SEO Buddy – The SEO Checklist



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SEO Buddy – The SEO Checklist

Imagine a constant stream of customers flowing to your site

That’s what can happen when you use SEO to optimize your website.

Get to page #1 of Google and your business (and life) might never look the same again.

But people will tell you SEO is complicated and hard to do.

The truth is, SEO is actually really simple. If you know what you’re doing…


Introducing The SEO Checklist

The SEO Checklist is a step-by-step framework to help you take action and climb the Google rankings faster. This is the comprehensive SEO guide you need to get your website to page #1 of Google.

Free-flowing organic traffic is a beautiful thing

To really appreciate the power of SEO, think about what your prospective customer is doing when they’re using Google…

They’re NOT scrolling mindlessly through social media.
They’re NOT reading gossip about their friends.
And they’re NOT busy doing something else.

No. It’s the exact opposite.

They have stopped what they’re doing. They have typed (or spoken) a search query into Google. They’re actively looking for your help.

SEO is all about getting your website to show up in Google, so YOU can provide that person with the help they need (which sooner or later will be your product or service).

The SEO Checklist will help you optimize your website, so you get more of that organic traffic.

Being on the first page of Google is worth your hard work

  • 91% of adults use search engines to find information (they should find your site).
  • Google dominates search with over 90% of the market (that’s roughly 5.8 billion searches a day)
  • About 95% of searchers only look at the first page of Google (let’s help you get there).
  • The top organic search result in Google gets clicked over 30% of the time.
  • Moving up one position in the search results can increase click through rates by over 30%.
  • 46% of all searches are looking for local info (if your customers are local, this is a big deal)
  • People view highly ranked sites as more authentic and trustworthy (and trust leads to higher conversion rates).


But maybe something is stopping you grabbing this SEO opportunity with both hands?

BARRIER 01: You tried it before without much success

I’ve done SEO before, but I didn’t see any results for my hard work. So I gave up.

You’re skeptical, I hear you. But listen… you shouldn’t give up on being healthy just because a diet or exercise regime didn’t work out. Likewise, you shouldn’t give up on ranking high in Google.

It’s not the goal of reaching number one in Google that’s the problem, it’s likely the way you tried to get there. With the right guide, you can climb Mount Google.

BARRIER 02: You think SEO is old news

SEO is like email marketing, old news for old fashioned marketers. Social media is where the action is these days.

You often hear that “SEO is dead”. But never from someone who’s on the first page of Google (they’re too busy making money). Like email marketing, SEO generates a high return on investment.

The fact is, search engines are not going away anytime soon. They’re a fundamental tool of life, helping us find the info we need. So knowing how to capture this search traffic is an incredibly valuable skill.

BARRIER 03: You’re not sure what you’re doing

I’ve never fully learned SEO, or created a process. And because I’m always so busy, life gets hectic and SEO takes a backseat.

This is a legit concern. If you’re not sure what you’re doing, or you don’t yet have a system, the idea of climbing Mount Google is daunting. Getting overwhelmed and losing motivation are real threats.

So without an SEO system, it’s no wonder you’ve found it hard. The truth is, without a step-by-step process guiding you, it’s easy to get lost and waste your time.


You need a proven system that helps you get the SEO results you’ve always wanted. That’s why…
You need The SEO Checklist

The SEO Checklist is a collection of resources to help you get your website onto the first page of Google. You’re getting practical guides and proven methods, that include EVERYTHING you need to be thinking about.

Important: This is not fluffy SEO theory by someone who has never actually ranked a website. I have taken websites from nowhere to number one in Google and built very successful businesses because of that.

It’s a comprehensive checklist of all the important SEO steps to consider if you want your website to climb to the top of Google. You get the exact steps you need to take. And detailed guidance on how to execute.

  • Assess your website and identify what needs to be done
  • Get a Google sheet containing over 100 key SEO action steps
  • See recommended tools that will help you get the job done
  • Make the checklist part of your SEO process so you cover all bases

As well as this Google Sheet version of The SEO Checklist, you’ll get access to a useful interactive version within SEOBUDDY. The SEO Checklist is super useful (worth the price on its own).

The SEO Checklist is super useful (worth the price on its own).
But if you’re the sort of chef that likes to follow a recipe, then you’re going to love this…


This is a series of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for you to follow. We’re talking idiot-proof detailed instructions you could give to your granny to make SEO progress (no offense to your granny).

  • Walk step-by-step through a process with screenshots and tips
  • Follow proven SEO procedures that have worked in the real world
  • Find the exact instructions you need for a specific SEO task
  • Learn the basic steps as well as the more advanced procedures
  • Save weeks training new hires with ready-made processes

So with these two incredible SEO assets you have…

  1. The SEO Checklist
    Knowledge of the steps you need to take
  2. The SOP Collection
    And instructions on how to take those steps

It’s the perfect one-two punch you need to beat your SEO competitors in the search rankings.

Here’s just a glimpse of the unmissable information contained within The SEO Checklist Bundle…

To build a solid house, you have to start with the foundations. SEO is no different.

  • How to set up Google Analytics
  • How to start tracking your keywords
  • Tracking important metrics in Google Search Console

Google cares about the experience a person has when they land on your site. So you should too.

  • How to check your site loads quickly and is mobile friendly
  • Making sure you have short and easy to read URLs
  • See how to improve your site by watching people use it

When you create awesome content, people will share it, quality sites will link to it and Google will love you for it.

  • Learn to use Google to get SEO boosting content ideas
  • See how to do quick and effective keyword research
  • Identify and fix content issues that damage your ranking

Learn how to make sure your website is running like a high performance engine. So everything loads like lightning.

  • Fine tune your website for SEO boosting performance
  • Learn to optimize images to boost website speed
  • How to choose your web host and get the most from them

It’s key that you make every page on your site easy for search engines to crawl and for people to use.

  • Position keywords so Google notices and values your content
  • Dealing with images so Google can understand and include them
  • Get more clicks in the SERPs with better page titles and meta descriptions

People need to know about your website before you can convert them. Off-page SEO helps create awareness of your website.

  • How to find and gain the most valuable backlinks for your site
  • Learn effective link building and outreach strategy
  • Using social media to climb the Google rankings

Set your site up for success and avoid the common technical pitfalls that can harm your SEO efforts.

  • Guide Google so it looks at your most valuable web pages
  • Keeping URLs, links and meta tags clear, tidy and user friendly
  • Structuring your site and submitting sitemaps to Google.

With 46% of searchers looking for local information, there is a goldmine of traffic available if your customers are local to you.

  • Optimize local listings in search engines and major directories
  • Maximize your exposure to prospects that live locally
  • Gain customer reviews and use them to boost SEO

That covers every single key area of SEO, so you’re able to rank your website at the summit of Google…

  • Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’ll be making steady progress toward your goal of page #1 on Google
  • Instead of confusion about what action to take, you’ll know what needs to be done with a simple look at your checklist.
  • Instead of endlessly searching the internet trying to work out how to do something, you’ll follow a detailed, step-by-step process document.

And take note: This is not an online course

You don’t need another course.

On average 4 out of 5 people that buy an online training course never even finish it.

An 80% failure rate? That’s like burning cash.

The SEO Checklist is about taking ACTION. It’s for doers, not course collectors.

Use it for a couple of minutes to get your next action step. Or use it everyday as your core SEO process document. However you use it, use it to make progress.


Hey, I’m Romain Brabant

I’m not an SEO guru, I’m an entrepreneur. But I guess you can call me an SEO expert.

That’s because I’ve learned how to make SEO work. I’ve achieved a lot of success because I was able to rank highly in Google and get a lot of lucrative organic traffic flowing to my various websites.

But the truth is, I really struggled to begin with…

… I didn’t know what I should be doing from day to day.
… All the SEO advice out there was overwhelming.
… And I’d quickly get lost in all the tasks I had to do.

Picture of Romain Brabant CEO of SEO Buddy
Without a clear plan or roadmap to follow, it’s super easy to lose momentum. And then your motivation. Before you know it, the dream of money-making traffic flowing to your website is over.

I wish I’d had The SEO Checklist when I first started out. It would have saved me A LOT of time, money and stress.

And that’s why I built it for you. So that you can – with a bit of hard work – enjoy some of the amazing success I’ve had with organic traffic from Google. Believe me, when that traffic and revenue starts flowing, it’s a magical feeling.

Investing in SEO = Investing in your business

SEO is a long-game. Some people are put off by that. But the fact is, all marketing is a long-game. Social media is a long game. You have to keep that marketing wheel spinning otherwise the flow of new business dries up.

But the thing with SEO is it requires a lot less wheel spinning than, say, social media. Instead of a relentless content publishing schedule (that can often feel like you’re shouting into the void), with SEO you’re turning your website into a more profitable money-making asset.

  • You’re building domain authority that can’t be easily taken from you.
  • You’re building an impressive backlink profile (which acts like a defensive moat against your SEO competitors).
  • You’re building a strong position in the Google results page.
  • And you’re building a business that’s not dependent on the whims of other platforms.

Yes, you have to play ball with Google. But actually, their mission should be aligned with yours. That is, to make it easy for people to find the information they’re seeking. SEO is investing in the long-term success of your business.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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