Stephen Dinan – Enlightened Business Academy 2016



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Stephen Dinan – Enlightened Business Academy 2016

Are you ready to take your transformational business to the next level and significantly increase your income, while making a greater positive impact in our world?

Do you want to grow a business that not only makes profits, but builds deep loyalty, a committed team and changes lives (including your own)?

Do you want to integrate your heart and soul into your business so that you are showing up authentically and fully every day – and encouraging others to do the same?

Are you excited to attract the right customers through marketing that is high-integrity, honest and completely authentic?

Are you curious to learn the best growth strategies for online marketing that allow you to double and triple your reach, impact and your profitability?

Do you want to create a holistic lifestyle that is balanced, exciting and enjoyable – without the burnout so many entrepreneurs face?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, you are what we call an “enlightened entrepreneur” – someone who wants to embody your highest values in your business and make a real impact.

You may not even think of yourself as a businessperson, but instead, just someone with a gift who wants to serve on the deepest level possible. That’s beautiful! And, if you have a business where you are charging for your services, you are ALSO an entrepreneur.

But chances are, you didn’t get an MBA or really ever train in business fundamentals, much less the latest in internet marketing, branding, sales funnels, teambuilding or launch strategies.

That’s where the Enlightened Business Academy comes in, which has been created for you and thousands of others like you. It provides key trainings that people like us – committed change-the-world types who never got the training that would help us create thriving, conscious businesses we love.

It’s designed to help you go beyond just building a sustainable business that feeds you and your family (while that’s a great step), to a ROCKIN’ business that wows clients, customers, employees – and even investors.

Why? Because YOU are the kind of person who can help change the world.

The world actually needs you to reach as many people as possible who can benefit from your work, your teaching, your services, your products and your example. The world needs some big changes, and you can truly help.

That’s why we have assembled the creme-de-la-creme of enlightened business teachers – people who have built 6, 7, 8, even 9-figure businesses on truly enlightened principles, with workplace cultures filled with love, marketing that sizzles, triple-bottom-line practices and products that are holistic and beneficial.

They are the leading-edge of a new paradigm of business that not only works better, but is a LOT more fun.

And they want to teach you how to do what they have done, and even surpass them. Because we’re not just training students – we’re training leaders of a whole new way of doing business that is delivering exactly what this world needs. And that means the next wave will go farther than the last.

If you resonate with the above, you’re in the right place. We invite you to join us in a soulful, transformational training like no other, with fellow enlightened entrepreneurs from around the world (who can also become joint venture partners, allies, customers and more).

As an enlightened entrepreneur, you may be confused about the basics of how to run your business. Many of the traditional techniques that others take for granted may seem “old paradigm” to you, and you might find yourself reluctant to employ them. And when you do try them anyway, they may not work as advertised. Why not?

As an enlightened entrepreneur, you want to operate under new rules, be held to a different standard – and actually use sounder methods.

So what specifically distinguishes an enlightened business from a traditional one?

For one, enlightened companies and business leaders are driven to transform themselves and their clients. This energy of purpose infuses everything they do – and everyone they touch feels it. This creates an amazing relationship that goes far beyond what we typically think of as sales and marketing: trying to bribe, seduce or manipulate people into buying.

In short, an enlightened entrepreneur makes his or her deepest intentions CLEAR to employees, customers, allies and investors. And this creates real magic, as people respond enthusiastically to a higher mission, rather than tepidly to a short-term sales gimmick.

That helps you become an enlightened entrepreneur that people trust (and want to do business with). It’s both an inner shift and an outer one – affecting everything from how you position your brand to the products you offer.

And that is just one of many, many shifts needed to bring your business into alignment with your heart and soul in a way that also leads to real growth, impact, and profitability.

The Enlightened Business Academy gives you 9 modules of immersion, support, teachings, and concrete strategies to give you what you need to create a sustainable and successful heart-centered business. Nowhere else can you get in-depth teachings from the premiere teachers of enlightened business, all in one affordable package.

It’s the training that all of us in the first wave of enlightened entrepreneurship wish WE had received when we were getting rolling. It will help you avoid hundreds of expensive mistakes that we’ve made, and empower you to grow organically, naturally and joyfully into your full potential.

The return on your investment can be enormous because once you get the core fundamentals of enlightened business in place in your business you can grown naturally and profitably into your full vision – delivering transformational products and services that can change the world.

Just to be clear, the Academy teachers are many of the SAME teachers that The Shift Network has learned from to create our own mid 7-figure enlightened business in just four years. So we’re giving you exactly what we’ve learned ourselves.


You want to create a thriving business that resonates with your true purpose – using step-by-step guidance to optimize how you run and grow your business.


You already have a business and want to increase its financial sustainability and influence through proven methods of successful enlightened business leaders – especially online marketing that can allow you to double or triple your reach and impact.

The Enlightened Business Academy is different than other “toolkit” approaches that make you feel as if you’ve stepped into a sterile business factory, or one that is always enticing you with more dollar signs.

We know that you care about more than dollars – and yet it’s also important to be financially savvy and have a clear understanding of how to drive profit and manage your business. It’s really about an integrated, full-spectrum, holistic approach to success in your mission and your personal life.

Our approach takes you on a journey that will help you grow from the inside out, bring your business into deep alignment with your true purpose, attract your ideal clients, and strategically develop sales and marketing approaches that align with your soul – allowing the right customers to find you.

This course will help you create a business that not only leads you to thrive financially, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And a unique part of this course is that each module will offer tools to help you embody the lessons and strategies that faculty share with you, so that you can walk confidently into your new way of running your business.

The Enlightened Business Academy is a potent transformational business training – including business and marketing strategies, content creation, branding, social media, sales, launch, sustainability, and other resources to help you embody the shift to a conscious way of doing business.

The knowledge, tools and templates given in each month’s training calls are worth many, many thousands of dollars to any business that applies this valuable information.

So you can rest easy knowing that you can build your business step-by-step, using just the information you need to know – when you need to know it!

Here’s how you and your business can benefit by enrolling in the Enlightened Business Academy:

  • Align your work with your true purpose
  • Multiply your effectiveness and income by focusing on your IDEAL clients
  • Experience confidence and grace in your marketing, whether writing or speaking
  • Feel relief from the overwhelm of social media marketing – with a simple and effective marketing checklist to guide you
  • Refine your marketing message, so that it communicates the key benefits with compassion for your ideal clients, rather than feeling “sales-y”
  • Experience forward progress as you go from “good ideas” to deliverable, sustainable, thriving programs for your customers
  • Enjoy powerful marketing via your own clients’ testimonials, praise and referrals
  • Create a finely-tuned, automated system for selling your services and products online
  • Make a greater impact in the world by reaching more people with your message and passion
  • Learn exactly what you need to know about online marketing
  • Gain clarity on the specific transformation your customers will experience – helping to direct your business, simplifying marketing, and allowing you to serve customers in the ways that create the deepest transformation
  • Support your potential customers to say “yes” to what they need from you, rather than feeling you need to manipulate them into buying from you
  • Give generously, without sacrificing your business goals, to build a true fan base that spreads your messages for you
  • Free yourself from the delusion that you need to have all the answers so that you can create space for innovation and big ideas
  • Bring clarity to your vision, so that staff and colleagues naturally resonate with your company’s purpose, and support the business – without wasteful and unnatural incentives

And all of this happens because you are tapped into a tremendous intelligence that can take care of things in a better way than you can by yourself.

When you tune into that wisdom, and free yourself from the illusion that there is a separation between your business and your higher Self – you become more grounded, productive and profitable.

You begin living the truth that your work represents, which makes all the difference in finding your clients, and creating a thriving business.

Note that while we have nine full modules of content, we also recognize that much of the learning, support and sharing that you do with each other is central to the realization of your biggest dreams. So we include integration and embodiment lessons, peer support and community networking in every aspect of the journey. And we strongly encourage you to share all YOU know from elsewhere – so we’re creating a strong, global learning community.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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