AWAI – Web Intensive Homestudy 2017



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AWAI – Web Intensive Homestudy 2017

Master the “7 Most Lucrative” Web Writing Projects… and Transform Yourself into an In-Demand Web Writer… in as Little as 3 Days…

All from the Comfort of Your Own Home!

Dear Writer,

Every February, I meet with a small new group of aspiring web writers in my hometown of Austin, Texas…

Along with some of the best “heavyweight” web writers in our business — people like Brian Clark, Ryan Deiss, Nick Usborne, Brian York, and others.

We do this for one reason…

To deliver the ultimate “crash course” education in web copywriting.

This event is called, “Web Copy Intensive”…

Just like the name implies, it is intense…

Intensely focused, that is.

This year, we identified the “7 most lucrative” and in-demand projects web marketers need help with today — and invited top experts to show how to become skilled in ALL of them… in only three days.

And even though you couldn’t be there…

Our exclusive Home Study Program means you don’t have to miss out on the web copy secrets handed out by some of the best in web writing — or on the chance to transform yourself into an in-demand web writer in a short amount of time.

Make no mistake.

Web marketing is one of the hottest niches in copywriting today. According to, web copy will be worth an astounding $82.86 billion in 2017. And, that’s just in the U.S.!

Global digital ad spending is expected to reach $191.85 billion in 2017.

Recently Bill Bonner, President of Agora Publishing said, “This past year alone, my company paid out over $5 million in writing fees and royalties to a handful of copywriters. And you know what? I’m happy to do it. Why? Because a good letter is the ‘engine’ of my business.”

So, if you’re looking for a niche — the Web has it all:

Huge demand…

Fun projects…

Big money…

And tons of opportunity.

Just take a look at what you can make once you master the “7 hottest web writing projects” covered at this year’s Web Copy Intensive:

  1. Funnels. By combining several writing projects together, you can create complete sales and conversion funnels for your clients. For instance, with just PPC ads, landing pages, and follow-up emails — all of which you’ll learn about — you can expect to make upwards of $4,350 per funnel! And if you manage the entire process, you could negotiate royalties on each sale.
  2. Pay-Per-Click Ads. Writing just one ad (of only 95 characters) can pay $75-$350… and most clients need dozens of ads! Plus, you can manage their entire PPC campaign to earn up to $6,000 per month.
  3. Emails. For these short, fun projects, you can expect to make
  4. $150-$2,000 each.
    Content Marketing. As an example, one of the most popular content types, a simple e-book, can earn you $2,000-$7,000 each.
  5. Social Media. You can bring in $100-$200 per hour monitoring a social media network, like Facebook or Twitter.
  6. Blogs. A single 500-word post pays as much as $800. Or create a monthly blog Editorial Calendar and you can add another $500-$800 per month.
  7. Websites. A single page pays $700-$1,200. Or help your client with a full “Site Audit” and make $1,500-$3,000 for a few hours of your time.

And, I’ll tell you this: these fees are not hard-to-get, “once-in-a-lifetime” fees.

They are the industry standard… meaning clients expect to pay the rates listed above for quality writing… which you’ll SKILLFULLY create by the time you finish working through the recorded sessions from Web Copy Intensive.


With these skills — and only a few hungry clients — you can generate $1,500 to $3,000 writing just a few hours each day.

Or, you can make web writing your “full-time” job and potentially bring in more than six-figures a year taking on these in-demand projects.

How do I know?

Because, as the President of AWAI, I meet attendees every year who go on to enjoy huge success writing web copy…

Les Worley

For example, there’s Les Worley. At AWAI’s 2016 Web Copy Intensive, Les set a daring goal… to double his monthly income within 90 days… and he did it! Les says, “I’m happy to say I hit my goal. My billables for May were 215% of those in February. That makes May my best month ever, by a big margin.”

Rae Robinson

Then, there’s Rae Robinson, who came to Web Intensive while still a college student. She also saw her income more than double after coming to Web Copy Intensive. The following year, her income jumped again — to $61,000. And, the next year, she earned an impressive $82,000! Today, Rae is a full-time in-house writer for the impressive Stansberry Research team.
For many aspiring writers, making that kind of money, in such a short amount of time, is a dream come true.

Yet, for those who commit to web writing — and mastering at least one of the seven projects you’ll discover — dreams like leaving behind a full-time job have become quite common…

Regular people — flight attendants, students, and even stay-at-home moms — have gone from nothing to six-figures… or more after learning from the web writing professionals who teach at Web Copy Intensive…

And remember…

Most of the projects you’ll take on as a web writer are easy and fast to write…

No 30+ page sales letters.

In some cases, you’re billing clients for a few paragraphs…

And instead of spending months on a single assignment, many web projects can be finished in a matter of hours.

So, it’s no wonder the Web Copy Intensive is one of the most popular AWAI events of the year.

The only problem is, seating is limited. We only have 60 seats available and they always sell out quickly.

That’s why many people who would like to attend this event miss out.

Others simply can’t make the trip to Texas. Maybe they live internationally. Or have obligations at home they can’t leave. Of course, some simply prefer the quiet and solitude of their own home office.

Which is why there’s so much excitement when we release our “Home Study” version of the event.

It’s every single presentation from Web Copy Intensive, recorded and on-demand.

So you can get the same information the 60 attendees received… but with one big advantage: You won’t have to leave your house.

You’ll see everything that goes on behind closed doors… the exact same training, materials, and copy dissections…

Plus, we’ll even review your copy! Yes, that’s right. You’ll get a chance to receive personal feedback on your web copy. (More on that in a moment.)

The truth is, our Home Study Program is as close to “being there” as you could possible get without actually travelling there…

And, not only can you learn at your own “less hectic” pace… you’ll save time and the expense of making the trip to Texas.

So what will you learn with our 2017 Web Intensive Home Study Program?

In a nutshell — everything you need to be writing today’s most profitable, sought-after web copy projects by this time next week… because live attendees learn all this in just three days, so can you!

So, let’s go over the 7 “In-Demand Projects” you’ll master — and the experts who will show you the way…

Seven In-Demand Web Writing Projects… That Clients Are Ready — and Willing — to Pay Top Dollar for…

This year’s Web Copy Intensive is all about “what’s working online now.”

That means, you’ll learn how to write the fastest growing and most lucrative web copy projects. Web copy that clients are very likely to need in today’s marketplace…

We’ll begin with a solid (and necessary) foundation in web copy…

BONUS Session to Get You Started:
The Fundamentals of Writing and Optimizing Website Copy

Since 1998, Nick Usborne has focused exclusively on marketing online. He is internationally recognized as a leading expert writing for the Web. His online copy clients include Disney, John Deere, The Getty Trust, the U.S. Navy, The New York Times, America Online, and Intuit.

After hosting Web Copy Intensive for the past 10 years, we understand how important it is to help you get a firm foundation in web copy basics. There’s just no getting around it.

However, we also learned that “basic training” takes time away from the more advanced information and techniques you need to really serve your clients.

That’s why — this year — we’re doing things a bit differently.

To ensure you build the proper foundation in web copy right away, we’ll grant you immediate access to a pre-event session attendees were given to ensure everyone arrived at the live event with a solid foundation in writing web copy.

In this exclusive, bonus foundational video and audio course about the fundamentals of web writing, Nick Usborne will:

  • Quickly get you up to speed with the crucial differences between writing for print and writing for the Web.
  • Show you how to impress your clients by writing effective homepages, information pages, sales pages, and more…
  • Give you an inside look at the most important strategies he’s developed, including 22 master-level optimization tips for website pages, emails, and e-newsletters.
  • And much more!

Considering all you’ll learn from Nick, this additional 6-hour fundamental training is like receiving an extra day of Web Copy Intensive — absolutely free!

When you’re finished, you’ll feel fully prepared to jump right into your first Web Copy Intensive event training video…

Web Copy Project #1: Funnels

Let me explain how a “funnel” concept applies to web writing…

Basically, a “funnel” is all the pieces of web copy a prospect sees when making a buying decision. This includes the copy on the form where they enter their email address… all the way to the checkout page. Most funnels even include a follow-up process such as emails.

What this means for you, the writer, is a lot more projects… and higher overall fees. Just think about the fees I mentioned earlier…

  • $75-$350 for each Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad…
  • $950-$3,000 per landing page…
  • $150-$1,000 per email in a follow-up series…

With just a small funnel that includes only these three essential pieces, you can easily charge each client $1,175 to $4,350!

Can you see how quickly your web writing fees can compound when you focus on several types of copy and build entire funnels?

And, who better to teach you than the funnel master himself: Ryan Deiss…

Creating a Copy Funnel for Your Clients:
Leading Prospects to the Big Sales with Ryan Deiss

Ryan Deiss is the founder and CEO of Digital Marketer. Over the past 36 months, Ryan and his team have invested more than $15,000,000 on marketing tests and generated tens of millions of unique visitors. They also sent well over a BILLION emails, and ran approximately 3,000 split and multi-variant tests.

Ryan is also a popular speaker and consultant whose work has impacted more than 200,000 businesses in 68 different countries.

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll learn in Ryan’s power-packed session:

  • How to craft a selling system to transform strangers into rabid buyers.
  • How to build an 8-step “Value Journey” that predictably and profitably turns strangers into friends, friends into customers, and customers into raving fans.
  • The exact messaging (both text and imagery) that should always appear at the top of a homepage.
  • How to craft a one-sentence “Statement of Value” that makes website visitors exclaim, “TAKE MY MONEY, NOW!!”
  • The 4 steps to plugging a “leaky” conversion funnel and increasing the value of existing leads and customers.
  • How to use “entry point offers” to maximize your immediate conversion rates.
  • … and much, much more.

Ryan will even walk you through effective funnel examples… one designed specifically for the B2C market… plus another for the B2B market!

So, no matter which type of clients you work with… B2C or B2B, you’ll know how to produce effective funnel copy that gets you hired again and again.

Web Copy Project #2: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads

PPC ads are one of the most valuable forms of web copy…

At a rate of $75-$350 per 95-character ad, it’s easy to see why. (That’s shorter than a tweet! And, if you like instant feedback and measurable results, you’ll love writing these short simple web copy projects.)

So, what are PPC ads? They’re the ads that appear right at the top of a search engine’s results page. If you do a quick search on Google, you’ll immediately see several examples. Here’s a screenshot showing PPC ads from Google, which you may already recognize as, “Google AdWords”:
When it comes to PPC ads, your fees don’t end with $75-$350 per ad. Here are two powerful ways to help your client… and earn steady, repeating income for yourself:

  • Create a Full PPC Campaign. This involves putting together all the creative for a PPC campaign… keyword research, 10 different ads, a landing page, the welcome page, and a welcome email. Fee: $1,000-$2,500 per campaign
  • Manage a Pay-Per-Click Campaign. You can also manage the entire process on an ongoing basis. This includes placing, managing, and continually testing the PPC ads, and then tweaking the copy as needed. Your monthly fee will depend on how many ads your client is running, but you can expect $500-$6,000 per month (or 15% of PPC ad fees spent by client).

Now, you can see why PPC ads are such a desirable (and profitable) entry point for working on all types of web copy…

Powerful PPC, Banner, and Social Ads with Brian York

Brian York started his first business at 11 years old, teaching his friends how to code in DOS on an Apple IIe and attempting world domination through a 9600-baud modem. His early love of technology spawned an entire career in direct-response online marketing.

Specializing in paid and organic search marketing — with a passion for the technical intricacies involved — Brian has 16 years of experience. During that time, Brian generated millions of leads and hundreds of millions of dollars for global direct-response publishers.

In this session, you’ll learn directly from Brian York, one the best marketers, teachers, and experts out there today on PPC ads…

I’m willing to bet that you’ll love Brian’s dynamic teaching style as you discover:

  • What exactly is PPC (it may not be what you think!).
  • The fundamentals of PPC campaigns and other online ads.
  • How to write ads: the precise steps needed to win valuable search traffic!

Then, Brian will walk everyone through a workshop and you’ll get to watch as he critiques attendee’s ads.

By the time Brian is finished, you’ll have a solid education in PPC ads… and you can start earning $75-$350 per ad right away!

Web Copy Project #3: Business Emails

When it comes to web copy, emails are one of the most effective ways for businesses to stay in contact with existing and prospective buyers.

Did you know that 72% (7 of 10) of consumers prefer to be contacted by email?

What’s even more surprising is 28% of personal emails are transactional, meaning consumers opted in to receive them.

Last year, email marketing was the most effective digital marketing channel for customer retention in the United States (per the Chief Marketing Officer Council).

Now, you can see why email writing presents such a rewarding writing opportunity. Just look at the interesting (and profitable) types of projects you might do:

  • Stand-Alone Emails. Reach out and grow sales with special promotions, invitations, and more. $250-$2,000 per email
  • Autoresponder Emails (Also known as a “Follow-up Series”). Deepen customer relationships and/or drive follow-up purchases. $150-$1,000 per email
  • E-newsletter/E-zine. Maintain customer loyalty with regular issues filled with tips and offers. $800-$1,500 per issue. (Plus, e-newsletters are sent a minimum of once a month… which means recurring, steady pay for you!)

So, how can you get assignments like these?

We’ve brought in business email pro, Gary Hennerberg, to show you…

Email Copy that Works Today:

Proven, Tested Formulas for Subject Lines and Body Text with Gary Hennerberg

After writing, testing, and reporting on thousands of emails for Target Marketing, Gary is widely recognized as a specialist on email marketing trends that work. He’s also the author of Direct Marketing Quantified: The Knowledge is in the Numbers and Crack the Customer Mind Code: Seven Pathways from Head to Heart to Yes!

Gary is a former marketing and product manager and agency executive. He has reinvented his skills several times in his career, successfully transferring traditional offline marketing principles to online media. He has also created and overseen hundreds of marketing campaigns that have reached tens of millions of households and businesses around the world.

Gary has worked with companies of all sizes, in a wide variety of categories including technology, financial services, gifts, credit, insurance, publishing, membership organizations, and many more. So, Gary knows what it takes to impress clients, win their business, and get results for them.

Here’s just some of what Gary will reveal in your Web Copy Intensive Home Study Program:

  • Crack the Email Copywriting Mind Code: Seven Pathways from Head to Heart to YES!
  • How to use “intended ambiguity” in your subject lines… and why it’s powerful.
  • Using mind curiosity to stimulate opens and clicks.
  • Growing your fees by offering multivariate testing strategies to your clients.
  • What email marketing automaton means to you — and your paycheck.
  • Thinking through the flow: making sure every possible action is addressed.

I’m sure that after hearing Gary speak, you’ll feel confident writing effective emails for clients. Not to mention that you’ll be able to charge professional rates like $150-$2,000 per email.

Web Copy Project #4: Content Marketing

Did you know that 70% of B2B marketers create more content than they did just one year ago? It’s true.

So, you might be wondering: Who’s going to write all that content?

The answer is… you!

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content… attracting and retaining a clearly-defined audience… and driving profitable customer action…

Companies now realize that skilled web writers are needed more than ever to achieve their content marketing goals…

Here are some of the most popular projects you might cover as a content writer…

  • Articles: Keep visitors coming back to a website or blog and support SEO strength with fresh copy. $300-$800 each
  • E-books: Create high-impact downloadable materials that showcase your client’s expertise and success. $2,000-$7,000 each
  • New Web Pages: Write professional, compelling copy for new products and services. $700-$1,200 per page

This year, we’re bringing in the best-of-the-best, Brian Clark, to quickly get you up to speed!

Content Marketing Beyond Blogging with Brian Clark

Brian Clark is a serial entrepreneur based in Boulder, Colorado. He’s the founder and CEO of Rainmaker Digital, the company behind Copyblogger, StudioPress, Rainmaker FM, and the Rainmaker Platform.

Brian began publishing online in 1998. Within one year, he had his first entrepreneurial success — powered by what is now known as content marketing. He went on to launch two additional offline businesses using purely online marketing and infrastructure, attaining even greater success.

Rainmaker Digital never took any venture capital, and the company made it to eight-figures in annual revenue without advertising. It was the Copyblogger audience that provided the catalyst for the multimillion-dollar digital commerce company he heads today. And it’s this success that’s made Brian one of the most recognized pioneers of the content marketing industry.

Brian will reveal (for the first time) his process for developing a winning content marketing strategy for any niche or industry.

His simple three-step process will go beyond a passive lecture. He’ll actually give you his hands-on “who-what-how” method so you can use it over and over for yourself and your clients.

You’ll discover:

  • A tried-and-true approach to understanding exactly whom your ideal prospect is. Plus, how to identify the “hot buttons” that will propel them to click the “buy” button.
  • The “mythical” method for knowing what information your prospect needs to choose your product or service — and exactly when they need to receive it.
  • The creative copywriting approach that allows you to craft messages exactly how the prospect needs to “hear” that information.

When Brian is finished, you’ll be able to develop an effective content marketing strategy that positions you as a valuable ally to your clients.

Web Copy Project #5: Social Media

I bet you’re already quite familiar with social media. So, let’s look at how this popular and high-paying area of web copywriting will help you expand your entire writing business…

First, check out what Nick Usborne (one of the most successful web writers on the entire planet, whom I introduced you to earlier) had to say:

“Compared to other online writing and copywriting gigs, social media writing is incredibly easy.”

How come?

“Because you do it already! You’re already a social media writer and marketer. Whether you use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, or some other social media channel, you already know how it works.”

Here are a few social media projects you might be asked to handle for your clients:

  • Social Media Setup: Create an inviting page with robust “About” content. $500 per setup
  • Social Media Management: Facebook, Twitter, and More: Consistently grow your client’s social media audience with posting, and monitoring 1-2 hours per day, 5 days per week. $1,000-$2,000 per month… that’s $100-$200 per hour!
  • Social Media Ad Campaign: Attract Likes, Shares, and conversions with super-targeted social ads. $500 per campaign

And, get this: Most social media writing is needed on an ongoing, monthly basis. That’s why this project can easily bring you full-time pay for part-time work.

For instance, managing just four social media accounts could pay $4,000 to $8,000 per month — in recurring income. (Assuming you charge the industry standard rate of $1,000 to $2,000 per month for each account.)

Which is amazing enough… but even more remarkable is the fact that each account takes just minutes per day — check in, reply to potential customers, and share relevant content with followers.

It’s as simple as that!
Social Media Marketing and the Rise of Mobile with Nick Usborne

In this session, Nick will show you everything you need to know to master social media, including…

  • How social media marketing can be used to reach more people, attract attention, engage an audience more deeply, and transform strangers into buyers and true fans.
  • How to identify and use the social media platforms that will deliver the best results for your clients.
  • Get ahead of other freelancers by showing your clients and prospects how mobile is playing an increasingly important role in online marketing. (Go mobile or go home!)

When he’s finished, you’ll feel 100% confident in your skills as a web writer… and as a social media writer.

Web Copy Project #6: Blogging

Up next, you’ll learn all about blogging — a BIG part of web copy — and something nearly every client needs…

  • A survey from WebMarketing 123 shows that 60% of surveyed B2B brands have a blog. (In addition, 49% of surveyed B2C marketers have a blog.)
  • 54% of the most effective marketers publish new content daily or multiple times per week (according to
  • HubSpot’s “State of Inbound” report, listed “blog content creation” in the first position on their list of “Top Inbound Marketing Projects in North America.”

Those key statistics show you why blogging is one of the most marketable types of web copy. And, it pays really well too!

Just look at the typical industry rates for blog writing:

Blog Post: Single, topic-specific blog posts, written for readers and SEO. $250-$800 per post
Blog Editorial Calendar and Post Series: Continuously generate new traffic with ongoing, strategic posts. $500-$800 per calendar and $250-$800 per post
All this — the demand, the pay, the wide range of possible clients — is why we’ve dedicated an entire 2017 Web Copy Intensive session to blogging…

And, you get full access to the entire recording with the Web Copy Intensive Home Study Program…

Always Be Blogging:
Companies Need This More Than Ever! with Jon Morrow

Jon Morrow served as Associate Editor of the famous for more than four years. He managed dozens of writers and contributed some of the most popular articles on the site. During that time, he also helped grow Copyblogger to more than three million page views per month!

Then, in December 2011, Jon decided to branch off from Copyblogger and launch his own online brand. He taught smart, hard-working writers how to get the attention they deserve by starting a blog. That site went on to become a $100,000+ (PER MONTH!) business with more than 100,000 email subscribers.

Now, if you’re at all skeptical about creating your own successful career writing web copy, let me tell you something else about Jon…

He has a fatal, neuromuscular disorder called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He says, “Here I am speaking into a microphone and essentially getting paid to change the world. If my fingers worked, I’d pinch myself.”

In this session, Jon Morrow — famous writer, blogger, entrepreneur, programmer, professional speaker, marketing strategist, and social media guru — will leave you completely inspired as he shares:

A behind-the-scenes look at exactly how he wrote five blog posts that captured the attention of more than 1 million visitors each.
A step-by-step guide to getting an avalanche of traffic for your clients (or even yourself!).
The skills you need to get paid 10-20X more than anyone else offering content marketing services.
When Jon is finished sharing his knowledge, you’ll know more about blogging than 99% of writers out there. In fact, I guarantee it (but more on that in a moment)…

“Jon is a traffic genius. If he teaches what he knows to the public, something tells me the overall level of Internet traffic is about to spike.”

— Brian Clark,
Founder of Copyblogger and New Rainmaker

Web Copy Project #7: Client Websites and SEO

Pam Foster is a Certified Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Copywriter and web content consultant for multi-page sites and online promotions (emails and landing pages)…

She’s the founder of ContentClear Marketing and, AWAI’s Director of Copywriting Training, AND the author of three valuable AWAI programs: How to Choose Your Writing Niche, Site Audits Made Simple, and Working Effectively with Web Clients.

Pam’s diverse 30+ years in Marketing Communications include work for dozens of clients such as: L.L. Bean,, DirectVet Marketing, Lifelearn, BRL Sciences, and IDEXX Laboratories.

As Pam Foster often says, “One of the most common client problems we can solve is answering this question: ‘Why isn’t my website working to bring in traffic or drive sales?’”

The answer is often related to CONTENT QUALITY. That’s why, during her session, Pam will show you how to…

  • Solve your client’s top 10 content mistakes with her handy checklist… this alone will make your clients see you as a superhero…
  • Add in Pam’s “diagnostic Site Audit” (which she’ll walk you through step-by-step) and you have the recipe for a full web copy business… just from this one project type alone.
  • Help your clients identify why their content isn’t working (including Search Engine Optimization, mobile-responsiveness, and other must-haves) and you can easily earn $1,000-$2,500 per audit!

That’s just the beginning. Often, clients will hire you to carry out your recommendations… giving you even more ways to profit.

I can’t stress just how valuable Pam’s session will be for you. By the time she’s finished sharing her proven “tricks of the trade,” you’ll feel 100% confident in your ability to solve your client’s content problems and write web copy that will simply blow them away.

  • Write Real Assignments… Get Personal Feedback… and Move Beyond Theory to Practical, Profitable, Real-World Copy Skills

Every year, I make a promise to attendees of the Web Copy Intensive…

With the information you’ll learn from these working web experts, you’ll become a SKILLED Web Copy Specialist, able to write the seven most in-demand web copy assignments.

Right now, I want to make that same promise to you.

This event isn’t an “information dump”…

Yes, you will get all the recordings and materials — and when you consider the quality of the information you’re going to get, it’s well worth it…

But, to really take your skills to the next level — and make sure you fully understand what you’re learning — we’re going to review your copy and give you professional feedback!

Here’s how it works:

After the training sessions on PPC ads, emails, and blogging, you’ll get an assignment to put your skills and strategies to work.

(This is just like the live event attendees in Austin, but because you can pause your recordings, you won’t feel any “pressure” to rush… )

And when you’re ready, submit your assignments for review. We’ll give you personal feedback on how to make your copy stronger, so you can polish it into a client-attracting writing sample that you’ll be proud to show off!

That’s right.

Just by doing the three assignments provided for this year’s Web Copy Intensive and applying our feedback, you’ll create excellent samples that prove to potential clients you know what you’re doing.

You’ll have the skills, samples, and confidence that you are ready to handle projects as a web writer.

And there’s more…

Start Writing for Real Clients Right Away

This year, as part of the Web Copy Intensive Home Study Program, you’ll get access to actual Spec Assignments. These projects come from real companies looking to hire AWAI-trained web copywriters. That could be YOU!

Just in case you’re unfamiliar with the term, Spec Assignments are “short copy” test-runs that companies use to see how you’d write copy for their products or services.

In other words, a spec works a lot like an audition. You submit a sample of your writing and, if the client likes what they see, they’ll hire you for the full project and often other projects.

Just one web copy project could easily pay for your investment in this Home Study Program! More impressively, writing a spec that lands a client could launch your entire career…

“My first Spec Assignment was pretty straightforward. Propose a headline, lead, and outline for a 1,200-word article. My idea was accepted and I got paid for writing the full article.

“But, that was just the beginning. The same company liked my article so much that they went on to hire me for other articles, emails, and even full sales letters. From that ONE Spec Assignment, I can track over $19,000 in income just in 2016 alone.”

— Christina Gillick

So, what’s the bottom line?

It’s this:

If you register for the Web Copy Intensive Home Study Program and watch the expert-led sessions and diligently do the simple assignments, you will confidently — and skillfully — be able to write the seven most lucrative types of web copy projects for your clients.

How can I be so sure?

Because I know, with the Web Copy Intensive Home Study, you’ll learn the most up-to-date information available, from the most successful web writers in our industry!

When you register today, you’ll:

  • Get immediate access to your bonus from Nick Usborne. This additional 6 hours of training on the fundamentals will help you form a solid (and necessary) foundation in web writing. When you’re done, you’ll be able to outperform — and out profit — 99% of other writers on the planet.
  • Learn firsthand what’s working online today. Plus, what clients look for and how to write the most profitable web copy projects. All from the best, most sought-after web writers…
  • Get a rare opportunity to submit your assignments for personal review. Our goal is for YOU to be 100% confident in your ability to create effective web copy that will impress clients… And to provide you with polished samples you can use to land your first clients.
  • Gain access to Spec Assignments that open the door to real clients, right away!
  • Download the Web Copy Intensive resources that live event attendees received before, during, and after the presentations. This includes any handouts, supplemental materials, examples, and templates. You’ll even get access to the speaker’s presentation slides.

Now, considering the caliber of the speakers, the quality of the information revealed, and the impact this event will have on your career, it’s no surprise that people attending the live event in Austin paid as much as $4,995 to get access to this information.

Not to mention their travel, food, and hotel room costs!

The same information that is now available to you at a fraction of the original price…

You see, full access to Web Copy Intensive Home Study and everything I mentioned above will be $1,995.

Plus, you can divide your investment into three equal, interest-free payments…

Go here right now to gain access to the entire Web Copy Intensive Home Study Program for only $665 today.

Plus, there’s something else you should know…

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

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