Digital Vidya – Certified Digital Marketing Course



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Digital Vidya – Certified Digital Marketing Course

Certified Digital Marketing Course
Instructor-Led Online Training for Digital Marketing

Reasons to take a Digital Marketing Course
Digital Marketing is a mandatory skill for a large number of professional roles in the industry today in departments such as Marketing, Public Relations, Branding and HR. Through our Digital Marketing & other Courses, Digital Vidya has trained 38,000+ entrepreneurs, professionals, and students since 2009.

Here are the key reasons for which people take our Digital Marketing Course:

Marketing Professionals: Upskilling
Professionals in Other Roles: Upskilling, Career Shift, Freelancing
Business Owners & Entrepreneurs: Promote Business, Manage Agency
Digital Marketing Professionals: Career Growth
Students & Freshers: Job, Freelancing

Curriculum of Our Digital Marketing Online Course

In this Certified Digital Marketing Master program, commonly called the CDMM course, our approach to Digital Marketing training is exhaustive. You will learn various techniques of Digital Marketing through a series of 44 Modules.

The number of modules in this Digital Marketing course for each domain will vary based on the importance and effectiveness of each domain. Each module will typically be delivered in one week. For you to learn all the modules of Digital Marketing in the duration promised, we will conduct multiple online classes every week.We believe that taking up an Digital Marketing Course is the best way to get trained in the Digital Marketing space.

Digital Vidya’s experience in the training industry since 2009, along with the apparent requirements of learning Digital Marketing make the case clear for the CDMM course to be the best in the industry. Since, all of the research and application on Digital Marketing takes place online, you have to be on this platform to learn.

Search Engine Optimization [SEO] (4 Modules)

How do Search Engines work?

  • Indexing & Crawling Basics
  • Optimizing Crawl Budget
  • Intro to SEO

Organic Search vs. Paid Search Results

  • Anatomy of a Search Result (Search Snippet)
  • What is On-page SEO (Content, Architecture, HTML)?
  • What is Off-page SEO/Link Building (Social, Content-based, PR)?

Keyword Research

  • Finding Seed Keywords: Mind Map for Keyword Research
  • Using Wikipedia, Forums for Keyword Research
  • Keyword Research Process – Identify Seed Keywords, Collect Metrics, Map Keywords
  • Google Keyword Planner Tool

On-page SEO

HTML Basics

  • Web Page Basics: What is HTML, JavaScript,CSS
  • Basic HTML Tags to create a web page
  • HTML Tags for SEO: Title, H1, META Tags, IMG, A

On-page SEO Elements

  • Crawling: XML, HTML Sitemaps, Robots.txt
  • Content Clusters (Creating SEO-based content)
  • Negative on-page to avoid

Technical SEO

  • URL Architecture
  • Page Speed Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed Insights)
  • 301 Redirects

Mobile SEO

  • App Store Optimisation
  • Mobile Websites: Responsive, Adaptive, Dynamic
  • Optimizing for Voice Search

Schema markup

  • What is Schema & Why is it relevant to SEO.
  • Schema Types – Micro, JSON-LD
  • Common JSON Schema Tags – Organisation, Website, Blog Posting LocalBusiness
  • How Schema shows up in SERPs

Off-page SEO
Link Building

  • What is Link Building
  • Link Building Tactics
  • Manual Link Building Process
  • Link Building Metrics

Social SEO

  • Quora
  • YouTube Video SEO
  • Slideshare, Scribd and other Social Channels for SEO

Local SEO

  • What is Local SEO, Pigeon Update
  • Google My Business, Bing Places
  • Local Pages on your website
  • Local Listings/Citations

Backlink Audits using

  • Backlink audit of one website
  • How to audit backlinks of competitors and gain insights?
  • SEO Audit, Tools, Measurement

SEO Audits

  • What are SEO Audits?
  • Different Types of SEO Audits
  • Complete SEO Audit with Checklist – Screaming Frog SEO Spider, SEMRush Backlink Audit, Page
  • Speed Audit with GTMetrix / Google Page Speed Insights, Mobile Site Audit
  • Google Search Console

Algorithm Updates

  • History of Google Algorithms
  • Panda, Penguin, Pigeon, Caffeine updates
  • RankBrain and the Future of SEO

Measurement with Google Analytics

  • Basics of Google Analytics
  • SEO Metrics to Measure – On-page, Off-page, Technical
  • SEO Reporting

SEO Resources, Careers in SEO

  • Top Blogs to follow for SEO
  • Free Learning Resources – Moz, Google Analytics
  • A career in SEO

Search Engine Marketing [SEM/Google AdWords] (5 Modules)

  • What is SEM? Why SEM?
  • What is Google AdWords? Why Google AdWords?
  • Google Network
  • AdWords Terminologies
  • How Does the SEM Auction Work?
  • Structure of an AdWords Account
  • Campaign Types – Introduction to Search, Display (including Videos),
  • Shopping and Mobile-specific campaign types, and when/why to use them.
  • Creation of Search Network Campaign
  • Ad
  • Ad Formats
  • Ad Text Policies
  • Ad Text Best Practices
  • DKI
  • Ad Extensions
  • Keyword Research
  • Tools – Keyword Planner & Estimator
  • Keyword Match types
  • Keyword Strategies
  • Landing Page
  • Bidding and Budget
  • Optimizing the Search Network Campaign using the Keyword Planner, Match types, Ad Text best practices, etc

Creation of Google Display Network

  • GDN Targeting Options
  • Display Ad Formats
  • Ad Gallery Tool
  • Conversion Tracking
  • GDN Campaign Creation – Demo
  • Remarketing
  • Advanced Display: RLSA, Dynamic Remarketing, YouTube Remarketing
  • Advanced Display: Smart Display Campaigns

Mobile Ad Campaigns

  • Universal App Campaigns
  • Mobile-Specific Bidding and Targeting Strategies
  • Measuring Mobile Ad Performance and Conversions Report Editor
  • Optimization Strategies
  • Account Audit Demo

Shopping Campaigns – Introduction

  • What are Google Shopping Ads /Product Listing Ads?
  • Where do they appear on Google? What Shoppers on the internet do?
  • What retailers need? – New Advertising technologies
  • Google Shopping set retailers up for success
  • Features of Google Shopping Why PLA’s? And the path to creating PLA Ads
  • Merchant Centre Steps
  • Create Shopping Campaign on Google AdWords
  • Track Performance and Optimize the Campaigns

YouTube Marketing – Introduction & Ad Formats

  • YouTube Ad Formats
  • YouTube Campaign Creation
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Video Campaign Optimization Tips

Social Media Marketing [SMM] (5 Modules)
Getting Started with Social Media Marketing

Introduction to Social Media

Facebook Marketing

Creating Content for Facebook & Social Media

  • Why Content is the foundation of SMM
  • Psychology of Social Sharing
  • Building Content That is Inherently Shareable
  • Tools for Content Creation

Facebook Marketing

What is Facebook Marketing

Facebook Page Best Practices

  • KPIs to measure success
  • Facebook Insights
  • Facebook Business Manager

How does Facebook Advertising Work?

  • Facebook Ad Campaign Objectives
  • Facebook Ad Targeting
  • Instagram & LinkedIn Marketing

Marketing on Instagram

  • Optimizing your instagram business profile
  • Crafting an Instagram content strategy
  • Best Practices
  • Influencer Marketing on Instagram
  • Analytics & Measurement
  • Instagram Ads

LinkedIn as a Marketing Platform

  • LinkedIn for Personal Branding
  • Brand Marketing on LInkedIn
  • LinkedIn Company Pages
  • LinkedIn Advanced Search
  • LinkedIn Premium
  • LinkedIn Ads

Twitter and Snapchat Marketing

Twitter Marketing

  • Twitter Marketing for Brand Awareness
  • Twitter Ads
  • Twitter Analytics
  • Twitter Tools – Crowdfire, Tweriod, Hashtagify, Ritetag, TweetReach &
  • TweetArchivist

Snapchat Marketing

  • Snapchat for business
  • Building a following
  • Driving Engagement
  • Analytics & Measurement

Pinterest Marketing & Creating a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

Pinterest Marketing

  • Pinterest for business
  • Marketing on Pinterest
  • Best Practices
  • Leveraging Rich Pins
  • Analytics & Measurement

Social Media Marketing Tools

  • Hootsuite
  • Buffer
  • TweetDeck
  • Sprout Social

Crafting a Successful Social Media Strategy

  • 10-step framework to crafting a successful Social Media strategy
  • Building Content That is Inherently Shareable
  • Creating Content for multiple platforms
  • Generating content ideas and building a plan
  • Effective Content Distribution
  • Evaluating Success

Email Marketing (3 Modules)

  • Setting-up an Email Marketing Machine
  • ISPs, Hosting Facility and MTA
  • IP/DNS and Shared vs. Dedicated IPs
  • MX Record, Whitelisting, Response Handlers and Bounces

Effective Email Content

  • Conversation
  • Relevance
  • Incentives
  • Timing
  • Creative & Copy
  • Attributes

Customer Acquisition Strategies

  • Rented List Emails
  • Co-branded Emails
  • Third Party Email Newsletters
  • Viral Emails
  • Event Triggered Emails
  • House E-newsletters

Effective Creative Introducing

  • CRABS- Does your Emails have Crabs?
  • Email Template Model
  • Best Practices
  • NLP Demonstrations (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to Understand Customers Better

Nurturing & Automation

  • Tools to Enhance Lead Nurturing
  • Enhance Better Reach
  • Analyze Behavior Patterns
  • Analytics
  • Automation and More

Resources to do situational analysis and progressive updates

  • Customer Personal Toolkit
  • Complete Email Marketing Worksheet
  • Content Editorial Calendar
  • Digital Marketing Strategy Toolkit
  • Email Contact Strategy Template
  • Email Campaign Calculator
  • Email Marketing Health Check
  • Structuring Digital Marketing Team
  • Web Resources to Improve Subject lines, HTML Codes, Spam Testers and Deliverability Issues

Email Automation
Introduction to Automation

  • What is Automation?
  • How does it Work?
  • What are the Benefits?

Choosing an Automation Platform

  • Features & Functions Available
  • What are Workflows? How to Create a Workflow?
  • Cost
  • Most Widely Used Platforms

Simple Automation Functions from MailChimp

  • Click to Reply Options – Demonstrated
  • Other Features Explained
  • Results – Demonstrated – Practical

Inbound Marketing (4 Modules)
Attracting your potential customers into conversion funnel

  • Various Ways to Build Reach Through Digital Marketing
  • What are Engagement Magnets?
  • How to Identify Right Set of Engagement Magnets for your Business?
  • Effectiveness of Various Engagement Magnets
  • Digital Reach Building Strategy Through Inbound Interest Generation

Converting your prospects into leads using emails

  • What is Audience Aggregation?
  • Benefits of Audience Aggregation
  • How to do Audience Aggregation Through Emails

Landing Page

  • Conversion Oriented Landing Page Design
  • Investment in Landing Page
  • Is it for me?
  • What is it?
  • Critical Concerns to Address on Landing Page
  • What’s the Next Step?

Conversion Optimization

  • Role of Conversion
  • Understanding Customer Psyche
  • Conversion Optimization
  • User Flow and Persuasion
  • Online Persuasion
  • True Meaning of Landing Page User Flow and Online Persuasion

Conversion Optimization Patterns for Engaging website Visitors

  • Patterns for Engaging Website Visitors
  • Pattern #1 – Pop-Ups
  • Pattern #2 – Pop Under Call-to-Action
  • Pattern #3 – Inside Article CTA

Lifecycle Emails

  • What are Lifecycle Emails?
  • Where do Lifecycle Emails fit in?
  • Tools used for Lifecycle Emails
  • Lifecycle Emails – Case Studies
  • Lead Nurturing with Drip Email Marketing: Implementation

Web Analytics (5 Modules)

  • What’s analysis?
  • Is analysis worth the effort?
  • Small businesses
  • Medium and Large scale businesses
  • Analysis vs Intuition
  • Introduction to Web Analytics

Google Analytics

  • Getting Started With Google Analytics
  • How Google Analytics works?
  • Accounts, profiles and users navigation
  • Google Analytics
  • Basic Metrics
  • The main sections of Google Analytics reports
  • Traffic Sources
  • Direct, referring, and search traffic
  • Campaigns
  • AdWords, AdSense

Content Performance Analysis

  • Pages and Landing Pages
  • Event Tracking and AdSense
  • Site Search

Visitors Analysis

  • Unique visitors
  • Geographic and language information
  • Technical reports
  • Benchmarking

Social Media Analytics

  • Facebook Insights
  • Twitter Analytics
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Social Ad Analytics /ROI measurement

Actionable Insights and the Big Picture

  • Recap of Google Analytics reports and tools
  • Finding actionable insights
  • Getting the organization involved
  • Creating a data-driven culture
  • Resources
  • Common mistakes analysts make
  • Additional Web analytics tools

Social CRM & Analysis

  • Radian6
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Workflow Management
  • Text Analytics

Digital Analytics

  • WebMasters
  • AdWords Reports, Custom Reports, Custom Dimensions
  • Dashboard and Segmentation
  • Multi-Channel Funnels Reports
  • Attribution modeling and reports

Platform Principles

  • The platform components
  • The data model
  • Measurement Protocol data collection
  • Importing data into Google Analytics
  • Reporting APIs and Report Sampling

Facebook Marketing (2 Modules)
Facebook Marketing (in association with Facebook)

  • Introduction to Marketing
    Start by understanding the importance of planning your business marketing strategy. This module covers finding your business’ USP, defining your audience and developing a strategy around marketing funnel.
  • Facebook Pages and Post Best Practices
    Learn how to connect with people by planning your Facebook Page and understanding how it is structured to make the maximum use of it.
  • Facebook Ads – Campaign Objectives
    For each Facebook Ad, you have multiple objectives to choose from. This module helps you build the right objectives based on each business objective.
  • Facebook Ads – Targeting Audiences
    Understanding your audience is a challenge for many businesses today. But developing a marketing plan without knowledge of your audience is a step to failure. Segment your audience and target the right audience with this module.
  • Facebook Ads – Impactful Creatives
    Make an impact with creatives and know the different ad formats which look good on all devices.
  • Facebook Ads – Optimization and Reporting
    With this module, measure you adverts and get business insights to optimize how you are connecting with your audience.
  • Facebook Ad Policies
    Get an in-depth understanding of Facebook Ad policies, ad disapproval, account status and Facebook support for a smoother journey.
  • Facebook Messenger
    Connect and engage with your new or long-term customers on Facebook to get results. Offer them suggestions, support, engage with them or encourage purchase from one messenger.
  • Facebook Shop
    Plan and structure your Facebook shop to manage and sell more products with Facebook.
  • Building Brand Awareness
    Build your brand with Facebook to connect with people where they are- Facebook and Instagram. Plan your targeting, creatives, placements for brand awareness.
  • Driving In-store Footfall
    Build Facebook campaigns to drive traffic to your offline store. Learn how to develop a local campaign and sell more with Facebook.
  • Facebook Pixel
    Measure conversions, optimize ad delivery, automate audience building and do more with Facebook Pixel. Learn and work on Pixels with this module and get more insights on how people are using your website.
  • Driving Online Sales
    Learn how to get more sales and drive traffic with remarketing campaigns, targeting, creatives and placements and ad formats.
  • Generating Leads
    This module guides you through creating a lead generation campaign to drive results for your business.

Other Digital Marketing Topics (15 Modules)
Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy [2 Modules]
Build an Integrated Digital Marketing Plan by understanding how to work on the concepts of conversions, define objectives, measure, evaluate and tweak your plan. You will also learn how to execute the strategy, what is the skill set required, how you can outsource your marketing activities.

1. Introduction

2. The Customer

  • India demographics: overall market view
  • India on Digital – digital trends: internet users, male v/s female, age groups,
  • Devices, multi-screening,

3. Marketing Principles: AIDA, Purchase Cycle, Moments of Truth

4. Recap of Various Digital Channels: Digital POEM

5. Creating Digital Moments of Truth – AHA Moments

6. Digital Strategy: Branding v/s Acquisition. What would differ?

7. Analytics

  • Measurement: What do you measure? How can you measure (site analytics, cross-device) – sneak peek into the technology that powers this (cookies, user identity)?
  • Attribution: various models, cross-device

8. Case Study: A look at the web presence of Starwood Hotels (more engagement less transactional)

9. Campaign Optimization – Test, Learn, Deploy what works. Repeat

  • Kinds of tests

10. Case Study: A look at the web presence of MakeMyTrip (acquisition focus, less engagement)

11. Trends

  • What are people doing on the internet?
  • Power of the internet (Arab Spring, #MeToo, US Elections, branded: Jago Re, Internet brands – OnePlus)

12. Tools for Measurement

Affiliate Marketing [2 Modules]

You will be introduced to Affiliate Marketing, Models of Affiliate Marketing. Study how to generate and convert leads. In the session guidance to success with Affiliate marketing will be provided.

  • Definition
  • Purpose/Where and why is Affiliate Marketing used
  • Resources required to get started with Affiliate Marketing
  • Top Players in the market for Affiliate Marketing
  • Re-Brokering and Payout models
  • Segregation of Affiliate Marketing
  • Web
  • Display Inventories
  • Email inventories
  • Campaign types (CPM, CPC, CPV, CPA etc.)
  • Tracking methods
  • Fraud analysis and types of fraud
  • Key Optimization methods
  • Budget planning
  • Key Players


  • Attribution Tools
  • Incent vs Non-incent inventories
  • Tracking Methods
  • Campaign Types (CPI, CPS, CPA etc.)
  • Fraud Analysis and types of fraud
  • In-app events optimization
  • Budget Planning
  • Key Players
  • Overall Affiliate Marketing Budget and strategy planning
  • Facts and Current industry numbers for Affiliate Marketing industry
  • Global leads and affiliate marketing programs you can join today

Media Planning & Buying [2 Modules]

  • Setting up the objectives
  • Understand the key tasks to draft an “awesome” digital media plan
  • Segmentation & targeting of the audience
  • Best practice to execute the campaigns post the media plan
  • Understanding multiple formats & appropriate for our targeted digital platforms

How to become a Freelancer in Digital Marketing? [2 Modules]

Learn how to sell digital marketing services by assessing the brand’s necessity to reach out to the customers. You will generate customized reports, evaluate other digital marketing service providers and prepare metrics to track performance.

  • Assessing Brand’s Necessity To utilize Digital Marketing Services
  • Assessing How The Brand Is Currently Reaching Out To Customers?
  • Generating Custom Reports & Automated Reports
  • Evaluating Other Digital Marketing Services Providers
  • Creating Customized Presentations and Proposal
  • Setting Expectations and metrics to track performance

E-commerce Listing and Marketplace Selling [2 Modules]
Explore how the billion dollar industry of online market is shaping up. How do we be a part of the new age e-tail? The pros and cons of listing online/marketplace model and brand’s own website. This module will help you understand the various Models that Exist and how to set up your own store and how to drive marketing campaigns for conversions and sale.

  • Learn how the billion dollar industry of online market is shaping up. How do we be a part of the new age e-tail?
  • Understanding Different Models – Individual Brand Store and Marketplaces
  • Creating Your Own Store with Shopify
  • Solutions for Payment Gateway/Shipping/Order Fulfillment and other business Needs
  • Marketplace walkthrough
  • Marketplace Listing/Sign up Process
  • Live Demonstration of Marketplace Panels
  • Understanding Multi-Channel Retail and Solution Walkthrough
  • Understanding the concept of Dropshipping with Case Studies.
  • Advanced Facebook Ad Funnels for Driving E-commerce Sales and
  • Conversions.
  • Going Global and Selling Cross Border with your products

Programmatic Marketing [1 Module]

Familiarize yourself with Evolution & Growth of Programmatic Advertising. Know how real-time bidding works, its types, its advantages and challenges, and myths related to programmatic marketing.

  • Evolution & Growth of Programmatic Advertising
  • Understanding Real-time Bidding
  • How Programmatic Advertising Works
  • Types of Programmatic Advertising
  • Advantages and Challenges
  • Myths of Programmatic Advertising

Adobe Analytics – SiteCatalyst [1 Module]
Learn how to use Adobe Analytics to analyze data of your digital platform and strategies digital marketing plans for your business based on the results.

  • Why do you need to analyze data of your digital platform?
  • Calibrate the digital marketing strategies on the basis of results
  • How to create a digital measurement strategy?
  • How to utilize the best of class tools to understand the needs of your audience and cater to them with the relevant products and services?
  • How to measure the ROI from different marketing channels?

How to create an Infographic Resume [1 Module]
Gives yourself the ultimate advantage in a competitive job market by strategically designing your resume to convey specific information in a visually compelling manner. Create a brand new designer resume with our power packed Infographic resume module.

  • Your outstanding Infographic Resume Toolkit
  • Learn basics of Infographic
  • Learn to convey information Quickly and Clearly
  • Learn to hold attention with bespoke text and design
  • Knowledge of open source design software

Content Marketing (in association with LinkedIn) [1 Module]
You will identify the myths about Content Marketing and know the tactics to create “Good” Content. You will learn to develop a Framework to begin a content marketing program, show ROI for content programs. Also, explore key resources and tools to create and curate content with this module.

  • Myths about Content Marketing
  • Identifying & creating “Good” Content
  • Framework to begin a content marketing program
  • How to show ROI for content programs
  • About key resources and tools to create and curate content

Lead Sourcing [1 Module]

  • How To Use Google To Source Information
  • How To Use Google To Ping Specific Domains For Information Such As Email Ids
  • How To Validate Email Ids
  • How To Source Segmented Database(however Possible)
  • Learn To Source Email Ids Of Anyone Who Represents A Corporation
  • Understand how to Source Information Directories
  • Learn About Known Sourcing Softwares/apps/plugins
  • Learn How To Use Sourced Databases

Hands-on Digital Marketing Assignments
The real value of this Digital Marketing Online Course at Digital Vidya lies in its hands-on assignments. The course assignments are divided into Module and Case Study assignments. Successful completion of our Digital Marketing Course with these assignments makes your Digital Marketing Training all the more practical.

While you start your journey to learn online marketing by working on your own blog (newly created with our help/ existing), Digital Vidya ensures that you apply whatever you learn to develop and grow it. This makes the course a lot more meaningful than any other random web marketing training available in the market.

Digital Marketing Module Assignments
Note: The following list is not comprehensive. We keep adding new assignments to our Digital Marketing Course regularly.

Website Development & Designing using WordPress.
Just after the registration, the participants are requested to register their already existing blogs/businesses. For those without an existing online property, it is mandatory that they build one. For this, we help them through our Build Your Blog course which is a 2-hours long course. We also have a self-paced course with 6 Pre-Recorded lessons on ways to Promote Your Blog.

Build Your Blog

Assignment Promises

  • Decide the topic of there blog
  • Buy domain name or take free sub-domain name from Digital Vidya
  • Host Blog on AWS and add $ 100 credit provided by Digital Vidya
  • Import 5 blog posts based on their blog topic from other websites
  • Update theme and Logo. Create an email for their domain.
  • Install all necessary plugin including Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Discus, Author Ta

Promote Your Blog


Assignment Promises

  • Write your first blog post + SEO
  • Social Media Profiles and Content Sharing
  • Promoting the blog through E-Mails
  • Promotions via Facebook Ads
  • Traffic Analysis using Google Analytics
  • Creating a Content Strategy

Digital Marketing Case Study Assignments
Digital Vidya has identified top Digital Marketing Campaigns in recent times. We have worked with the implementation team of each of these campaigns and designed 60 hours of Case Studies & Exercises. All this information gathering lets us create profound & interesting assignments for our Digital Marketing course. This length & breadth of research is not usually seen in other digital marketing courses.

You will create a Business Case Solution in each individual exercise and work on it. A practical learning experience to reap benefits from a Digital Marketing training program can’t get better than this. The practicality of this program makes it one of the best Digital Marketing courses out there.

Note: The following list is not comprehensive. We keep adding new assignments to our digital marketing course regularly.

SEO Case Study: ICICI Bank

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain competency in improving search engine rankings of your website content and blogs.
  • Implement Learn to get your content indexed in search engines frequently.
  • Learn to analyze which web pages are working well and which need improvement.
  • Research and shortlist best keywords to make your content searchable.

Tools you will Learn

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Search Console
  • SEM Case Study: Carwale
  • Social Media Marketing: Cadbury Dairy Milk
  • Email Marketing Case Study: Microsoft
  • Inbound Marketing Case Study: Myntra
  • Web Analytics Case Study: Puma

Tools Bundled in Our Digital Marketing Course
A wide range of Digital Marketing tools are covered in this Digital Marketing course. Digital Vidya has partnered with the best industry players to offer you an exclusive set of paid Digital Marketing tools absolutely free of cost for the participants. You do not need to pay any extra fee apart from the regular course fee for getting access to these tools. The access duration of these paid tools will range between a few weeks to a few months.

Using these tools will make your learning & understanding of real-time challenges in Digital Marketing all the more vivid. Helping you use the accepted tools of the real-industry makes your digital marketing course practical & applicable. This is an additional feature that puts us apart from other Digital Marketing Institutes.

Special Offer: ₹ 35,000 worth server space for startups joining this course

Server space will be provided on Industry leading cloud-based Web Hosting Provider.

Special offer: ₹ 11,500 worth tool subscription to all students

Tool to help you maximize your website SEO Traffic

Special offer: ₹ 40,000 worth tool subscription to all students

View and analyze all conversation about any brand on Social Media

Special offer: ₹ 6,000 worth Theme to all students

Get access to Mega Theme to create a WordPress based website.

Special offer: ₹ 6,500 worth tool subscription to all students

Manage, Analyse and improve the performance of SEM Campaigns.

Special offer: ₹ 1,270 worth tool subscription to all students

DIY Landing Page Creator to create professional and appealing landing pages hassle-free

Special offer: ₹ 6,500 worth tool subscription to all students

Browser Push Notification tool to increase engagement and conversion rate

Special offer: ₹ 12,000 worth tool access given to each student

Keyword & backlink tool to research competition and dominate your niche

Digital Marketing Course Leaders

Himanshu Arora
Co-Founder of Social Panga

Kapil Nakra
Co-Founder at Digital Vidya

Manuj Bajaj
Business Growth Consultant

Samvidha Sinha
Ex Googler (10+ Years exp)

Nithyanandan Ramakrishna
Email Marketing Expert (12+ Years exp)

Pradeep Chopra
Co-Founder at Digital Vidya

Rohit Uttamchandani
Senior Manager, Social Beat

Satyam Gambhir
Consultant, Infosys | Founder & Editor, Marketinomics


What do our Customers say about Our Internet Marketing Course?

CDMM Course has very detail modules and the instructors are also very knowledgeable in the subject areas.

Edward Dzoboku
Territory sales manager, Vodafone

I had nice experience in DIgital Marketing Course. It has good content coverage and I got good support from DV team .

Senior Business Development Executive, Renaissance

This course not only teaches the Digital Marketing Skills but covers the basic principles of marketing & Customer behaviour.

Chandramohan S

The course was amazing and way interactive. All the trainers were amazing. Digital Vidya is precisely the first and last stop for learning Digital Marketing.

Shubham Gupta
Associate – Community, Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS)

I enjoyed learning a lot of new things in Digital Marketing. Thanks to all my Trainers & Digital Vidya’s team.

Abhinay Patil
Team leader, PayTM.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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