William Rajbar & Anthony Manuele – The Art of Move: Movement Foundations
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William Rajbar & Anthony Manuele – The Art of Move: Movement Foundations
Pain-Free Movement Made Simple
Feeling great in your physical body is your birthright. Nature designed our physical systems to be incredibly and intricately efficient, self-healing, and organized for pain-free movement… yet SO many people (including those who are ‘fit’ and exercise regularly) experience aches, pains, stiffness, and poor biomechanical patterns.
What went wrong?
Our modern lifestyles, as convenient and comfortable as they are, have moved our bodies out of their natural states. As a result, our tissues get locked up and calcified, our movement stiffens, our fascia dehydrates, and we experience pain, stiffness, and just plain bad movement.
What’s even worse is that most training programs including weightlifting, yoga, and other popular ‘fitness industry solutions’ don’t address the biomechanical roots of our pains and dysfunctions. They’re marketed as something helpful, but often lead to more injuries, discomfort, and long-term problems because they don’t address the root causes.
The good news is:
There is a way to restore our bodies to their natural, supple states.
- a comprehensive look at biomechanics, behaviours, and practices/techniques for you to feel amazing in your body, no matter what your level of athleticism (or lack thereof) happens to be
- How to fix your standing posture to be pain-free and structurally supportive
- The proper biomechanics of walking and running
- Learn about how your body is meant to move in an easy-to-understand way, taking complex ideas and making them simple to understand
- How to fix your daily habits so that your posture IMPROVES instead of hunches over time
- Workouts and movement flows that enhance your suppleness, mechanics, and musculature
- How to use self myofascial release in both basic and advanced applications to address pain and issues in the body
- Practices to free up your spine and free you from chronic back, hip, and knee pain
Change the way you live in your body
Learn the principles of how your body was naturally designed for pain-free movement, then reclaim that feeling of relaxed ease
- Curriculum by chiropractor Dr. William Rajbar and 10+ year personal trainer Anthony Manuele
- Step-by-step instruction on understanding why and how your body experiences dysfunction… and how to reverse it
- Both written and video content covering both in-depth (but easily understandable) concepts, with visual demonstrations of practical application
- Workouts and myofascial release exercises to build your own custom routine with to stay supple, fluid, and pain-free
Learn – Feel – Transform
Learn the ‘why’ behind all the methods
Feel the difference in the cues and exercises
Transform how you look and feel in your body
Not only an overview of the course – Anthony shares the lessons he acquired from years as a coach on how to learn and integrate the information more effectively instead of passively absorbing and forgetting the information that you take in
Principles of Posture
Learn the easiest, low-hanging fruit modifications to create length in your spine, relaxation through your shoulders, ease through your hips, and a great tall posture that communicates confidence and functionality
Foundations of Locomotion
Learn the most important human movements, and understand how the human body was meant to move through space- fluid, easy, and balanced!
Workouts, MFR, and Lifestyle Change
The multi-layered approach to changing how you live and FEEL in your body- integrated movement practice workouts with daily behaviour changes to transform how you look and move.
More Information: Please check more value courses here !
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