Dave Kaminski – WordPress Secrets for Marketers



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Dave Kaminski – WordPress Secrets for Marketers

What You Wish Someone Had Told You About WordPress

If You Use WordPress To Run Your Web Site (or plan to) You Need To Read This…

75 million web sites use WordPress. 22% of all domains registered in the United States use WordPress. Top sites like TechCrunch, The New York Times and Best Buy run on WordPress. The popularity of WordPress is not hard to understand…it’s free, easy to use and just about any type of business can be run using WordPress..

But with this popularity come some headaches. For example, sites using WordPress routinely come under Malware and Brute Force attacks. Not even the little guys are immune…I know, it’s happened to me. In fact WordPress sites get targeted so much, that WordPress released 20 updates to their software alone in 2014.

And if you do any type of Internet Marketing, you have another set of headaches on top of that. Mainly, what stuff you should use with WordPress to make your sales pages, landing pages or blog look and work how you want. The stuff you need to sell things, get paid and keep your digital products safe. What you should use for SEO, list building and more. There’s always a ton of hype surrounding this stuff…and a WordPress product will sound so good…but when you go to use it, you often wind up disappointed and with even more problems.

That’s why I decided to create a new course called “WordPress Secrets for Marketers”. The truth is it doesn’t really contain “secrets”, so to speak. Rather it gives you…

The Straight Facts On That Works, What Doesn’t Work and How To Run Your WordPress Site The Right Way

WordPress Secrets for Marketers contains over 4 hours of step by step, 100% video based lessons.

And I give everything to you straight. I’m not promoting anyone else’s stuff and there are no sneaky affiliate pitches. I show you what your options are for what you want to do…and then I actually demonstrate these options in real-time. If something sucks, you see it. If something is great, you’ll see it. For you that means a huge savings in time, more revenue and fewer headaches.

You’ll learn the basics, the right way. From how to install WordPress to how to configure it correctly (most people get this wrong). I’ll even show you the two choices you have when configuring WordPress for business…it’s critical you understand these choices as the one you choose can have a big impact on your success.

47 people tried to hack into one of my WordPress sites while I was writing this. You have no idea how bad this problem is…people are quietly trying to break into your WordPress site constantly…and you don’t even know it. I’m going to show you how to properly “lock down” your WordPress site exactly like I do, so you never have to worry about these hackers.

I’m going to show you how to make your WordPress site “mobile ready” in 5 minutes or less. That means all of your visitors, whether they are on a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer, will have the best viewing experience possible. This is actually one of the most important things you need to do with your WordPress site, and again, I’m going to show you how to do it the right way (and for free to boot).

I’m going to show you…straight up…what works and what doesn’t when it comes to using “shopping cart” or “membership” plugins. That’s the stuff that allows you to collect money and protect the products that you sell. There are dozens of options out there. I cut through the B.S. and show you what actually works.

I’m going to show you how to build mailing lists in WordPress the right way…including a new technique that beats everything else out there (and that no one else does, much less knows about). Look, you have to capture email addresses and build mailing lists to succeed…it’s online business 101. But there’s so much hype and so many “miracle” products out there for doing this in WordPress that it’s almost comical. But you’re not going to have any worries. Because again, I’m just going to flat out tell you what works and what doesn’t. It will save you a fortune of time and money.

PLUS…a whole lot more. Like I said, my course has over 4 hours worth of step by step video training on doing WordPress the right way. The lucratve way.

This Video Training Is For Both WordPress Beginners and Seasoned WordPress Pros

Maybe you’ve never touched WordPress and are just starting out or you’re thinking about switching to it. You’ll have no worries, because I’ll walk you through what you need to know and do…step by step…to get your WordPress powered business up and running. The right way.

Or maybe you’re experienced with WordPress already. Well, you’re still going to learn a treasure chest full of valuable information…things you didn’t know you could do, things you didn’t know you were supposed to do and things you didn’t even know were possible. Shoot, I’ve been using WordPress for over 10 years and still discovered huge time saving (and lucrative) tricks while researching and developing this course. And I share it all with you.

In other words, if you’re thinking about using WordPress but are afraid to get started…or if you’re already using WordPress but would like to get more out of it…this training is for you. I don’t use any “techno speak”. And everything is straight to the point. It will save you time. It will make you money. It’s as simple as that.

I Separate The Hype From The Truth For You

WordPress is really just a database and a bunch of code. To get it to do what you really want, you have to add extra stuff to it, like themes and plugins. This is where the magic happens…and it’s also where the nightmares begin.

In this training I’m going to tell you point blank what’s good and what sucks. In fact, I’m going to show it to you by actually demonstrating this “extra stuff”…if something has warts, you’ll see them, if something works beautifully and intelligently, you’ll see that too.

I don’t pull any punches, play any favorites or promote anything. I just tell you what your options are, and then say “look, when you use this in the real world, here’s what’s going to happen”.

If you’ve ever wasted time and money on something that didn’t work as advertised, you know how valuable getting the straight facts like this can be. I’ve already wasted my time and money for you, so you can see what’s good and what’s not. Shoot, I not only tell you what to use and what to avoid, but I even share with you what I use on my own WordPress sites.

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