Mike Podwojski & Vic Noble – Game Plan Of A Winning Trader



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Mike Podwojski & Vic Noble – Game Plan Of A Winning Trader

Dear Forexmentor Member,

During this webinar, I introduced to our attendee a very special trader named Mike Podwojski, who was the key presenter for this webinar. I first met Mike on a personal coaching session in early 2007 (almost 2 years ago) and since then his trading has taken on a life that most people can only dream about.

The last 6 months alone have seen Mike return over 350% in his account (non-compounded!)This past year (2008) he has not had a single losing month of trading, and only twice have his returns been less than double digits for the month! And just in case you’re wondering, heNEVER risks more than 2% of his account on a given trade!


How was Mike able to achieve these spectacular returns while risking so little? What exactly does he do to achieve these remarkable results so consistently?

For months, we have been trying to get Mike to “spill the beans” and let us in on how he does it. Persistence finally paid off as we managed to convince Mike to share with the Forexmentor membership his iron-clad approach to achieving these incredible results so consistently.

In this exclusive live event, Mike will let us know…

 What he does to prepare for each and every trading session.
 What he looks for in a potential trade.
 How and where he enters a trade.
 How much he plans to risk on a given trade.
 How he manages his trades.
 When and where he takes profit.

and much more…

Mike delivered on his promise not to hold anything back. He revealed his entire game plan!
This is an opportunity for you to hear first-hand right from a student turned pro. It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced trader, or someone just starting out, you can’t help but benefit from listening to someone of this caliber who has made it across to the other side!

As we start a new year, consider this…

You started down the Forex road in the first place to make money. If that hasn’t happened for you yet, it’s OK. Everything you’ve done up until now has brought you to this point. There are events that come along in our lives that become crossroads, forks in the road if you will, and I think this is one of those events.

Imagine what it would mean for you to have the confidence to forge ahead bravely with unwavering belief and faith and to have the conviction to act in a consistent and profitable way. That’s what we want to give you in this webinar. And there’s nothing like success to breed more success. Let Mike be an inspiration and a role model for you!

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

All the best,
Vic Noble
Forexmentor Personal Coach

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