Laura Belgray – Inbox Hero



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Laura Belgray – Inbox Hero

Emails are your most powerful tool for getting your audience to pant, drool, and joyfully fork over fat cash for everything you sell.
Here’s how you can INSTANTLY sharpen yours.

Instant ROI: $2,183 in sales from my very next email!
My writing instantly improved with the very next email I wrote. In fact, the very next email I wrote after going through Inbox Hero® brought me $2,183 in sales. That email only took me about 20 minutes to write. The second email I wrote after that netted me a handful of potential clients who were hiding in my list. Translation = even more money.

– Chris Orzechowski, Email Marketing Strategist & Copywriter

Imagine being able to crank out emails that…

  • Stand out from all the dreck (and even the very best stuff) in someone’s inbox
  • Build lasting know, like, trust, and hot business lust in your subscribers
  • Get readers reaching, even running for their credit cards
  • Position you as a leader and an authority — no wait, a GOD
  • Get people so excited, they open your messages the second you appear in their inbox
  • Pop with personality and riveting stories from your everyday life…in a way that brings clear value to your reader
  • Prove so dangerously entertaining that people walk headfirst into poles while reading them….But even with temporary brain damage, they’ll remember one thing: YOU.

“I love you so much from your emails, I want to buy whatever you offer.”
That’s the kind of reply you’ll start getting from your emails when you use the techniques in Inbox Hero®. Even if you have nothing to sell yet, you’ll have an audience champing at the bit to buy when you finally do.

Here’s the makeover-style email marketing course…
…That’ll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant email copywriter.
(Just by soaking up the glory of before-and-after email examples — over 100 pages’ worth!)

In this easy-to-digest guide, you’ll learn how to..

  • Be more concise
  • Clear out all the “verbal bubble wrap” that’s burying your powerful message
  • Paint vivid pictures with your words
  • Create tantalizing cliffhangers within your emails
  • Stop impatient, speedy, skimming eyeballs
  • Get a hurried reader to willingly go back and re-read more carefully
  • Speak commandingly without being pushy
  • Leverage simple formatting tricks that grab the reader’s eye (and brain)
  • Give CTAs extra urgency (hint: it’s all about the specifics – see the Supergoodie Silverlake email)
  • Reverse-engineer an email you love and replicate its success – without actually copying
  • Get buyers jumping at a high-ticket offer in under 26 words
  • Get subscribers who “never write back to anyone” to write back to YOU – and why that matters
  • Warm up readers to any promotion, even one that wouldn’t naturally be “on brand” for you
  • Weave in powerful social proof without seeming like a braggy blowhard

I learned how to personalize my emails!
Inbox Hero helped me deeply connect to my audience through email! Laura taught me how to personalize my emails and tell very creative stories. I highly recommend this course.

– Gabby Bernstein, #1 NYT Bestselling Author

A peek inside:

Soak up “a-ha”-inducing, side-by-side makeovers and “reverse makeovers” of all these email examples.

  • New coach with a (free) offer
  • Coach welcome series email
  • Quiz software business (SAAS) welcome email
  • Real estate agency welcome email
  • New podcast episode email
  • The personal-brand e-commerce welcome email
  • Vintage clothing store everyday promo email
  • What’s a reverse makeover?
  • The super-short, high-ticket sell email (AKA the $17k, 26-word email)
  • The welcome sequence “engage with me” fun facts email
  • Teaser to blog post
  • The affiliate launch warm-up email
  • The “straight sell” (sort of) email
  • The “straight sell” (sort of) email 2
  • The going-on-hiatus email
  • The boring legal email – made FUN
  • The start-of-launch “whip up desire” email
  • The “check me out, I’m on a podcast” email
  • The “Share My Sh*t” swipe email
  • The “What should I do with this rando story” email
  • The thought-piece email
  • The “why you should stick with us” confirmation email
  • The daily (or frequent) newsletter not “selling” anything
  • The “everyday details of life” used as a teachable email (also, affiliate promotion)
  • (PLUS!) The Inbox Hero® Simple Framework
  • (PLUS!) The Inbox Hero® At-A-Glance Checklist

What’s in it? You get…


  • Over 100 pages of point-by-point, detailed email breakdowns (PDF format, read it on your screen or print it, bind it, laminate it, keep it on your desk for always and give it to your grandchildren….Who will teleport to you to ask, “What was email, Memaw/ Grandpappy?”)


  • The super-simple, “OK, I can do this” 9-step email framework, from subject line to “ps.” Use it to get in the flow when you’re stuck for what comes next.
  • The ULTIMATE checklist to make every email an EFAB (Email From A Bestie) and an ETS (Email That Sells) before you hit SEND!
    28 must-check-off items broken into categories:
  • Subject Line
  • Preview Text
  • Greeting
  • Start of Email
  • Tone
  • Economy/ Clarity
  • Punch, Personality, Storytelling
  • Readability
  • 21 Ways To Write Better Emails: A printable desk reference guide. Or, bookmark it in your browser

In this 2-hour video training, you’ll learn:

  • The Art of The Start: How to jump into a story so we’re gripped from the get-go
  • The seamless segue: How to get from your story to the sell without feeling like you’re awkwardly jamming them together
  • Concrete details: the magic element that turns words into pictures. But how much to pack in and what to leave out? We’ll cover that, too
  • Rhythm changes. (See what I did there?)
  • “How do I use dialogue and spoken lines?” ME: I’ve got you.
  • Humor, or which words add the yuk yuks
  • Length. How long is too long?
  • The difference between a “who cares” anecdote and a real story
  • How to make a story “email appropriate”
  • Who the story should be about when it’s in an email. You, the writer? The reader? Your purebred cockapoo, Roger?

Learn to tell stories that get your emails devoured…
…and your offers snapped up

People are signing up for my highest-tier coaching—all because of the stories in my emails!
Story Hero™ is an incredible product and the lessons were immediately applicable. What makes it so special is that it helps you bring the real you to the table; it helps you–the real you– connect with your audience.
Its practical tips get so many replies to my emails now and people are asking to sign up for my highest-tier coaching package, right after I raised the price—all because they’re loving the stories I tell in my emails!
Best of all, the training is so much fun to watch and I take new notes every time I review it! Anyone who wants to sell, engage, entertain, or inform by telling stories–and who want to sound like themselves when doing so–should take out their checkbook (do people say that anymore? Heck–do people even DO that anymore?) and purchase Story Hero™ pronto!
– Olu Burrell, Coach, Consultant, Copywriter

I’m finally making money from what was a dry-ass list! And it’s so much fun.
Inbox Hero® really changed things for me.
I’m now super happy to email my list, I’ve been way more consistent. I feel like I’m talking to friends, and I’m converting—actually getting money from what was a dry-ass list!—and people are emailing me back left and right. I’m getting so many responses, it’s been really fun and it’s just what I needed. It’s so valuable. Thank you!
– Angie M Jordan, Podcast Coach

Warning to your brain: a massive flood of ideas is coming!

Devour my best email writing secrets to:

  • Stop being boring and samey
  • Write “must-open” subject lines
  • Whip up hot desire for something before you sell it
  • Get subscribers to celebrate – and amplify – your wins
  • Appeal to the potent human desire for connection with one single word
  • Fuse your most random stories to a highly satisfying takeaway – so readers are never left wondering, “What’s the point?”
  • Leverage the “first glance” trick for higher open rates (that even most top marketers don’t know)
  • Tell stories that stick and keep us reading down to the bottom
  • Be unforgettable – literally (leave this one thing out of your email, and readers might have no idea who you are)
  • Segue gracefully from a random story to a pitch that sells
  • Weave in powerful social proof without being a braggy blowhard
  • Create intimacy that makes your reader want to be your BFF

You’re about to take a key step to making email the humming profit center of your business …
even if you have a teeny list!

Say wha???
A few strategic tweaks make your ideal buyers want to pounce on every email you send…and on every offer!
This shizz really works!

Super-snoozy emails begone!
I learnt all the tricks for pulling rabbits out of the storytelling hat with Laura’s Belgray’s Story Hero™ course. It gave me confidence in moving forward with my own writing and now I can also help my clients with theirs – woop!
Laura’s know-how, experience, encouragement, and humour are all packed into this class. For added VFM the class also incorporates discussion of segways, yuk yuks and ballsacks.
– Jillian Pocock, Virtual Assistant at The Resourceful Badger

Learn from someone whose emails have been featured, read aloud, loved on, dissected, and caressed almost obscenely on podcasts, in experts’ emails, in high-ticket masterclasses—and who knows where else?

Hi, I’m Laura Belgray – creator of this Inbox Hero® joint
I’m also founder of Talking Shrimp®, co-creator of The Copy Cure, and—brag alert—source of the best emails around. How do I know they’re the best? People tell me so. (With Inbox Hero® by your side, they’ll soon tell you that about yours, too.)
My emails—which have been read aloud on podcasts, cited in “best of” lists, and mentioned in Forbes, Money, Business Insider, and more—have brought in over $1M revenue in a year. Without webinars, sales calls, or even ads to any sales page, emails have done the work of selling my (now retired) services, my courses, and my high-ticket mastermind. Master the art of emails, and yours can be the profit engine of your business, too.
Even without a big list. (Mine is 1/10th the size, or even 1/100th the size, of some of my peers’.)
Not to mention, they’ll delight, entertain, inspire, comfort, and enlighten your subscribers—and endear them to you for life. That kind of loyalty will never come from a great IG feed or a Facebook ad. It’s all about emails. You’ll see.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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