Duston McGroarty – 24-Hour Salesman & Clients Tonight



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Duston McGroarty – 24-Hour Salesman & Clients Tonight

Based on your responses, it looks like you’re a great fit for my ClientsTonight™ system.

What’s ClientsTonight™ all about?
In one word, it’s about FREEDOM.
Freedom to do as you please.
Work when you want. Where you want. For whoever you want.
To write your own paycheck.
To live life on your terms.
Come and go as you please.
Take vacations on a whim.
Pay cash for a brand new ride.
Pay off your house.
Buy a second house.
Buy a beach house.
Donate to charity.
Do whatever you want.
You deserve it.
And you’ll be helping desperate local business owners who really need your help.
You’ll feel good about what you’re doing.
Excited to wake up each morning.
You’ll see life in a whole new way.

Seem out of reach for you?
I get it.
I struggle with self-confidence on a daily basis too.
It’s awful.
I’m here to help you get through it.
Every step of the way.
You see, I’ve already been where you’re at right now.
I know the struggle is real. I’ve experienced it first-hand.
Now I’m offering you a shortcut.
What took me YEARS to accomplish can literally happen for you…
One simple email is all it takes.
They’ll be eating out of your hand like goats at a petting zoo.

ClientsTonight™ is the real deal…
What I’m offering to a very small number of people is an exact copy of my MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR local lead-gen website.
This is NOT your average site.
This same website took a brand new local business…
A business that started with nothing…
No reputation…
No following…
No existing customer list… 
And within the first 90 days…
It generated more than 500 highly-qualified leads and over $250,000 in sales…
On 100% complete autopilot.
It’s since gone on to generate MILLIONS of dollars in sales for that business owner.
I talked to him a few days ago and he said (in his own words)…

“I have a couple million dollars worth of business on the books all the way through the end of next year!”
Needless to say…
He’s pretty happy with me.
Think it’s hard for him to cut me a $2,500 check each month? Nope.
I’m now his LIFELINE.
I’m guaranteed $2,500 a month from him until either he dies or I die, lol!
Best part is…

The setup took me MINUTES and I didn’t touch it for more than a YEAR!
Can you believe that?!
I set up his ENTIRE lead-generation machine in MINUTES and I didn’t touch ANYTHING for a whole YEAR!
Of course, he didn’t know that. Even if he did, he wouldn’t care.
I was sending him insanely qualified leads every single day.
There were a few times that year when he asked me to TURN OFF THE LEADS!!!
He had too many and wasn’t able to follow-up with them all.
Of course, I said no.
Instead, I created an automated follow-up system for him.
Which, of course, means…
More MOOLAH for me…
See what’s happening here?
I gave him a reason to PAY ME MORE MONEY EACH MONTH.
Without me, he wouldn’t have leads.
Without leads, he wouldn’t have a business.
With TONS of leads, he has stress and anxiety.
Like I said above…
I’m his LIFELINE now.
Anytime he needs marketing advice, he shoots me a text.
By the way…
Have I mentioned how much I hate being on the phone?
Won’t do it.
Instead, I’ve structured this entire business around…

I never… and I mean NEVER… get on the phone with anybody unless they’re already sold.
Never. I hate being on the phone.
They need me more than I need them.
Read that last line again.
That’s the same mentality you should have.
Even in the beginning when you truly need them more than they need you…
Make them FEEL like they need you more than you need them.
Which will be super easy to do since you’ll have a copy of my entire ClientsTonight™ System.
You’re probably wondering…

What are the costs involved?
The costs are minimal and total less than $100 per month.
Truth is…
You can run this business for less than $30 per month if you cut a few corners.
So, what about the cost of my ClientsTonight™ System?
I’ll get to that in a sec, first…

Let’s take a look at everything you get with the ClientsTonight™ System.
» You’ll get a copy of my MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR local lead-gen website PROVEN to generate hundreds, if not thousands, of leads per month for your clients.
» You’ll get complete copies of all of my emails, written by ME personally, and designed to attract and convert local clients like WILDFIRE.
» You’ll get my in-depth video training detailing the complete setup of your local lead-gen business, how to find and attract clients quickly and easily, how to set up your client’s lead-gen website, how to set up your client’s lead-gen ad campaigns, and more. Everything you need will be recorded on video for you to watch, step-by-step.

What’s the catch, Duston?

Well, it’s basically a numbers problem.
Many of those subscribers have purchased a number of my past trainings, some have purchased every single training I’ve ever released. I have a small, but VERY loyal, following.
As you can imagine, I will likely be inundated with applications for this new program.
And, therein lies the problem. I’m only one person. There’s only so much time in the day. Truth is, there’s only so much time that I actually WANT to work each day.
For those reasons, I’m keeping this group small and I’m only accepting a VERY small number of students so I can be sure there’s plenty of one-on-one time available for each student.

Spots Remaining:
That’s a “No BS”, real-time count. I’m using the Deadline Funnel software to display real-time inventory availability.
When these spots are filled, Deadline Funnel will automatically redirect you to a “Closed” page. Luckily for you, since you’re on this page, there’s still at least one spot open

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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