Tom Critchlow – SEO MBA Executive Presence



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Tom Critchlow – SEO MBA Executive Presence

Become a more confident and effective SEO professional

Learn the communication & business skills you need to level up your career.

  • Over 5 hours of videos
  • Real examples and case studies
  • Financial model template
  • Full SEO strategy presentation

Join over 310 SEOs enrolled in the course

“Tom Critchlow’s SEO MBA course is one of the very few SEO courses that are worth 10x the cost. If you’re interested in stepping out of the weeds to get buy-in with decision-makers at the executive level, this is a must-take course.

Tom’s vast experience, impactful examples, and data-driven lessons ensure your SEO career gets leveled up.”

Greg Bernhardt – Senior SEO Strategist, Shopify


The biggest challenge for SEO professionals is not knowing what to do, it’s knowing how to get it done

Recognize any of these?

  • Difficulty getting buy-in and budget from executives
  • Challenges demonstrating the value of SEO
  • Lacking confidence presenting SEO to the C-suite
  • Not getting the resources you need to get things done

The #1 challenge for SEO professionals is not technical know-how, but knowing how to get buy-in and budget. Industry surveys consistently rate it as the biggest challenge:

“The top 5 challenges are all SEO resource and execution challenges”

“The average SEO at a big company has been waiting over six months for their highest priority technical change and doesn’t anticipate seeing it deployed for at least another six months”

“43% of people cite lack of buy-in or resources as the biggest risk to SEO success.”

SEO fundamentally requires other teams to invest their resources in our projects, whether it’s the product, marketing or editorial team.

This course isn’t about technical audits or keyword research. This course focuses on the business, leadership and consulting skills that you need to be more effective in your job and operate at more senior levels of business.

For SEOs who want to be more effective

In-house SEO Professionals 

You don’t have the resources you need and it’s a challenge to persuade your company to invest in SEO.

After 5 weeks you’ll:

  • Be able to tie SEO to business value
  • Feel more confident advocating for resources
  • Have a full strategy presentation to invest in SEO

Agency SEO Consultants 

You’re trying to convince clients to invest in SEO, and you want more buy-in with senior stakeholders.

After 5 weeks you’ll:

  • Level up your strategy presentations
  • Be able to get clients to invest in SEO
  • Feel confident pitching bigger projects to bigger clients

What you’ll learn

  • How to create buy-in and secure resources for strategic SEO initiatives
  • How to create a business case for SEO initiatives and a full financial model
  • How to create effective, compelling presentations for senior executives and the C-suite
  • How to work cross functionally to get things done inside large organizations

5 Weeks of Intensive Learning with Weekly Assignments
Follow the weekly program or learn at your own pace

Each week contains videos, resources and homework assignments

Week 1: Good SEO Strategy
Learn how to create an effective SEO strategy that’s more than just a list of things you want to get done. Learn how to create compelling strategies that are credible and aligned with stakeholders.

Week 2: The Value of SEO
Learn how to connect SEO to business value and revenue, including hard to measure projects like link building. Deepen your appreciation for business models and how they dictate what gets funded.

Week 3: Investment Models
Learn how to create a financial investment plan and business model for large initiatives. Understand how to manage stakeholders to get buy-in and get key information to create compelling financial models.

Week 4: Effective Business Presentations
Learn how to structure clear communication, from writing emails to full strategy presentations. Get comfortable at managing upwards and put together a strategy presentation the same way McKinsey does.

Week 5: Getting Things Done
Learn how to find alignment with other teams, manage resource asks and navigate organizational politics. Improve your communication with senior stakeholders and find out why pre-agreeing is essential to getting buy-in and budget.

Join over 300 SEOs enrolled in the course.

“If you want to learn exactly how to present ideas and get executive buy-in for SEO projects, SEO MBA is easily the most important and unique course you can invest your time in. Unlike any other SEO training or course, SEO MBA teaches you how to build a presentation and strategy to get executive buy-in upfront.

Tom’s one simple tip on how to write a slide headline (and exactly what not to do) has radically transformed our client presentation and pitch decks. The course ended last week and it has already helped our entire agency communicate better and close 2 high quality six-figure deals.”
Leigh Wasson
Chief Marketing Officer, Supreme Optimization

“8 years into my career as a professional SEO, Tom’s SEO MBA has helped me discover new ways to pitch projects, present forecasts and slide decks, drive change in large organizations and think more strategically.

There are a lot of SEO courses that will tell you how to write a title tag or conduct keyword research. This is not one of them. Tom operates on another level, and you should consider yourself lucky if you ever get the chance to pick his brain about any SEO- and strategy related topic.”
Marco Schlauri
Founder, Digital Leverage

“The course was enlightening and I have already found actionable ways to improve my executive communication skills, optimize reporting, and “think bigger” with SEO strategy.

I now have the knowledge and tools to format more compelling requests for resources.

My team and direct manager have noted the positive change (and my boost in confidence) over the past few weeks, and I will continue to apply these learnings to take my performance to new heights.”
Madeline Enos
Marketing Manager and Off-Page SEO Lead
Hi, I’m Tom Critchlow and I’ve worn many hats in my career

I’ve spent the last 15 years working in agencies, in-house and now as an independent consultant for companies you’ve heard of like The New York Times, Google, Dotdash, Etsy and Gartner.

In my consulting work, I’ve helped companies structure large scale SEO investments and led hiring for senior SEO roles. What I’ve seen is that there’s a big skills gap in the market for technically competent SEOs to gain crucial business skills in order to operate at the most senior levels of business.

This course is a distillation of my entire career and brings to bear all of the skills and advice I wish I’d had in my career along the way.

“Tom brings a unique mix of SEO, business strategy and executive presence. Working together we have successfully secured investment to build modern SEO programs, driven valuable revenue growth and transformed SEO into a strategic business lever with executive leadership at various enterprises.”
Robert Bellovin
VP Product, Angi

“Tom is a ‘CEO Whisperer’. He is truly a world-class listener and mentor who knows how to knock down walls inside companies to get strategic projects delivered.”
Jeremy Cabral
Co-founder & COO, Finder
“The SEO MBA course is very good. I got more than my money’s worth (a lot more) from yesterday’s session on opportunity modeling, It’s already changing how I work with customers. Money well spent.”

John-Henry Scherck – Principal Consultant, Growth Plays

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