Devon Rodriguez – DRAW AND PAINT REALISTIC PORTRAITS – Masterclass


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Devon Rodriguez – DRAW AND PAINT REALISTIC PORTRAITS – Masterclass

Devon Rodriguez
Learn to create an astounding oil portrait. Whether you’re experienced or new to painting, refine your drawing, color-mixing, and varnishing techniques with TikTok sensation Devon Rodriguez.

Create an oil painting & drawing

Level up your skills with step-by-step guidance on projects to achieve learnings you’re proud of.
Flexible curriculum

We break down the class into manageable activities to do at your own pace.
Feedback & discussions

Access a community of peers to get feedback and be inspired
All levels

This session is approachable for beginners and has advanced techniques for the more experienced.

Unlock new skills with a structured curriculum

Section 1

Section 2

Portrait Drawing

Section 3

Color Mixing
Section 4

Eyes, Hair, and Shadows

Section 5

Lips, Nose, and Ears

Section 6

Neck, Shirt, and Background
Skills you will learn

Prepare To Draw & Paint

Gather the right tools
Set up your space
Choose the perfect image
Practice charcoal tracing
Freehand draw with grid lines
Bring Your Art To Life

Render necks and shoulders
Build dimension with shadows
Paint the subject’s clothing
Add the perfect background
Varnish your work
Paint Your Oil Portrait
Experiment with color theory
Mix for any skin tone color
Paint Alla Prima style
Show depth in ears and lips
Depict realistic eyes

My Activities
Module 1 -Status unlocked1
Devon shares the story of his artistic journey and inspires you to start your own. In this section, you’ll build your artist’s supply kit and choose the photo you’ll be painting for the rest of the session.

Session Overview
6 minutes

Devon introduces himself and describes his rise to TikTok stardom. As one of the most well-known visual artists on social media, he’ll inspire you to start your journey to painting a realistic oil portrait.
Becoming an Artist
8 minutes

Devon shares his artistic philosophy and explains how you can go from everyday novice to experienced painter by practicing his techniques.
Building Your Supply Kit
10 minutes

Devon takes you through his preferred art supply kit and shows you how to build your own with basic tools. With his guidance, you’ll create an ideal studio setup and begin to gather your materials.
Checklist: Building Your Supply Kit
Set up your art studio workstation and decide what works best for you. Then use the provided checklist to mark off the supplies you got for your kit.
Picking the Photo for Your Portrait
7 minutes

It’s time to choose the picture that you’ll be transforming into an oil portrait! Devon provides guidelines for choosing the best subject and composition. Then you’ll choose the photo—either one of ours or your own—that you’ll draw and paint for the rest of the session.
Share the Photo for Your Portrait
Take a photo or scan of your reference photo that you personally took of someone you know and upload it to the community forum. Make sure your subject is okay with you using their image for this activity! Or upload the photo you picked from our gallery. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB.
Feedback: Picking the Photo for Your Portrait
Share your rationale for choosing the photo that you did. Comment on two of your peers’ photos and let them know what you think of their

Portrait Drawing
It’s time to start sketching. Devon takes you through charcoal tracing and grid line drawing—two techniques that provide the outline to your portrait. You’ll choose your preferred method depending on your skill level, then you’ll start drawing!

Introduction to Portrait Line Drawing
1 minute

Let your inner artist shine through. Devon explains the craft of grid line drawing and charcoal tracing.
Gather Your Drawing Supplies
9 minutes

Gather the materials you’ll need to make your portrait line drawing. The optional links will direct you to an Amazon product page that is not affiliated with MasterClass. Look through the “See Similar Items” section on Amazon if the product is not readily available, or buy locally.
Portrait Line Drawing: Tracing
9 minutes

Devon takes you through the first step of bringing your portrait to life—drawing an outline. In this activity, Devon demonstrates charcoal tracing, which is an ideal drawing method for beginners. Then he invites you to begin drawing. If you’d like to try an intermediate-level method, you can advance to the fourth activity in this section. There, Devon will guide you through grid line drawing techniques instead. Or try both methods!
Portrait Line Drawing: Grid Lines
25 minutes

Devon takes you through an intermediate-level method for sketching your portrait—freehand drawing with grid lines. After you see how it’s done, Devon invites you to begin drawing the base layer of your portrait.
Share Your Portrait Outline
Whether you used charcoal tracing or grid line drawing, you have created the base layer of your portrait. Take a photo of your sketch and upload it to the feed for your fellow artists to see. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB.
Feedback: Portrait Line Drawing

Describe what method you used to get to your final sketch outline—freehand drawing with grid lines or charcoal tracing. Describe the

Color Mixing
Devon guides you through the fundamental nuances of the color wheel as you practice blending primary, secondary, and complimentary colors. You’ll mix color on your own, and by the end of the section you’ll achieve the skin tone needed for your portrait.
Introduction to Color Mixing
1 minute

This section is all about one of the most critical elements of your portrait—color. Devon previews what you’ll learn about color wheel theory, layering, and mixing so you have everything you need to keep developing your portrait.
Gather Your Color Mixing Supplies
3 minutes

Gather the materials you’ll need to practice mixing colors. The optional links will direct you to an Amazon product page that is not affiliated with MasterClass. Look through the “See Similar Items” section on Amazon if the product is not readily available, or buy locally.
Technique: Cleaning Your Supplies
3 minutes

Before you start mixing colors or painting, Devon shows you important techniques for cleaning your brushes and palette.
Technique: Mixing Color Wheel Colors
12 minutes

Devon demonstrates how to mix oil colors to create a color wheel that comprises primary, secondary, and complementary colors with distinct hues and saturation. You’ll follow his lead and create the color wheel you’ll use for your portrait.
Share Your Color Wheel
25 minutes

Upload a photo of your color wheel, complete with primary and mixed secondary colors. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB. Use the provided color wheel template to mix primary and then secondary colors. You’ll use this as reference throughout the session.
Technique: Mixing Colors for Skin Tone
25 minutes

Devon demonstrates how you can mix and blend paint colors to achieve different skin tones. He guides you as you use these new colors to paint your realistic portrait.
Share Your Skin Tone Colors
Mix a variety of skin tones on your color palette to make light tones, midtones, and dark tones for your selected reference photo. Then upload

Eyes, Hair, and Shadows
Now that you’ve laid the groundwork for your portrait, it’s time to add realistic eyes, hair, and shadows. Devon guides you through his foundational technique—painting alla prima to create a mosaic-like look to your piece.
Introduction to Painting Alla Prima
3 minutes

In this section, you’ll dive deep into one of Devon’s most utilized techniques—alla prima painting. Devon explains how to bring about a mosaic-like effect to your painting while you begin to fill in the facial features on your portrait.
Gather Your Supplies for Painting the Eyes, Hair, and Shadows
36 minutes

Gather the materials you’ll need to paint the eyes, hair, and shadows on your portrait. The optional links will direct you to an Amazon product page that is not affiliated with MasterClass. Look through the “See Similar Items” section on Amazon if the product is not readily available, or buy locally.
Painting the Eyes
36 minutes

First up: the eyes. Devon shows how to paint a realistic eye, eyebrow, and the surrounding area. Then you’ll follow in his footsteps and do the same for your portrait.
Share Your Progress on the Eyes
Let’s see what you’ve got! Paint both eyes of your subject and upload a photo of your portrait—complete with all the layers you’ve worked on so far—to the community forum. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB.
Feedback: Painting the Eyes
21 minutes

Describe your experience painting the eyes. Share the details and textures you’re most proud of with your fellow artists. Then comment on two of your peers’ photos.
Painting the Hair and Shadows
21 minutes

Devon demonstrates how to paint realistic hair and shadows on his self-portrait. Then you’ll add these new dimensions to your painting.
Share Your Progress on the Hair and Shadows
It’s starting to come together! Upload a photo of your portrait—complete with hair, shadows, and everything else up to this point in the session—to the community page. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB.
Feedback: Painting the Hair and Shadows
Share insights and provide feedback to your fellow artists about their techniques. Describe any troubleshooting moments you encountered, and comment on two of your peers’ photos.

Lips, Nose, and Ears
As the face of your portrait comes to life, you’ll continue to bring dimension to your painting with realistic facial details. Devon will show you how to add depth while regulating tone.

Introduction to Painting Facial Features
1 minute

In this section, you’ll continue to create realistic facial features with your brushstrokes. Devon demonstrates how to fill in the lips, nose, and ears, and encourages you to do the same with your portrait.
Gather Your Supplies for Painting the Lips, Nose, and Ears
9 minutes

Gather the materials you’ll need to paint the lips, nose, and ears on your portrait. The optional links will direct you to an Amazon product page that is not affiliated with MasterClass. Look through the “See Similar Items” section on Amazon if the product is not readily available, or buy locally.
Painting the Lips
9 minutes

Devon shows how to paint realistic lips with depth and dimension before you try your hand at it.
Painting the Nose
15 minutes

Devon shows how to blend and paint the nose.
Painting the Ears
18 minutes

Devon shows how to paint realistic ears that look like those of your subject.
Share Your Progress on the Facial Features
It’s time to use all the techniques you’ve learned so far to bring the entirety of the face to your realistic oil portrait. Paint the lips, nose, and ears onto your portrait, and upload a photo of it to the community forum so your fellow artists can see your progress. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB.
Feedback: Painting Facial Features
Share your thoughts now that everyone’s portraits are complete with facial features. Describe any successes or challenges you had, and comment on two of your peers’ photos.

Neck, Shirt, and Background
When it comes to art, it’s all in the details. Devon guides you through painting your subject’s neck, clothing, and the background of the portrait.

Introduction to Final Highlights
2 minutes

You’ve painted your subject! Now it’s time to make your art pop. In this section, you will paint the neck, shoulders, clothing, and background of your portrait to give it the details that bring it to life. Then Devon will show you how to paint the final highlights and varnish your portrait. Your masterpiece is almost complete!
Gather Your Supplies for Painting the Neck, Shirt, and Background
16 minutes

Gather the materials you’ll need to paint the neck, shirt, and background on your portrait. The optional links will direct you to an Amazon product page that is not affiliated with MasterClass. Look through the “See Similar Items” section on Amazon if the product is not readily available, or buy locally.
Painting the Neck and Shirt
16 minutes

Devon shows you how to paint the neck of your subject. Then he demonstrates painting the shoulders and shirt so that you can do the same with your piece.
Painting the Background
10 minutes

Devon explains how he thinks about filling in the background of his portrait, and then encourages you to try it on your own.
Painting the Final Highlights
4 minutes

Devon shows you how to enhance your portrait by adding final highlights to your subject’s face and hair.
Share Your Finished Portrait
Voilà! You did it! Put the final touches on your portrait—the neck, shirt, background, and final highlights—and upload your completed portrait to the community page for all your peers to see. Please share your photo as a .jpg or .png image file. The file size limit is 10 MB. Congratulations on all your hard work!
Feedback: Final Portraits

Celebrate all the artistry of your peers by reviewing their finished pieces. Share insights into what techniques worked well for you throughout the

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