Melissa Ingold – Project Kit Virtual Events! How to Plan, Market, and Manage Your Online Summit



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Melissa Ingold – Project Kit Virtual Events! How to Plan Market and Manage Your Online Summit

Do You Want to Run an Online Event for Your Business to Grow Your List, Income, and Impact – But You’re Not Sure Where to Start?
My “Virtual Events” Project Kit Will Help You Plan, Market, and Manage Your Own Online Event With Ease!
Hey there gorgeous!
Are you an online coach, course creator or other product or service provider who knows you have a message and offer that could revolutionize lives, but just can’t seem to reach (enough of) the right people?
Let’s see. If right now you’re…

Struggling to “get seen” at the level you’d like (read: your Facebook group is a ghost town and your email list size isn’t exactly anything to write home about)…

Positive you’re this close to a breakthrough but just can’t seem to smash your current income ceiling…

Writing content, recording podcasts or posting on social media like crazy but the customers and clients are only trickling in (and you’re beyond ready for the floodgates to open!)…

Sure you’re destined for more and dying for an easier way to get your name and unique message out there…
… you’ve arrived, goddess.
Ready to Rapidly Elevate Your Reputation and Your Revenue?
Here’s the deal: Organically attracting hundreds or thousands of clients with your content could easily take months or even years – no matter how genius it is!
Don’t get me wrong:  Giving away valuable-as-eff free content is NOT a bad marketing strategy.
But it is a long one.
And hello. It’s the 21st century. Aint nobody got time for that!
The good news is there IS an alternative.

Enter, the online summit.

Whether you’re sick of putting yourself out there again & again to the same old audience (who also seem to be sick of hearing from you #cringeface)….
Or prepping for an epic launch and want to majorly boost your email list (even if right now said list is skinnier than a Victoria’s Secret model)…
Or just looking for a legitimate excuse to reach out to that influencer you Insta-stalk and obsessively admire (#nojudgement)…
The truth is an online summit is the fastest (and let’s be real: most fun!) way to quickly connect with thousands of ideal clients (and industry leaders &  influencers) and convert them into actual paying customers (and collaborators!).
You Can Skyrocket Your Email List, Income and Influence with Just ONE Event!
(And who doesn’t want that?!)
Whatever your desire is for your business right now, an online summit can help you get there.
•    Bringing together thousands of people who resonate (like, deep-in-their-bones) with your message and mission
•    
•    Adding hundreds or thousands of primed-to-buy leads to your mailing list (and finally having a list size you can #humblebrag about on Instagram)
•    Buffing up your digital rolodex and making new connections with brilliant people who turn into JV and referral partners–and even lifelong friends!
•    Solidifying your space in your niche–without churning out hundreds of blog posts or social media posts over months and years
•    Dramatically growing your IG followers or Facebook group members (right alongside your shining online reputation, natch)
•    Making money not only as you create your summit–but long afterward, too
Online Summits can do all that and MORE for your business!

Now, you might be thinking, “Fab! But I don’t know how to create a summit. Sounds like a lot of work…”
And I’m going to keep it real with you…
From picking, pitching and locking down the perfect speakers…
…to choosing a summit topic that draws in the exact right audience…

…to managing the tech pieces and wrangling speakers (and–ahem–making sure they’re actually excited to–and DO!–promote the event!) …

…to crafting affiliate emails and juicy landing pages that entice everyone (and their bestie) to sign up…
Creating your own online summit CAN look stressful on paper.
But I guarantee you: It’s possible.
And when you follow the step-by-step plan I’ve developed to teach you exactly how to plan, manage and roll out a profit and reputation-boosting online summit…you’ll get it done with (soooo much) less stress and in less time than you ever could going it alone.
DO You Want to Spend Less Time Making Content and More Time Making an Actual Impact & Income?
Then forget waiting what feels like a lifetime for your right people to find you, fall in love with you and buy your products & services.
Because the truth is: Your people are out there right now. (And so are your next JV partners, cheerleaders and friends!)
All  you have to do is learn how to create a summit that brings them to you in droves, secures your spot in the marketplace and puts moolah in your pocket–simply from sharing your message and the message of others who align with you.

#ivegotyou. You Deserve This – You Deserve to Impact the World!
Get Your Copy of My “Virtual Events! How to Plan, Market, and Manage Your Online Summit” Project Kit and Start Connecting with Thousands of Ideal Clients and Industry Leaders (and Covert Your High-Level Offers)!
This Step-by-Step Plan Covers: (.doc format)
•    Getting Started
o    Marketing Strategy Overview
o    Timeline & Budget
•    Section 1: Your Dream Event is Right-Around the Corner with Seamless Planning
o    Step 1: Casting Your Vision to Ensure Incredible Results
o    Step 2: Your Concept and Theme Must Be Validated & Have an Incredible Title
o    Step 3: Get Crystal Clear on The Logistics & Validate Your Event
o    Step 4: Planning to Avoid Issues and Future Solution Tracking
o    Step 5: Price Your Upsells So They Sell Like Hot Cakes
•    Section 2: Craft Your Event with Engaging Speakers and See the Dollars Roll In
o    Step 6: Identifying Magnetic Speakers to Showcase for Your Summit
o    Step 7: Wrangle Your Speakers for A Seamless Event Both Before and During
o    Step 8: Cultivate Your Speakers, So They Are Promoting Your Event for You
•    Section 3: Manage Your Tech and Coordinate Your Event with Poise
o    Step 9: Magnify Your Reach with The Right Tech for Your Event
o    Step 10: Set up Your Event Pages for Easy Registration and Sell-out Quickly
o    Step 11: Create an Event Funnel That Will Never Disappoint & Build Your Email List Quickly
•    Section 4: Skyrocket Your Attendance with Targeted Marketing Strategies

o    Step 12: Create Exclusivity and Boost Your Sales with a VIP Ticket Option
o    Step 13: Use Curiosity Marketing to Have Your Audience Swooning
o    Step 14: Excel Your Growth with A Targeted 2 Week Promotion Campaign
•    Section 5: Go Next-Level with Unique Selling Offers Targeted for Your Audience
o    Step 15: Sell Your Cute Booty Off During the Event and Cash-in on Instant Success
o    Step 16: WOW Your New Clients Right from the Beginning
o    Step 17: Feature Your High-Ticket Offer to All Your New Leads to Multiply Cash-in-Hand!!!

Here are a Few Examples of Some of the Items You’ll Get:
Step-by-Step Marketing Plan
You can hand this step-by-step plan to your virtual assistant and she can follow the steps to help you in your business. You can edit and tweak this document with additional information your team may need, or you can even remove anything that doesn’t apply to your business.
You can even record a training video covering each of the steps in this plan that walks your VA through exactly what you need her to do to help you with this project. Then just upload to dropbox and share it with her.
Monthly Results Report
Give this fill-in-the-blank report to your assistant at the completion of your project. It will give you a snapshot of your business after the new marketing plan has been implemented, what your assistant worked on, and what else she can do to help you clear your plate. She can share achieved results, any unexpected hurdles that came up and how she handled them, as well as any feedback she has.
 Task Tracking Calendar
This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.
Event Email Templates
Customize these templates to promote your event: Not just for yourself but also for your guest speakers and affiliates.
Event Offer Ladder Template
Use this template to map out your value ladder for your event in ascending order – the bottom of your ladder being your lowest-value or free entry offer.
Interview Style Worksheet 
Use this worksheet make sure you are thoroughly prepared to showcase your guest speaker with a focused, fun interview that fascinates your summit audience.
Logistic Planning Template
Use this template to identify ad break down everything measurable you have to calculate for summit success.
Marketing Calendar Template
Use this template as a loose framework to create a content-heavy marketing calendar for your list.
Presentation Template
Customize this template to document all elements in your slide presentation.
Risk/Solution Assessment Template
Use this template to estimate potential hazards and risks, and set protocols and measures to make sure you minimize potential problems.
Speaker Agreement Template
Use this template to make sure you are happy with your guest speaker agreement.
Speaker Outreach Email Templates
Use this template as an aide to crafting a compelling invitation to your guest speakers.
Tech Tools Comparision Chart
Use this template as a quick reference to creating effective CTAs – and be sure to add to the list as you come across ones effective in your niche.
Vision Casting For Event Success Worksheet
Use this worksheet to get your mindset clear, sharpening and defining your vision for your dream virtual event.
Visual To-Do Worksheet
Use this worksheet to plan a broad visual overview of your virtual event.
Customer Flow Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure your customer flows through your virtual summit without getting stuck at any bottlenecks or distractions.
Event Guest Research Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure you have brainstormed through every expert guest possibility.
Guest Contact Checklist
Use this checklist to identify what would interest potential guest speakers.
Marketing Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure you create a robust marketing plan for your virtual event.
Pre-Planning Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure your pre-planning process runs smoothly, and you don’t miss any steps.
Run-of-Show Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you are set and ready on the day of your virtual event.
Sell Your Offer Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to promote and sell your offer.
Tech Tool Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you have all the tech tools, hardware, and software you need for a successful virtual summit.
Virtual Event Features-and-Needs Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure your event software or platform contains all the features you need at a price fitting in with your budget.
Virtual Event Overview Planning Checklist
Use this checklist to help with organizing a successful event.
And…did you know that if you’re a coach or service provider, you can actually use this kit and get paid by your clients?
You totally can!
If you’re a coach, you can:
1) Use the kit and document your own process along the way. Meaning…make notes about your aha’s, the things that came up for you, any challenges you had, what you did, your results.
3) Print out the kit docs and have your notes in front of you. Then, guide your client through the entire process, step-by-step. You can “teach” them each step, and then work through the questions with them during your session. They’ll walk away from their session with a plan they can take and apply to their business.
If you’re an assistant / business manager / operations manager you can:
You can get on the phone with your client for a strategy session, and use the kit as a guide. You’ll come across as a total expert AND you’ll create an action plan for your client at the same time.
•    Print off the kit docs to have in front of you during your call.
•    Discuss each step in depth using the kit content as a guide.
•    Walk through the questions and exercises with your client, and write their answers right onto the kit pages.
•    Wrap up the call with a plan of action for how you’ll proceed and assist your client in their business.
And hey, if you or your client are not able to, or don’t have time to get on the phone – record all the information, and then send the recording and the list of info you need back from them to proceed.
Seriously…there is nothing more powerful to a biz owner than an assistant who shows initiative. We want people on our team who can take an idea and come back to us with a plan of action for how to get it done!
And I’ve made it super easy for you to do all of that with the project kit on this page…
3 Reasons Why You Need this Project Kit…

Grow Your Biz + Make Money
Now your assistant can stop wasting her time and your money working on dead-end tasks that lead you nowhere! These kits give her direction for working on real projects that will actually help you grow your business and your income.

Save Money + Boost Your ROI
Paying your assistant by the hour can really add up, especially if the tasks you assign really aren’t doing anything for your business, and your outsourcing dollars are being wasted on dead-end projects. Using this project kit will shave hours off your invoice because she won’t have to start from scratch – and she’ll be able to easily “rinse + repeat” it whenever you want – no more wasted money on tasks that don’t get results.

Save Time + Avoid Frustration
Your time is crazy valuable,  so why waste it with tons of back-and-forth emails as you try to explain to your assistant exactly what you want done. With this project kit, you don’t even need to know ‘exactly what you want done’, because she’ll have tons of templates and tools that will help her get right to work.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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