Hassan Khan – The Influence & Impact Program – Limitless Humans



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Hassan Khan – The Influence & Impact Program – Limitless Humans

How to change minds, capture audiences and get anyone to say ‘Yes’ – learn the science of persuasion and the hidden qualities that make us influential.

The Program
Together, both part 1 and part 2 will teach you the science behind how people think and allow you to step into any situation to get the results you want. You’ll be able to command influence in everything you do. You’ll be able to sell your ideas, build your brand, develop meaningful relationships, increase your profits, and build the life you want. Don’t miss out on this life-changing learning experience.

Part 1
Part 1 will focus on the science of influence and persuasion. We will look at how people think and make decisions, and the biases and traps that get in the way of making smart and effective choices. We will show you how to avoid these traps and how to ultimately make better decisions in your own life.

We will then teach you the secret science of persuasion and how to succeed in getting what you want, and getting others to do what you want. You will learn all about how to frame your ideas, words and information, and the factors that influence others to say ‘yes.’ We’ll cover specific strategies of influence (based on proven science and research) and techniques you should implement to become a master persuader.

Key Learning Points

  • How to avoid decision making traps.
  • How to frame your ideas and offers so that they stand out and are more persuasive.
  • How to better promote yourself and your initiatives.
  • How to build stronger relationships with colleagues and those around you.
  • How to sell and close deals more effectively.
  • How to foster more effective buy in and drive commitment around your ideas/proposals/initiatives.
  • How to become a more effective leader and bigger contributor to organisational success.

Part 2
Part 2 of the program is all about the science of connecting and succeeding with people through communication. We will explore the science of first impressions, and how to make the most of that first opportunity when meeting someone. We’ll look at how individuals are programmed to respond to nonverbal cues that elicit emotion and examine what this means when it comes to how charismatic and compelling we are.

You will also learn how to decode and read people’s emotions, microexpressions and personalities, and then how to respond to these findings. We will also dive into the art and practice of storytelling and the power of narrative, and take you on a journey where you can craft your own stories. You’ll learn all about presence, and the most powerful way to influence, teach, motivate and inspire.

Key Learning Points

  • How to develop your emotional intelligence.
  • How to manage and be skilled in the science of first impressions.
  • How to handle tough situations with heightened confidence and flexibility.
  • How to communicate and present with purpose and effectiveness.
  • How to project warmth and strength.
  • How to build trust and strengthen relationships.
  • How to express yourself dramatically and motivate others.
  • How to read and respond to human microexpressions.
  • How to tell stories and master the power of narrative.


Week 1
Biases and Decision-Making Traps
Where do bad decisions come from? We take a deep dive into the biases and mental distortions that affect the way we as human beings think and process the world around us, and how they obstruct our reasoning.

We discuss in detail the hidden traps of decision-making , and provide detailed tools and techniques for how to avoid these traps.

We discuss the concept of framing, and highlight how people make different choices based on how a decision, problem or situation is presented to them.We give you the tools and show you how you can you use framing to your advantage, how it can influence emotions and outcomes, and how it can change the way people respond to the information and choices that you give them.

Week 2
Strategies of Influence
We provide an introduction to nudging and choice architecture, and then cover the first three scientifically proven strategies of influence and persuasion – these strategies will answer the following questions:

  • How can a loss help you win?
  • Are you likely to be more successful if you go first or last?
  • How does the path of least resistance give you an advantage?

Week 3
Strategies of Influence
This week covers the next three strategies of influence – these strategies will answer the following questions:

  • How do you solicit and secure cooperation from anyone?
  • How should you deliver both good and bad news?
  • How can the power of other people make you more persuasive?

Week 4
Strategies of Influence
This week covers the last four strategies of influence – these strategies will answer the following questions:

  • Why does the value of an item change depending on your environment?
  • How do you get somebody to make a commitment?
  • What one word can increase your persuasiveness by 50%.
  • How can you turn your expectations into reality?

Week 5
Emotional Intelligence
In this week (the start of Part 2), we explore how truly successful people and effective leaders are distinguished by high degrees of emotional intelligence. We will discuss and explain what emotional intelligence is, how it is measured, and what areas you need to develop.

Week 6
Connection and Presence
This week will show you what can you do to improve you ability to succeed and connect with other people (from a confidence, warmth, strength and authenticity point of view). You will learn the various ways that you can be a more influential and compelling person.

The Power of Non-verbals and the Science of First Impressions
We will explore the importance of first impressions, and help you become more aware of the conversation that your body is having with those around you. We will also highlight the various ways to make yourself more memorable and likeable (what are the cues, triggers and pulls when it comes to what people see and hear).

How Do We Connect
Here we will discuss how people are judged and evaluated, and what two characteristics can help you lead and influence others more effectively. We show you how to project warmth and strength so that you can find the sweet spot of influence and build stronger relationships.

Week 7
Solving the Human Puzzle
Decoding Human Emotions and Microexpressions
We explore microexpressions, and help you understand whether someone’s stated emotions match their visible emotions and how to find the emotional intent behind people’s words. We also  show you how to respond to people’s emotions and feelings.

Decoding Personality
We also show you how to crack someone’s personality in order to tailor your interaction with them in a more effective way.

Week 8
The Power of Narrative and Storytelling
The most compelling way to influence, teach, and inspire is through the art of storytelling and the power of narrative.
We will take you on a journey and guide you through a process (with a clear and replicable framework) that will have you effectively crafting, practicing and then telling your own powerful stories.

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