Miha Matlievski – FrameWork 4 Freedom



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Miha Matlievski – FrameWork 4 Freedom

I have a special offer that you are going to love, I created it just for you!

You can become an expert entrepreneur and build a recession proof business from the ground up in less than two months with my bulletproof process.

I promise you, you won’t find this special offer anywhere else.

Introducing Framework 4 Freedom

  • Teaches you how to start a sustainable 6-figure business.
  • Uses proven and tested processes to make YOU meet your goals.
  • Provides you with easy, step-by-step trainings

Having a good, solid foundation to support your business is vital! If you don’t, then your business will collapse in only a matter of time.

Most entrepreneurs set out to build their business. They stress out about all the details and end up chasing “shiny objects.”

They end up failing.

50% of small businesses fail in their first two years! To make the stakes even higher, 70% of business owners fail in their tenth year in business. With the statistics stacked against you, that alone can be discouraging.

Making the decision to start your own business is a risk, especially when your time and financial security is on the line. You still have to support yourself, your family, and bills are due every month.

Have you already started looking into creating a business and become overwhelmed?

Are you already a business owner and finding your business is on the brink of collapse?

Do you work yourself to death day in and day out with little to show for it on the bottom line?

Do you feel self-doubt that you can “make it” in the big world and have your business compete toe-to-toe with your competitors?

Starting a business is not for the faint of heart, there’s a lot you have to overcome. That is to say nothing of the self-doubt many of us feel as entrepreneurs.

I’m here, so you don’t feel alone. My program, FrameWork4Freedom, will give you the skills and support you need for your business to thrive decades to come.

My program is for YOU!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any technical skills or previous entrepreneurial experience. I start with the basics and move up from there, making it so you have a rock solid foundation.

Regardless if you’re just looking into being an entrepreneur, have “been in the game” a while, or on the brink of giving up, FrameWork4Freedom is built for all phases.

My tested and proven program WILL turn your business

If you’re on this page, it’s not too late, there’s still hope for your business.

I don’t want your business to join the 50% of failed attempts. If you’ve already failed, then that’s okay.

I’ve been there.

I dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur when I was 18, so I dropped out of high school.

I worked long hours for days, weeks, months, and years.

I was very successful, however, it didn’t last long.

My bank called and said they were foreclosing on my real estate investments, leaving me millions of dollars in debt.

I spent years getting out of debt and crawling out of my hole of hopelessness.

I understand the weight of failure.

And I don’t want that for you.

So, I’ve created this program to give you the foundation I never had when I started.

Join over 3,000 students all around the world who have taken advantage of this program.

FrameWork4Freedom will transform you and your business. It will:

  • Reprogram your mindset to a whole new level of success
  • Give you mentors
  • Layout everything about starting a business in a clear and easy way
  • Provide a support group of like-minded people who are on the same path as you
  • Give you the flexibility to progress in this course at whichever pace works for you through our revolutionary system

What will life be like when you have the thriving business that you desire?

Imagine having this kind of success you’ve been craving:

  •  A solid FRAMEWORK to run your business, making it grow at unprecedented and rapid rates
  • You’re helping thousands of people, providing them the products and services you dreamed of giving them
  •  The FREEDOM to spend time with your family and friends, doing the things you love

I will be your guide to make this kind of success happen. The journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to mean long hours and little profit.

It doesn’t take a college education to learn these skills I want to share with you. I can teach you everything you need to know

I’ve made millions of dollars as an entrepreneur and I want you to have that kind of success too.

I’ll warn you now, I’m known for overdelivering to my students, so I’m going to give you exclusive access to A TON of resources and guides.

FrameWork4Freedom is not your “average” program. I’ll give you:

  • Flexibility to progress in this course at a pace that works for you through our revolutionary system
  • Reprogram your mindset to a whole new level of success
  • Lifetime access to this program, so you can review the course whenever you want
  • FREE Bonus #1: Exclusive access to rarely seen templates that you can use
  • FREE Bonus #2: Insider access to expert entrepreneurs who are already getting results

What are you waiting for?

Take the first step to becoming the entrepreneur you’ve dreamed of and create a business that the world needs.

I believe in you, now it’s time to believe in yourself.

Course Curriculum

The 5 Pillars for Success(11:23)
Is this course a good fit for you?(9:02)
Why should I listen to you Miha?(12:48)
Join our community(7:58)
Earn while you learn :)(14:53)

1. The Entrepreneur
Everything starts within you(11:49)
Know thyself(19:41)
You need to believe before you can achieve(27:15)
Create your supportive environment(15:06)
Emotional intelligence(8:25)
Don’t make excuses; take action!(17:44)
Better done than perfect … the “Permanent Beta” mindset(10:13)
Continuous learning and growing mindset(3:16)
Don’t hustle … leverage!(9:08)
Overcoming procrastination(9:07)
Overcoming imposter syndrom(9:40)

2. What is the perfect business to start?
Why is this step so important?(2:50)
I have gazillion ideas … how do I choose the right one for me?(5:02)
I have no idea what to start … just a burning desire!(8:07)
Problems worth solving vs. audiences you’d love to serve(8:28)
How to balance emotions and logic(4:06)
The “Ideas Inbox” technique(9:45)
Brainstorming session(7:33)
Data backed research(12:57)

3. Business Development Plan
Overview & why do I need one?(9:43)
Download template
The Rule of 1’s(13:02)
Filter and eliminate(3:44)
Final check(5:16)

4. Ideal Client
Discover your profitable Ideal Client Persona (ICP)(26:16)
How to find them online?(8:42)
How to find them offline?(7:03)
How to talk to them?(13:26)
Create your VIP list(6:03)

5. Pain + Desire = Product
Emotional value ladder(18:19)
Pain + Desire = Product(2:12)
Walk us through the tunnel(5:46)

6. Profitable Business Model
Product-Market Fit(6:30)
Different types of business models(13:39)
Main business model(11:44)
Supportive business models for additional income(11:19)

7. Marketing
Introduction to marketing(8:53)
Marketing is all about emotions(18:27)
Paid vs. Organic?(10:53)

8. Map out your client’s journey
What is Client Journey and why you should map one out?(13:41)
Audience :: People you already know(12:56)
Audience :: People who don’t know you yet(12:44)
Audience :: Paid vs. Organic lead generation(3:36)
Ecosystem :: Why do you need one?(16:23)
Ecosystem :: Examples of online and offline ecosystems(16:43)
Ecosystem :: Don’t be salesy!(16:08)
Call to Action aka. CTA(11:19)
Ecosystem :: Lead magnet(10:13)
How can you close the sale?(9:04)
Automatizing the process(11:41)

9. Content Marketing
Unique Value Proposition(10:07)
Hero Story blueprint(11:12)
Ask Me Anything (#AMA) trust building technique(10:30)
Platform specific content marketing(6:26)
How to properly repurpose content(6:02)
How to choose the right platform?(4:08)
Offline content marketing(4:43)

10. Resources Planning
Types of resources (no, money is not the only resource)(5:57)
Cash flow plan(8:54)
Other resources(5:01)
Leverage your resources and progress faster(6:03)
Leverage of Trust(6:09)

11. Failure Prevention
Establishing healthy emotional relationship with failure(23:26)
Planning for failure(9:27)
The Failure Journal(10:57)

12. Goals, Milestones, Action plan
Introduction to S.M.A.R.T. goal setting technique(9:39)
Introduction to processes, KPI’s and benchmarking(20:57)
Weekly action plan and reflection hour(14:09)
Stay connected with the big picture(12:34)

13. Proof of Concept
Why do we have to validate our BizDev plan first?(16:22)
Incorporating your legal entity. Why, When, What(17:17)
How do I start?(8:00)
Creating MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mindset(9:48)
Organic funnel for warm audience(13:07)
Selling techniques that work best(10:23)
Beta Test(7:31)
Evaluate and improve your processes(4:26)

14. Grow Your Business to 5 Figures a Month (in profits)
Legal, tax and financial matters(8:44)
Transitioning from warmer to colder audience(4:44)
Transitioning from organic to paid marketing(5:05)
Organizational chart(5:51)
Creating your team(7:16)

#BONUS: How To …
Introduction to graphic design in Canva by Melissa LeMay(51:10)

Meet Miha Matlievski
One business coach has forged his approach to helping entrepreneurs and business executives by using a monumental personal failure and eventual redemption to help get others where they need to go to find their personal success and fulfillment.

At just 18 years old, Miha Matlievski, a Slovenian high school dropout, dreamed of becoming a successful entrepreneur. And he pursued it with a passion, putting in 12 years of hard work that resulted in four successful businesses and a personal net worth of $15M.

Through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, after building a multiple eight figure business, Miha’s passion is now helping entrepreneurs around the world learn and implement the Framework4Freedom™ that will allow them to succeed in any economy.


Sandra Garcia had a lot of big ideas. “FrameWork4Freedom” & “Leverage of Trust” helped her refine them down into a business that works.

Sanja Sremacki, Founder and
CEO @ S&A Agency
Miha is the reason why I went on this journey called entrepreneurship.

All my life I was surrounded with people who don’t believe in dreams and goals and they slowly sucked me into believing that nothing is possible. Miha was the first person who truly and genuinely believed in me and opened my eyes so that I started believing in myself.

The way he teaches business development is easy to follow and easy to execute. The hand holding experience that you get with him is amazing and he is going way above and beyond and always over delivers!

Miha thank you, not only for being an amazing coach and mentor, but also for being a friend who believes in me even when I lack confidence in myself!

Sebastian Lecona, Founder and
CEO @ Kataplasma
Whether I need help setting up foundations for my business, gauging the opportunity to start a partnership or polish my negotiation skills, Miha always has the right answer to help me find the best solution.

Now I feel absolutely confident to grow my business because I have his support and training’s to focus my efforts on those things that will bring me the results I want.

His coaching has been one of the most influential things in my journey as an entrepreneur.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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