Alux – Mind Mastery



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Alux – Mind Mastery

Mind Mastery by
The Mindset & Meditation Course you’ve been waiting for!

Guided Meditation for Entrepreneurs & High Achievers
3 Modules created with the Aluxer in mind for a complete experience!

Designed for someone who’s interested in acquiring this valuable skill but has no previous experience.

Crafted for someone who’s looking to leverage the benefits of meditation into a daily practice.

Created for the Aluxer who’s looking for a personal breakthrough transformation.

You’re getting all 3 modules in a single course!

  • Start and maintain a productive daily meditation practice
  • Take control of your emotions, deal with stress and anxiety and get clarity in your life
  • Have at least one breakthrough moment that changes your life forever

Mind Mastery

A premium experience by


80% of Successful people use meditation to get ahead in life
Make better decisions, come up with creative solutions to the problems you’re dealing with in your life and follow a clear path of incremental change!


Who is this for
We’ve designed this entire experience with the Aluxer in mind. The entire course was built from scratch for people like us, those who want to learn valuable skills. No previous experience required. We will teach you the basics in the first module, then in the second one you’ll get the techniques that will allow you to take full advantage of the Master module where the transformation will happen. You’re going to love it!


Course curriculum
You’re getting a full 21 day transformation!

1 Module 1: Beginner

  • Module 1 – Introduction
  • Module 1 – Understanding the WHY
  • Module 1 – The Power of Meditation
  • Module 1 – What is Meditation
  • Module 1 – Your Goal
  • Module 1 – What to Expect
  • Module 1 – Good to know
  • How to use this Course
  • Mind Mastery by – Guidebook
  • Module 1 – Before your first session
  • 0 – The Beginning

2 Module 2: Advanced

  • Module 2 – Introduction
  • Concept – The noise in your head
  • Day 1 – The noise in your head
  • Concept – The sky above the clouds
  • Day 2 – The sky above the clouds
  • Concept – The Lotus
  • Day 3 – The Lotus
  • Concept – Befriending the beast
  • Day 4 – Befriending the beast
  • Concept – The Lake in your mind
  • Day 5 – The lake in your mind
  • Concept – Letting go of balloons
  • Day 6 – Letting go of balloons
  • BONUS: Meditate with a Pro

3 Module 3: Master

  • Module 3 – Introduction
  • How to get the most value out of the Master Module
  • Day 7 – A CHOICE
  • Day 8 – IDEAS
  • Day 9 – WEALTH
  • Day 10 – LOVE
  • Day 11 – FAMILY
  • Day 12 – HEALTH
  • Day 13 – WORK
  • Day 14 – LIFE
  • Day 15 – HAPPINESS
  • Day 16 – MONEY
  • Day 18 – SAD DAYS
  • Day 19 – I WANNA QUIT DAYS
  • Day 20 – BULLSHIT DAYS
  • Day 21 – A NEW PERSON
  • Module 3 – BONUS

Don’t take our word for it!
Hundreds of people went through the Mind Mastery journey. Here’s a snippet of their experience:

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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