Club Life Design – The Power Of Instagram



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Club Life Design – The Power Of Instagram


what CLD students have to say..
Hey guys!! Just wanted to let you know that a reel that I uploaded has 17.7 million views so far! 🎉🎉🎉 I can’t believe it!

It’s all thanks to starting with the 30 days reels challenge and then I just didn’t stop uploading 😅😅😅
Do you guys remember that you asked us in the course to write down our goals?

On the 21st of November I wrote that I wanted to grow by 10k followers until June, at that time I had 56.500 followers.
Only after 3 weeks I managed to achieve that goal and I now have 66.700 followers.

I know that the date I wrote to achieve my goal might seem unrealistic but it was according to my normal growth. My IG insights have never been as good as now!
This is amazing! All thanks to this course! I’m so happy 🤍🤍🤍🤍

We’ve landed and it’s actually happening this time our first hotel collaboration and it’s in London, part of the Hilton brand 🙌🏻🙌🏻

We didn’t contact them either, they contacted us 😱

We are over the moon 🙌🏻
Jack & Kirsten@movemountainswithus
We done it guys!!!!

We reached 40k!!

All thanks to you, it’s a big deal for us. When we started this was our goal and we finally reached it.

We couldn’t have done it without you and the best course in the market, so here is a special message for the best mentors.
Michal, Claudia & Leo@partimetravelers
Hello! […]
I just want to make your day even better by telling you guys that I have a reel that reached 2 MILLION views today an my follower count has changed from 1.4k to 6k by the time I’m sending you this where my story views increased from 200 max to 1k+!

And this made me remember the graph you once mentioned in your webinar, the reason why not more people succeed, and how their time to shine might be just around the corner if they don’t give up… and that’s exactly what happened to me!

I was so exhausted and close to giving up and call it a day… then I decided to post this one reel and try a very last time. And here I am!!! It feels AMAZING and I’m so grateful for your knowledge and webinars! 💞💞
Lara Achkar@laraalachkar
This course is for you, if…

  • You wish you could make a side income online without risking your job first.
  • You wish you could work online from anywhere in the world.
  • You’ve always wanted to make a living online, but never knew where or HOW to begin.
  • You understand the basics of Instagram, but want to take the platform to the next level for your business.
  • You find it almost impossible to build a following, no matter how hard you try.
  • You want to travel more, and have the opportunity to stay at beautiful hotels (without paying the hotel rates).

You with us? Keep reading.
now imagine if…

  • You could work from anywhere in the world, on your own schedule.
  • You were able to live your purpose and have a meaningful impact on others.
  • You could quit your 9-5, and travel the world making money through social media.
  • You could grow a supportive and positive following, organically.
  • You could develop a tested and true Instagram formula to get your offerings in front of the right people.
  • Your confidence was boosted by knowing how to use all of the digital tools your business needs to succeed.

are we..?
Many of you already know us, we’ve probably chatted on the ‘gram. If we’re just now meeting, we’re Marie, Jake, Raquel & Miguel.

For the past 4 years, we’ve been traveling the world, documenting our adventures, connecting with so many lovely humans and sharing our creativity to millions worldwide.

It’s hard to imagine life before that.

In our past lives, we were slaves to the daily grind, working jobs that didn’t fulfill us nor light our souls on fire.

It can be a frustrating loop of feeling stuck and trapped in a lifestyle that doesn’t serve you. We know that feeling VERY well…

Between the four of us, we’ve grown our communities on Instagram to over two million amazing people, started multiple online businesses, built different revenue streams and blew our own minds with the unexpected success that we’ve found using this incredibly powerful little app — Instagram.

We’ve all learned that social media moves quickly. It’s constantly evolving, and if you keep up with the trends and algorithm, you can win BIG.

That’s why TPI is fully loaded with completely relevant, totally up-to-date lessons from people who have really practiced what is being preached.

We don’t like calling ourselves experts, but we’ve built something great, and want to share our framework.

We left nothing out, so take what you can; this accessible course is built to change lives, and if taken seriously, it seriously will.

Join the
CLD Family
The Power of Instagram is a deep dive into our roadmap for building wildly successful Instagram accounts.
We’re finally sharing our strategies for growing our brand to over 1 Million followers.

In TPI (The Power of Instagram), we teach you all about the amazingly powerful tool that is Instagram and how you can use it to become an online entrepreneur so that you can make a living, while truly living.

TPI is a deep dive into the world of Instagram that details the EXACT blueprint we used to build successful Instagram accounts with millions of followers.

Our strategies have helped us design a fulfilling career and a lifestyle that we can’t wait to wake up to every day. 

Like it or not, Instagram is here to stay, and we want to put its manual for success into your hands. This is all about having an abundance mentality; we’re sharing the joy and success.

take a peek into the modules
MODULE 1 welcome to TPI
Learn more about us, and what brought us here. Then, we’ll dive into your WHY. Together, we’ll unearth your niche gifts, and get ready to deploy them in a way that only you can, so you can truly stand out in the crowd, and show up authentically you. Building a life of alignment begins with tapping into yourself.
MODULE 2 it’s all in the mind
The mind is a powerful tool for good, or it can be our worst enemy. This module focuses on setting big but attainable goals, and shifting into the right mindset to bring them into reality. Without the right mindset, it’s hard to imagine success is possible– trust that it is.
MODULE 3 setting your foundation and planning ahead
The mindset is the foundation, but here’s where things get real. We’ll identify your secret sauce, and carve out your powerful niche to share with a specific audience. We’ll comb through every detail of your instagram account like your handle, competitor analysis to your profile bio, and more.
MODULE 4 content is key
We’ll decode every mystery about content and all the forms it takes. We’ll source inspo, offer strategy, help you understand your equipment and digital tools, lighting, captions, editing and more. This is the ultimate guide to consistently creating quality content that resonates with your genuine self, as well as your audience and is the ticket to growing your audience.
MODULE 5i t’s all about posing
SPOILER ALERT: your favorite influencer is not flawless. There are SO many tricks of the trade, and we’re ready to unveil them all. Practice various poses for all parts of the body in various situations to look and feel more confident. Foster self-love so that next time you’re in front of the camera, you don’t feel like running away.
MODULE 6 it’s time to grow your community
There’s a system known as the algorithm, and then there’s authentic, organic growth. Learn how to track progress, go viral, get on the explore page, create effective hashtags, shut out negativity, and focus on real human to human engagement. We teach you to make the algorithm work for you, not against you.
MODULE 7 earning money with Instagram
Understanding your worth is every new entrepreneur’s struggle. Collabs and negotiations are not human skills we are born with, they are taught and practiced. This module is a head start to narrowing down your niche, media and press, your products, offerings, affiliates, and straight-up human sales psychology. Finally learn the secrets that influencers utilize to make money (and get free stuff)! Quick hint: You can make way more than you think through social media.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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