Manuela Mitevova – Unbound Mind




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Manuela Mitevova – Unbound Mind

From wired and tired to ➾ RESTED and EMPOWERED in just 21 days!

Would you like to learn how to calm yourself ON THE SPOT whenever the world comes crashing down on you?

✦ No matter how stressful the situation…
✦ No matter how stuck you think you are…
✦ And even if you’ve NEVER meditated before…

Here’s why being THE BOSS OF YOUR OWN MIND
is truly the best thing you can do for yourself…

Dear crazy busy soul,

Have you ever paused and breathed through a stressful situation…

And then realized that you averted a breakdown JUST by the power of your own thoughts?

If you have, then you know being in control of how you respond to what life throws at you is one of the most rewarding things EVER!

Every situation is an opportunity for liberation. And there are so many little practices to do to look after yourself and CALM YOUR MIND!

Which is also why…

Learning How To Control Your Mind Is A HARD SKILL To Get

It’s not as easy as sitting down to meditate for 10 minutes and calling it a day. (I wish)

Without a holistic understanding of what’s really going on in you when you get stressed, anxious, and agitated, you are fighting a losing battle.

Sadly, this is why I see sooo many people give up meditation after realizing it simply doesn’t do miracles by itself.

And to make things even worse, when trying to figure out why you’re not feeling better…

Most Meditation Advices You Get Anywhere Is DEAD WRONG

I remember when I started my journey into mindfulness and meditation…

I used to think all my pent up anxiety and stress would never catch up with me if I just looked the other way (yeah right). And then I burnt out, big time!

My vision tunnelled, my heart skipped beats, and I was quickly spiralling into a full blown panic attack. A night at the emergency room later, and 4,000$ lighter, I realized things had to change!

So I tried meditation…only to find it made me neither happier nor calmer.

I would go online to research what I was doing wrong, but the only advice I could find was guesswork by people who have never even understood the essence of meditation and who were talking about it as if it was the magic fix-all. (It’s so not!)

So if you’ve tried meditation and failed, or you’re afraid to jump in because you think it’s pointless…


I Took The Long Way To MASTER THE ART OF TRUE CALM So That You Don’t Have To

After a few years relentlessly studying the science and spirituality of meditation and a few failed attempts to get calm and less anxious, I started to see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. I was beginning to feel into my own incredible power, and I was hooked.

I travelled the world to open my mind to different meditation techniques, I read hundreds of books on mindfulness, neuroplasticity, and psychology, and I uncovered incredible things that forever changed how I viewed calm. And I couldn’t believe noone was talking about them!

So I started guiding people through meditations that made sense, and…

I’ve Found That There Is Really Only One Way To Teach People HOW TO FIND CALM

By placing power into their own hands and showing them how to direct the course of their thoughts, actions, and feelings through UNDERSTANDING.

Understanding what you ask?

The basic concepts of what happens to our bodies and minds under stress!

Believe me, I wish someone taught me this at the beginning of my journey. I wasted so many years trying to enter meditation and calm from the wrong end.

I should have started at ground zero, learning about my physiology and psychology first, and then doing practices that were aligned with what I learned. Not taking advice from people who were meditating just for the sake of it (or because it was cool).

I realized that the path to true calm had to be taught differently, so I started distilling everything I’ve learned over the years, boiling it down to a step-by-step process that anyone can use to get calm, happy, and content.


Unbound Mind

✦ A 21-Day Modern Meditation Program to Rewire Your Brain For More Calm ✦

No matter if it’s your first time trying meditation, or you’ve logged some serious hours already…

Unbound Mind is an in-depth journey into your own mind and body where I’ll teach you how to hack your brain to get calmer than you’ve ever been.

You’ll be getting real-time tools and self-care rituals to destress, and move through life with the agency that is rightfully yours.

You’ll be guided through mindshifting thought lectures, guided meditations, sound baths, movement exercises, and breathwork.

Unbound Mind Success Stories

I feel so proud to get messages like these from students who joined the practice

Ariele G.
I find myself both extremely internally aware and utterly soothed
“Manuela has a truly unique way of helping you to notice all those mental goings-on, gently but deeply. It’s both her way of speaking, pacing, and the content of her meditations that makes her guidance so effective.

It’s not often that I find myself both extremely internally aware and utterly soothed during guided meditation. And yet she’s able to create precisely that experience.”

Justyna F.
I have learnt so much about myself and my power
“Manuela makes the impression of a human being full of happiness, warmth and acceptance. You can instantly sense that she is tremendously dedicated to what she is doing and passionate about that.

And what’s most important for me, you know that she is authentic, and you can trust her. I have learnt so much about myself and my power through her unique take on meditation”

Mars V.
Made me feel like there is a way forward!
“Always full of love and warmth, Manu approaches things in a joyful manner and radiates that to everyone around her.

Her meditations make it easy to explore things that would normally be too difficult or scary to consider, making you feel like of course there’s a way forward! How could you ever think otherwise!”

Here’s How You’ll Get Out Of Your Own Way And

When you join Unbound Mind today, you get immediate access to the whole program.

You can start learning, practicing, and FEELING BETTER right away.


First, I’ll introduce you to the program and my unique techniques.
Then, you’ll learn how to TRULY relax, unplug, and connect to the present moment.
We’ll start by a few important thought lectures to get your mind in the right space, and we’ll move on to practical meditations and exercises.

We’ll also cover lesson like:

⭐ How the Body Follows the Mind
You’ll learn how interconnected the mind and body are and how to use that connection when going through acute or chronic stress.
⭐ Exploring Grounding
I’ll teach you the simplest and most accessible grounding technique ever, so you can use it whenever you get overwhelmed by responsibilities and life.
⭐ How the Breath Works and How to Use It
You’ll discover what role the breath plays in how we respond to stress, and you’ll learn something really cool that will turn your breathing into your secret weapon against anxiety and stress.
⭐ Body Scan Guided Meditation
I’ll guide you through the most soothing guided meditation that will make you feel like you’ve just returned from a spa weekend, so that you feel relaxed and ready to take on more mind shifts.

By the end of this chapter, you will understand how your thoughts and emotions work, and you will have real-time tools to help you deal with stress right when it happens.
And that will be the perfect time to take it a step further…


In chapter 2, you will discover how to really tap into the space and calmness that you already have within you.
You will go deeper into understanding how your daily thoughts and behaviors work, and how they can be used to shape a life you envision for yourself.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover:

⭐ How Your Mind Asks for a Break and Why You Can’t Take It
You’ll learn all about why you seem to be stuck in your mind and why you can’t just relax, and you will understand exactly what you have to do to change that.
⭐ Watch Your Mind
I’ll guide you through an exercise you can do to train your power over your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s pretty powerful stuff!
⭐ Spaciousness of Thought Guided Meditation
You’ll learn that there is an alternative way of looking at a busy mind, and I’ll guide you through a meditation which will literally shift your understanding about overthinking and anxiety.

You’ll be surprised how all the practices we’ve done so far will start adding up at this point. And we are really getting into mastery territory next…


In this chapter, I will show you how to stop getting overwhelmed by emotions and stress, and how to become the one who directs the experience of your life.

Here’s some lessons that will help you do that:

⭐ How to be Less Emotionally Reactive (including a Cheat Sheet on emotional reactivity!)
This is where you’ll dig deeper into emotional reactivity and why it makes you feel sooo stuck in your behaviors and feelings. And you’ll get a practice sheet to help you train your power over it!
⭐ From Reaction to Response: Choosing the Mindful Way
You’ll learn how to shift your thoughts and actions from automatic, to directed, and you’ll start seeing the impact this shift has on your life.
⭐ Directing Energy Movement Practice
I’ll guide you through a movement practice that will show you how emotions are stored and manifest in the body, and how you can use them to work for you, not against you.
⭐ Sleep Yoga Guided Meditation
You’ll get immersed in some serious nourishment with this guided meditation that is meant to take you to the very edge of your conscious mind, giving you space to work on yourself in a different setting.

By the end of this chapter, you will have all the tools necessary to build a functional and lasting meditation practice that will transform your life.

Be Your Own GURU
When you join Unbound Mind, you are getting a roadmap that empowers YOU to guide yourself.
I’ll take you through all the steps to understand why you think, act, and feel the way you do, and I will give you practices and tools to get happier, and calmer, so that you can replicate that feeling over and over again.
You’ll be learning priceless skills that will make you confident and powerful in your daily life, because you deserve no less!
I know that once you make it through Unbound Mind, you can REALLY TACKLE ANYTHING in life. And you’ll see how THAT is the best feeling EVER!
Let Me Show You How to Get There

Still Not Sure Unbound Mind Is For You?

✓ You are ready to take charge of your own wellbeing
✓ You are done feeling tired and stressed ALL THE TIME
✓ You are craving a REAL break, not just a spa day
✓ You need practical tools and actionable steps, not empty talk

✗ You feel like change is impossible for you
✗ You are not willing to do the work
✗ You want to sit for hours every day trying to meditate
✗ You believe that you need to stop thinking to find stillness

Now If It’s For You, IMAGINE You Could…
✦ Start each day feeling rested and motivated to live your best life
✦ Be able to deal with stress in a healthy and productive way
✦ Build a personal self-care practice that honors your needs
✦ Have powerful stress-busting tools in your toolkit
✦ Relieve years of built up tension from your body
✦ Feel genuinely happy, content, and at ease with yourself

Hi, I’m Manu,
I teach down-to-earth wellbeing practices to people who wanna live their best lives.
Mindfulness is my jam, and so is good living, which is why I am passionate about passing on practices that don’t feel like chores, but juicy parts of your day-to-day.
Meditation is not just about sitting down and trying to empty your mind. It’s about how you live your daily life.
I am very excited to share my own tried and tested techniques with you, as I know they REALLY work, and will set you off on your own journey of self-discovery and peace.
See you inside the program!

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