Briana MacWilliam – 5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships



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Briana MacWilliam – 5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships

These 5 Lessons will take you from confused to clear, about how insecure attachment styles can generate mixed signals in relationships.

I bet you would absolutely love it if your partner was also wildly passionate about your relationship, and willing to make you a priority in their life.

There’s only one problem.

To achieve those things, you need to sift through confusing mixed signals, and what appear to be contradictory messages about their level of investment in the relationship.

And typically, that means determining if you and your partner are struggling with one of two things:

1) conflicting communication styles.

2) genuine attachment ambivalence.

But you’re just someone with a big heart who wants to “make things work,” not a therapist or a mediation coach.

You don’t know how to decode every mixed signal your partner sends you, and it shouldn’t be that hard anyway…should it?

As a result, your communication tends to spiral into arguments over seemingly benign issues, and you are left feeling like you’ll never find a common ground.

If this sounds familiar, not to worry, my online course, 5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships, can help!

5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships By Briana MacWilliam
You cannot fix a problem unless you diagnose it properly.

Experience has taught me that you could have mismatched communication styles as well as insecure attachment, but it’s important to know the difference before you go around labeling people with terms that do not apply.

That’s why I created 5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships -to clear up unnecessary confusion so you can start solving the actual problem.


5 Ways your brain may cause mixed signals in relationships.
Types of mixed signals and 3 keys to empathic communication.
4 Protest behaviors and how the anxious partner sends mixed signals.
Breadcrumbing demystified: 5 ways avoidant partners send mixed signals.
4 Ways to handle mixed signals in relationships.
In purchasing this course, you will walk away with 5 Recorded Video Lectures and a 40+ page downloadable PDF workbook to help you follow along with the content.

5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships By Briana MacWilliam
As a licensed and board certified creative arts therapist, I’ve spent years working with adults struggling with insecure attachment styles has taught me it’s not complicated to learn how to attract stable and emotionally available partners, when you have a deep understanding of how attachment styles work.

Attachment styles and healing attachment wounds is a topic so near and dear to my heart, because I don’t just teach this stuff, I’ve lived it. As a child of divorce, my parents were always on the move, and we lived on the edge of poverty most of the time. I became a high achiever to compensate, until my relationship struggles tore down everything I’d accomplished, and I wound up a divorced, single mom.

Then, both my parents and my brother were diagnosed with serious, chronic illnesses. And the new partner I had fallen madly in love with couldn’t prioritize me or stay faithful. When he left, my heart broke anew, and I miscarried what would’ve been my second child.

I decided to dive straight down into my demons, and write a book about attachment and grief. Writing the book emboldened me to shed my shame, and learned how to move from an insecure to a secure attachment style! This led to creating the curriculum for my online courses, such as Healing Attachment Wounds, and building an online community for support. Much to my delight, both caught fire, and I’ve never looked back!

5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships By Briana MacWilliam
✔ Your partner’s dismissive attitude could be related to their neurological makeup, and not a personal attack?

✔ You had the ability to use empathic communication, so your partners feel more willing to have an emotionally honest conversation, rather than shut down and run for the hills?

✔ You had the ability to recognize when attachment styles were truly the underlying issue, as opposed to simple, easy-to-fix miscommunication?

✔ You felt equipped to recognize a mixed signal when it occurs, rather than assuming too much (or too little) responsibility for a conflict in the relationship?

5 Lessons to Decode Mixed Signals in Relationships By Briana MacWilliam
When was the last time you felt safe to express your needs, and deeply satisfied with your nonverbal connection? Or how about like you’ve been heard and acknowledged in everyday conversation?

What I teach in Decode Mixed Signals will help you feel more secure and confident in relationships, and experience the kind of satisfying love life you desire!

More than that, it will help you save…

ENDLESS HOURS of arguing, not to mention painful feelings of rejection or feeling devalued and unappreciated.
PAINFUL FEELINGS OF CONFUSION over whether your communication skills need to be tweaked, or it’s an issue of attachment wounding that needs to be addressed on a deeper emotional level.
WASTED ENERGY feeling judged and criticized so that you can cut through defensive posturing and show up more empathically and authentically in your relationship.
TIME AND MONEY spent on therapy bills and quick fixes that are only going to band-aid the problem if communication skills are NOT really the underlying issue.
“If only I’d had this info sooner! I know for a fact so many arguments and miscommunications could have been rectified or avoided. My favorite lessons were about the brain systems and the lecture on how avoidant partners can send mixed signals. I have definitely been on the receiving end of this, and these lectures gave me tremendous clarity. Definitely, this course is worth checking out!”

– Luis R. TX

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“One of the best things I got out of this course was the feeling of validation, when it came to recognizing the mixed signals I was receiving from my partner; I wasn’t going crazy or blowing things out of proportion. What I didn’t expect, was becoming aware of the mixed signals I was sending, without even realizing it. Now I know not to do that in my next relationship! I also liked that Briana talked about organic reasons for miscommunications, as well as the influence of attachment styles. It was a well rounded and informed lecture series. I highly recommend it.”

– Samantha H., CT

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