but on this page. And after your 60-hour window is up, this offer is gone forever.
But here’s the craziest part of all…
More Information: Please check more value courses here !
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