Gkic – Event Hacks



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Gkic – Event Hacks

Attention Seminar Leaders, Speakers, Coaches, Authors,

Consultants, Online Marketers And Professional Practices Who Are
Ready To Take Their Business To The Next Level:
Discover The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy You Can Deploy To Attract, Retain And Ascend Customers To Bigger, High Ticket Packages… And Make More Money In A Single Weekend Than Most People Do In A Single Year

This Is the ONLY System That Shows You How To Market, Fill And Monetize Your Event—From 500+ Person Seminars At Huge Hotels To More Intimate Workshops And Retreats With 5-15 People

Dear Savvy Entrepreneur or Business Owner, 

Listen, it’s hard to attract top-quality customers these days. Sure, there are new ways to get customers through social media, Facebook and text messages, but you tend to get a “mixed bag” of customers.
Some of them are motivated at getting results and will invest a lot of money with you through your high-ticket packages, but most of them aren’t

serious, are price-resistant and will eventually leave you — perhaps to go to a competitor.

That leaves you constantly having to invest your valuable marketing dollars to replace the customers who left you. Plus you have to go through the PAIN of filtering out the good, motivated customers…and “throwing out” all the duds because you don’t have a system for separating your ideal, “slam dunk” customers from the rest.
But what if you possessed a time-tested and proven “secret strategy” that automatically attracts the “top 1%” of customers who are motivated to get results, forms a “virtual fence” around them so that they’ll never leave you, and easily moves them to your high-ticket packages without any buying resistance?

It’s all about putting on LIVE events — the secret

“X-Factor” that GKIC has been using for the past 27 years to influence, impact and retain customers

You see, putting on a LIVE event—whether it’s a large seminar, a small workshop, an intimate retreat, or something in between—is the most powerful marketing strategy you could possibly have in your arsenal.

For example, it enables you to quickly ascend your customers and clients into your high-priced programs. We regularly use our annual SuperConference℠, Info-SUMMIT℠, and our Fast Implementation Bootcamps to “move” our customers into our $12,000-and-up Coaching and Mastermind groups.
This would be virtually impossible if we ran things from a distance and stuck with the usual marketing tactics like email, social media, webinars, and direct mail.
Plus putting on LIVE events allows you to create better customers. A customer is far more likely to stay beyond a year, beyond two years, and beyond three years vs. if they just heard from you just through email, livecasts and social media.
For example, our “lifers”—people who have been with us for 5, 10, 15 even 20 years—have all attended our live events early on, and continue to attend them frequently.
Why? Because holding a live event allows your customers to get close to you and “bond” with you and your brand. This is a level of interaction and intimacy that simply cannot be replicated with livecasts, webinars, emails, and social media.
Not only that, but…
Putting On A LIVE Event Is The Most Powerful Way To Fill Your Pipeline With New Customers, Clients Or Patients…

Customers who come to a live event are more dedicated and will generally spend more money with you. They will be more motivated to succeed because they jumped through many hoops to get to you (boarded a flight, rented a car, drove across town, etc.) vs. a customer who bought from you via direct mail or the Internet.

Quite simply, you need higher numbers to maintain and grow your business if you choose not to add live events to your marketing mix. Live events allow you to have fewer customers and still meet your income goals—vs. sticking with online marketing and direct mail.
Not only that, but having a live event positions you as a leader—not just an expert—in your field. It allows you to stand apart in a crowded marketplace because, to be frank, nobody else is doing them.
So putting on live events will give you a massive “unfair advantage” over your competition. Your newfound “leader status” will allow you to charge more for your products and services—even if you don’t sell a thing at your event.
Finally, putting on a live event not only increases your reach within your customers, but also your niche. People who have never heard of you are now talking about you because you are hosting a live event—something that is virtually impossible if you’re just doing webinars and livecasts.
So If You Want To Build A Strong, Predictable, Long Lasting Business, Then You NEED To Put On Live Events!

Otherwise, you’ll always have to deal with “replacing” your customers because they will leave you and “move on” to someone else because you don’t have a way to retain and ascend your customers.

You’ll miss the opportunity to ascend your customers into high-ticket mastermind groups, coaching groups and 1-on-1 private coaching/clients—stuff that is 10x harder to do virtually.
You also could be “stuck” with the current prices you’re charging for your products and services because you’re missing this MASSIVE credibility/authority builder from your marketing plan that could give you the luxury to command higher prices.
In other words, you’ll be forced to “stay small” and not make the impact you want because you don’t have LIVE events as part of your business model. You’ll also be lost in the fray of your competition because you’re not using live events to differentiate yourself.
Now, remember, the best part is that…
You Don’t Have To Put On Seminars With 500+ People At Fancy Hotels. You Can Easily Hold Events With 5-15 People At Your Local Super 8 Or Coffee Shop…

So don’t think that you need to be a big “guru” to start putting on your own live events. You have to start somewhere—and just having 5-10 people at your first live event could be the start of something you can easily scale to be “bigger”.

For example, Brendon Burchard — who spoke at the GKIC Info-SUMMIT℠ a couple years ago — held his first event 7 years ago where only 27 people showed up at a local Holiday Inn. Now he holds events where 1000+ people fly from everywhere to see him speak.
And Tony Robbins used to hold small seminars with 15-20 people at an area in the Los Angeles area until he became the superstar that he is — where 2000+ people regularly attend his “Unleash Your Power Within” seminar 4 times per year.
Tony Robbins at one of his sold out arena events

So don’t think you have to get 200+ people to your seminar during your first try. You can easily “start small” and—once you’ve ironed out the blueprint and know what you’re doing, you can easily ramp everything up to get more people to your event.

But you have to get started. And if you don’t have a blueprint or “system” to get people to your event and monetize it, then you could easily lose tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars—or waste months of your time. Plus:

You Cannot Send Out One Letter And Expect Your

Event To Fill Up—You Need A Proven SYSTEM For
Filling And Monetizing Your Event…

Yet, that’s what most people do: send a promo email, brochure or letter and expect people to show to an event like the movie Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come”…

Either that, or they focus just on how much “stuff” they can sell at an event—when they don’t realize there are several more ways to boost your profits from an event.
Not only that, but the game has totally changed when it comes to promoting live events. There are raising costs, including marketing and the cost to reserve a hotel. Plus people are more skeptical these days, don’t have money, and there’s more “mental stuff” you have to overcome when pitching to these prospects.
Let’s just say that the dynamics, or “what we do” to get people to come to our seminars have changed over the past 10-15 years.
And, for the first time ever, we’ve decided to reveal our top-secret “event hacks” so you can follow in our footsteps and have your own powerhouse events thanks to:

Event Hacks contains the keys to kingdom when it comes to planning, filling, and monetizing a powerhouse event. You’ll discover our EXACT blueprint—including action plans, budget worksheets, marketing strategies, and monetization strategies it would otherwise take you years to create and “figure out” on your own.

This is the official playbook we use every 2-3 months to fill our SuperConference℠, Info-SUMMIT℠, and Fast Implementation Bootcamps, that you can easily “copy and paste” for your own events. In other words, we’ve already done most of the “hard work” for you—just use what we’ve already invested years and millions of dollars to test, tweak and refine.
Imagine what it would be like to have a roomful of your “raving fans” who traveled either across town or across the country to see you. Just imagine how much bigger your bank account will look once you pulled off a blockbuster event.
And think about the “unfair advantage” you’ll get over your competitors who don’t have these proven Event Hacks—who aren’t going to add live events to their market mix.
You’ll be able to enjoy a pleasant, worry free, stress-free business life because you’ll have the most powerful marketing tool you’ll ever have that’ll allow you to get, retain, influence and “weed out” your top 1% customers from the rest of the pack…
…something that is almost impossible with practically any other marketing method!
All of this will be possible thanks to Event Hacks—which goes deep, deep, deeeeeep into how to promote, fill, and monetize an event so that you can simply piggyback upon our successes. You can use these hacks for:
  • Customer appreciation events to strengthen the bond between you and your customers. This is where you’ll have food, entertainment, and all kinds of “good stuff.” But you still have to sell it hard as you’re basically asking people to take time out of their schedules to attend.
  • One-on-one “intensive” workshops where you only invite 10-15 people to come and “get their hand held” in the subject pertaining to your niche. This is literally money that’s waiting to be tapped by you…because there’s always a handful of people who would pay big money to come to one of your events.
  • Free events for your customers (or members) where you upsell prospects on your products/services. Free events need to be sold as hard as paid events…as the objections are still the same. We hold our Fast Implementation Bootcamps several times a year for new people who come to GKIC to grow their business.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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