Philip Vandusen – Brand Strategy 101



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Philip Vandusen – Brand Strategy 101

Learn Brand Strategy
and Sell Bigger Projects
Classes Start Soon!
Go from creative order-taker to indispensable business partner, even if you know nothing about strategy or don’t know where to start.
If you’re a creative professional looking to charge higher fees and win bigger projects while having greater control over your client relationships – then you already know you need to learn about brand strategy.

You’re pretty confident in your ability to do great design or creative work and you keep your clients happy. But sometimes you feel like just an-order taker and not valued as a true business partner.
Maybe you’ve done a bit of brand consulting with your clients, but you lack the confidence to deliver real brand strategy or convince them of the ROI of doing it.
Sound familiar? Well, I’ve got you covered.
By the end of this program,
you will…

Master a suite of proven Brand Strategy tools.
You don’t need an MBA to sell brand strategy to your clients. You just need to know how to confidently guide your clients through the creation of a suite of proven strategic exercises that will make their businesses more successful.
Get paid for thinking and become a highly valued business partner.
Go from being considered a design order-taker to a true thought-partner by your clients. Gain the trust that will lead to bigger projects and the ability to charge higher fees for the creative work you already do.
Bulletproof your creative career from the pricing pressure of Fiverr, 99Designs and crowd-sourced design.
The global economy is driving down the prices of creative work more every day. How can you survive, much less charge higher fees and grow your business? You do it by “swimming up stream” and getting paid for brand consulting in addition to your creative work.
Learn how to sell strategy projects and communicate the ROI to your clients so they’re happy to pay for it.
Knowing brand strategy doesn’t help you if you can’t get your clients to buy it. In this course, you’ll learn how to communicate the value of brand strategy so you can sell bigger projects for higher fees.
Increase your earning power and gain control over the volume of work you receive.
By helping your clients architect their brand strategy, you engage with them on a whole new level. A level that builds their trust in you and gives you greater control over the volume of work you receive.
“I’ve been a designer for 10 years. I just delivered the brand strategy process Philip teaches and I can tell you on thing:
It works!
I just increased the scope of a client project to include strategy and transformed it into the biggest project I’ve completed in my career.”
What’s Inside Brand Strategy 101
Module 1
Module Description: We’ll de-mystify brand strategy and show you that it’s not as complicated as many people would have you believe. We’ll define some of the key terms and tools and illustrate how you can use it to increase your revenue.
Module Highlights:
Brand Strategy Terms and Tools
The Goals of Brand Strategy
12 Components of Brand Strategy
The Strategist Mindset
Module 2
Module Description: You’ll learn how to engage more deeply with your clients. Find opportunities to increase scope of your projects. Communicate the ROI of Strategic Brand Design so you can get paid to do it.
Module Highlights:
The Discovery Call
Stakeholder Interviews
How to Sell Strategy
Module 3
Module Description: Learn to understand how a business functions holistically. Learn how to assess the client’s brand assets and activities. Discover how to tell if they have everything they need to accomplish their goals. Attain the skills to sell-in additional work.
Module Highlights:
Business Model Canvas
How to conduct an Internal Brand Audit
How to up-sell more work
Module 4
Module Description: Learn to audit and map the competition in a compelling visual way. Learn how to assess the client brand’s competitive landscape to expose strategy and project up-sell opportunities.
Module Highlights:
Competitive Audits
Brand Mapping
Brand Differentiation Strategies
Module 5
Module Description: Learn to use a suite of proven brand strategy tools and how to apply them to client projects. Classic brand strategy techniques and tools will be fully covered – demystifying what it takes to do high-level brand strategy.
Module Highlights:
Brand Strategy Statements
Customer Avatar Techniques
Pyramids and Personalities
Brand Archetypes
Module 6
Module Description: Learn how Strategy and Design intersect and inform each other. Learn to create creative visualizations of strategy, bringing the brand to life in visuals and words.
Module Highlights:
The One-Page Visual Creative Brief
Defining Color Direction
Creative Anchors and Strategic Design
Module 7
Module Description: Learn how to change your mindset from “I can’t.” to “I can!” when it comes to selling strategy. We’ll confirm the simplicity of the process and show you how you can apply it immediately in your client work and start getting paid to think.
Module Highlights:
Brand Strategy Process Guide
The Strategist Role
The Strategist Mindset
Plus These Bonuses to Help You Become a Strategy Master
The Brand Strategy Toolkit
A complete digital collection of the brand strategy tools covered in the course in .pdf form format, making it as easy as filling in the blanks to create your documents.

What You’ll Get:
20+ Proven Brand Strategy Tools with illustrated case study examples of how they are used.
Worksheets and Checklists to make executing a brand strategy project as easy as possible
All the tools are unbranded, so all you have to do is add your logo to use them in client projects.
Strategy Project Process Map
This process map and discussion guide will illustrate the components of a brand strategy project start-to-finish and define the terminology so you can start communicating to your clients in a whole new way immediately.

What You’ll Get:
The building blocks of a brand strategy project – so it’s easy to design and visualize a project
How and where to utilize this tool when working with your clients on their brand.
Examples of strategy project process maps to build your confidence and your clients trust in you.

Still thinking about it?

You should give “Brand Strategy 101 with Philip VanDusen” a 14 day risk-free shot if you’re motivated by any of the following…
A creative pro that’s just getting started with strategy and wants to do it right.

A designer who is frustrated with being treated like an order-taker by your clients.

If you have the ambition to sell bigger projects, charge higher fees for your work and get paid for thinking.
If you are actively trying to learn strategy but are overwhelmed with the vast amount of info out there but are confused about how to put it all together into a cohesive package.

If you are concerned about the pressure of Fiverr, 99 Designs and AI on how much you can charge for your work.
You want to learn how to communicate the ROI of strategy so your clients are anxious to pay for it.

You have some clients and projects coming in – but need to make more money per engagement and get treated like a true business partner.

I can’t wait for you to join Brand Strategy 101
I created this course to give you the tools to survive and thrive in the creative economy.
If you are a creative professional looking to acquire new tools and knowledge so you can win bigger projects, make more money and bullet-proof your career, this course is for you.
Remember this opportunity is risk-free. You can’t afford not to take advantage of what you’ll learn in Brand Strategy 101.
I’ll see you inside!

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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