James Tripp – Stories Of Self Change Webinar



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James Tripp – Stories Of Self Change Webinar

I was just listening to the part about James noticing his fear of heights all gone during the high rope bridge crossing with his kids, and James linking that with change at an identity level.

[These] insights seem spot on to me… Thanks for the insight!”

Philip Rowland – Self Hypnosis Without Trance Participant

Stories of Self Change!

Personal Stories Teaching Principles and Concepts of Personal Change!

Stories of Self Change is a 4 part live audio webinar series teaching principles of self change through personal stories.

With Hypnotist, ‘Internal Alchemist’ and Adaptedness Coach James Tripp

Stories of Self Change – Begins 29th May 2014!

Stories of Self Change is a 4 part Webinar series where I will be sharing stories of self-transformation from my own life. Before I began my self change journey I was…

Suffering debilitating social anxiety

Smoking heavily

Drinking heavily (and using other drugs to ‘cope’)

Suffering ‘Depression’

Had anger/rage issues

Poor Self Image

Victim Orientation and Sense of Powerlessness



And more!

But following an epiphany at the age of 19, I chose to do something about it, and so set out on a journey to transform myself and transform my life. On the way I learned a whole lot, and now have an internal skillset that enables me to change aspects of character and behaviour pretty easily.

Through Stories of Self Change I will be sharing some of what I have learned with you – some of the principles and understandings – so as you can connect with where they may serve you in your life… on your own personal journey.

These Webinars will carry essential learnings for all those looking to increase their influence over their own lives!

Webinar 1: 29 May 2014 – 19:30-21:00 Current UK/18:30 International Time (GMT)

Webinar 2: 5 June 2014 – 19:30-21:00 Current UK/18:30 International Time (GMT)

Webinar 3: 12 June 2014 – 19:30-21:00 Current UK/18:30 International Time (GMT)

Webinar 4: 19 June 2014 – 19:30-21:00 Current UK/18:30 International Time (GMT)

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