T.Harv Eker – 3 Day Life Makeover



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T.Harv Eker – 3 Day Life Makeover

The Life Makeover Coaching Program
Your Ultimate Life Is Waiting For You –
Give Your Life The Makeover It Deserves

Join T. Harv Eker And His Expert Coaches For A Special, One-Of-A-Kind Program That Helps You


Would you like to have more happiness, more money, better relationships, better health, and more freedom in your life?

Then congratulations! Because just by visiting this page, you’ve already taken the first step.

Chances are, you’re the kind of person who goes after what you want. Who sets goals and relentlessly pursues them. And that’s great… but for most of us, it’s not enough. And I’ll tell you why in a moment.

But before you get too comfortable with “the idea” of an improved new life, one quick question:

Did You Make Any Resolutions This Year?

If you’re like a lot of people, I bet you said “yes.”

And if you’re like most people, I bet I know exactly what happened to your resolutions.

You couldn’t find the time. Other things came up. Life got in the way. It was too hard. Or maybe you just realized you didn’t care enough to actually pursue your goals.

In other words: you probably broke your resolutions.

If so, you’re not alone – a whopping 92% of people every year do.

And if you’re one of those people who doesn’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, well… why not?

Probably because you know how hard they are to keep!

Why do I bring up resolutions?

Because each and every year, millions of people make a commitment to change their lives. And every year, almost all of them fail to follow through.

Making A Commitment Is A Great First Step – But It’s Only The Beginning

After all, knowing you need to change your life and actually doing it are two different things. And for the vast majority of people, actually putting in the work to change their lives is the hard part.

So what do that lucky 8% of people who manage to make goals and keep them have that everyone else doesn’t?

It’s simple, really: they understand that to make real change, you need three things: direction, momentum, and support.

In other words, they know they need someone to guide them, to show them how to make the changes they want in their life to get them to actually stick.

They know it’s important to keep practicing, each and every day, if they want to improve.

And they know that the best way to make both of these things happen is to have a mentor who will keep them on track and help them stay motivated.

It’s the difference between someone who buys a gym membership in January and then tells themselves they’re “too busy” to work out the rest of the year… and the person who pays a little extra for a personal trainer to keep them on top of their workout routine.

The majority of people need to have someone guide them and keep them motivated.

Introducing The Life Makeover Coaching Program
A Unique Mentoring Program To Help You Achieve Your Ultimate Life

So by now you’re probably asking, “Harv, getting the support and guidance I need sounds great. But where do I find that?”

That, my friend, is exactly what my Life Makeover Coaching program is all about. When you join this one-of-a-kind coaching program, you’ll learn how to…

  • Become crystal clear about what you want. The #1 reason most people don’t get what they want is because they don’t know what they want.
  • Get more motivation and energy to make the changes necessary to achieve exactly what you want in your life.
  • Drill down and find your “why nots” – the deeply rooted beliefs you have about why you can’t achieve the success you dream of.
  • Create a strategy and plan of action that works for YOU and your lifestyle to virtually guarantee your success.
  • Create actions that are both doable and effective in producing the results you want.
  • Step-by-step how to commit and finish any project or task you start.

Our coaches are trained to advise you. Question you. Challenge your assumptions. Help you dig deeper. Prevent self-sabotage. Motivate you. Acknowledge you. And celebrate your wins.

In short, your coach will be in your corner every step of the way… right up until every part of your life is going exactly the way you want it.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a professional coach in your corner whose only job is to make sure you’re successful and happy?

See what other participants of Harv’s
coaching are saying:

“The Life Makeover Coaching really got me on track to finish writing my book. Thank you Harv! The book is done and for sale. Feedback is always apprecitated! :)”

– Dave Dickey

Each Coaching Session Is Designed To Dig Deep
Into A Single Area Of Your Life… And Help You
Transform It From The Ground Up

Ensuring that your total life is in balance and that you also make progress in your top priority.

We’ve designed the Life Makeover Coaching program to allow you work on your top priority without neglecting the rest of your life (this is why our current coaching students call this system “brilliant”).

Maybe it’s money. Maybe it’s a key relationship. Maybe it’s health and fitness. Or maybe you’re just not happy with yourself and how you feel… and you’re not sure why. Whatever it is, you’ll spend 50% of your time working on improving this area of your life.

You’ll work on
1 of the 8 balance categories.

Because pursuing success in only one area doesn’t work. It typically causes the rest of your life to swing out of balance. Because we are holistic beings, meaning every area of our life affects every other area

Claim Your Spot Now

Included in the program:

Become crystal clear about what you want. The #1 reason most people don’t get what they want is because they don’t know what they want.
Get more motivation and energy to make the changes necessary to achieve exactly what you want in your life.
Drill down and find your “why nots” – the deeply rooted beliefs you have about why you can’t achieve the success you dream of.
Create a strategy and plan of action that works for YOU and your lifestyle to virtually guarantee your success.
Create actions that are both doable and effective in producing the results you want.
Step-by-step how to commit and finish any project or task you start.

Here’s What Some Of Our Students Are Saying
About The Life Makeover Coaching Program

“Since I have started LMC the universe has opened up for me. My business & website has been nominated as a ‘local legend’ by a customer for a mokeover on a national business program on tv (worth $25K) & I have been shortlisted – whooo hooo!

Secondly, out of the blue I’ve been asked oto be a semi exclusive supplier for a medical compression range. Thank you to Harv’s program, Jonny Ball’s coaching, and my fellow students. there is always something to learn, appreviate, grow from, and move past.”

– Judy Vanston

“Last week the LM system helped me finally set up two donations to charity – and I set them up on an automic monthly basis so I can contribute on a consistent basis!

Even though my income isn’t high (yet) it feels great to be of calue and provide for children who are less fortunate.

Thanks for the great system. It really does help propel focused action.”

– Dylan Todhunter

“The coaching has really expanded the possibilities in my life and moticated me to compelete projects that are very dear to my heart and passion in life. I spent several hours working on my bok this weekend, Under The Bus: Why Women Hurth Other Women in Business and How To Change It. It was stuck for three months, then I started the coaching classes. Thank you Elena, T. Harv, and the Life Makeover Coaching team. Wishing you all many blessings!! Yes and Yes!”

– Pat Blakey

“I want to take a moment and thank the LMC team. This coaching prgram is constantly changing my life for the better.”

– Roy Greemberg

“Something remarkable happened to me today. A few months ago (shortly before joining this program), I did a word cloud of what I wanted from life. Jest sat and typed for 5 minutes (into a generator) things I wanted. When I was done, I save and printed the result. The very first line of the cloud was “paddleboard”. Guess what I did today? Yes I went Stand Up Paddleboarding for the first time 🙂 The remarkable part? I did it totally without fear… not one ounce. This is a situation that would ordinarily cause me at least a bit of angst… new place I’ve never been to, new activity I’ve never done before requiring a bit of athleticism, and new people I’ve never met. And not one shred of fear!! Every day I am amazed and eternally grateful for having found this program. Every. Single. Day.”

– Kathleen Smiley

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