Derek Rake – Deadly Seduction Manuscript
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Derek Rake – Deadly Seduction Manuscript
Imagine how wonderful it would be if every woman that you meet starts to like you within the first few minutes? Wouldn’t life be great if the females around you are attracted to you naturally? We often do see men who have swarms of females around them, and we tend to think that it would be because of their social status, good looks or how much money they have. This is often very far from the truth. You see, it is possible to get a woman to be instantly interested in you instantly, irrespective of your looks or wealth. Getting someone to like you really is not rocket science, especially when there are some easy psychological ‘tricks’ that you can immediately use.
First of all, you will have to work on your body language.
In order to make people like you, first you must demonstrate openness to them. Maintaining eye contact would also be crucial.
Secondly, try to make a good impression when you first meet the woman.
In order to do this, pay attention to what she has got to say, and then talk about things that she wants to say, not you.
The third tip is probably the most effective of the lot.
While talking to her, challenge and tease her. Do this with dosage of humor so that you don’t come off as cocky. Known in the dating and seduction circles as ‘cocky funny’, this is perhaps the best way to generate instant attraction in the girl you just met. The more advanced technique would be what called
, which is outlined extensively in the free Deadly Seduction Manuscript. This technique, which brings the ‘target’ into a journey of emotional ups and downs, is known to generate attraction through hypnosis. Deadly effective, this is definitely not for the faint hearted! Discover a dark secret technique that the seduction inner circle gurus are hiding from you. Download the Deadly Seduction Manuscript and discover a
tactic to generate and deepen a girl’s attraction to you.
Derek Rake, author, speaker & coac
About Author:
Commercial Alias Name: Derek Rake
Real Name: Derek Rake
Date of Birth: January 01, 1976
Height: 5’9″
Nationality: Singaporean
My name is Derek Rake. I have been a member of the seduction community since December 2003. I also write books on dating and seduction – you might have heard of “How To Seduce Out Of Your League” book which I published in 2006. A quick Google search on my name will show some of the articles that I have written which got published online.
Here’s how things got started…
Ever since I found the community, my dating life has improved by leaps and bounds. I have dated no less than 200 women in six years, and coached more than 100 men achieve considerable success with women. While I got better with women, I found that the aspects of my life have improved also – this is what known as the ‘spilllover effect’ in the community.
I am telling you that not to boast, but to show that if *I* could do it, anyone can (believe me, I was at the worst ever condition six years ago a man could ever be in – grossly overweight, with ZERO experience with women and close-to-zero social skills), and to become better with women is a worthwhile goal for every man. And in the process, it’s not uncommon to see drastic improvement in other areas of your life too.
But you know what else?
I am thankful to both the community as well as a certain ‘Zen Master’ who has taken me under his wings to teach me absolutely mindblowing shit that I never knew about women. He was the inspiration behind this blog (hence the title Zen & The Art Of Seduction)…I will tell you about his inspiring story in the blog postings.
Why am I doing this?
By writing this, I hope to give back by sharing my knowledge and experience with the community. With me you will find tips and insights on the topic of dating and seduction – from my personal experience as well as from coaching my clients. These are tried-and-tested and validated-in-real-life stuff we are talking about here, folks.
I am based in Singapore and have traveled quite a bit my entire 30 years of life – to the US, UK, all over Europe, UAE, Tunisia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong. I commute frequently to the neighboring Malaysia to attend to some of my coaching clients.
I am also an administrator for the Malaysia Lair – I have great relationships with my Lair brothers, and we still go out “on a sarge” from time to time even though I am officially ‘semi-retired’ (again…fodder for another posting…).
If you’d like to get in touch or just to say hi, here’s my personal email. As you could probably tell, I have absolutely no pretension to be a ‘dating guru’, and I try to reply every email I get, so give it a shot!
Products Authored or Coached by Derek Rake
1. How To Seduce Out Of Your League, Author: Derek Rake
2. Dark Rake Method: How To Hypnotize A Woman In 3 Minutes or Less (January 01, 2010), Author: Derek Rake
3. ZenGasms – How To Master Female Orgasms (January 01, 2010), Author: Derek Rake
4. The Player’s Guide For Seducing Women (January 01, 2010), Author: Derek Rake
5. 15Tactics: Secrets of Subliminal Seduction (April 01, 2010), Author: Derek Rake
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