Bryan Franklin – Client Mastery



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Bryan Franklin – Client Mastery

Client Mastery
Join Bryan Franklin, transformational leader and one of the world’s most successful executive coaches to learn proven 5-step dream client creation system that Bryan has used to generate over $15 Million in client fees. Make every month a 5-Figure month while fulfilling your life’s purpose.
Welcome to the beginning of your journey to Client Mastery
Hello and Welcome to Client Mastery: The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects into Clients in 3-Simple Steps.

NEW: Latest training for the highly ambitious coach who is tired of struggling to get new clients…

Learn How To Get Your Dream Clients With Ease And Make Every Month A 5-Figure Month While Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose – Simply By Being Who You Are

Signing on new clients is both a chase and a struggle for most coaches out there but it doesnt have to be this way for you.

Introducing Client Mastery: The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects to Clients in 3-Simple Steps

What exactly will joining Client Mastery do for your coaching practice?

1 Exponentially increase your income.

By using this tested and proven system you won’t only feel more confident and authentic during your sales conversations and free consultations, you’ll also be able to close way more deals and exponentially increase your income! Happy clients have reported back to us that they convert 80% of their casual conversations into paying clients after joining Client Mastery — and so will you!

2 Sign on only the ideal clients for you.

Being a coach you know how crucial it is to work with the RIGHT people. When you learn how to sell based on true human connection and with love and authenticity, you will attract the perfect clients for your personal practice: The ones who are willing and able to pay what you’re worth and not just the price shoppers who are looking for the next best deal.

3 No more undervaluing your services or undercharging because of the fear of rejection.

Nobody likes to hear “no”. But when you join Client Mastery, you won’t let the fear of rejection stop you from selling your services anymore. On the contrary: You’ll know exactly how to handle your prospect’s objections (and excuses!) and will be able to charge what you’re worth without feeling guilty or ashamed.

4 Gain confidence and get new clients with ease.

How can somebody trust you and buy from you if they can tell you’re nervous and insecure? (Hint: Not at all!) Having a reliable system in place will give you the confidence you need to get new clients with joy and ease. Your prospects will be able to feel your confidence and respond to it by trusting you, believing in you and your services and buying from you with a smile on their face.

5 Get loyal customers for life.

Client Mastery focuses on building solid, lasting relationships between you and your clients so that they see you as their one and only go-to person. And once the connection is established, they’ll happily come back to you again and again… and again.

6 Enjoy the process and have fun.

You’ll be surprised how relaxed, easy and fun your sales conversations can actually be when you use our low-pressure sales method. When you know exactly what to say, how and when to say it and even what to do when things go slightly different than planned… you have absolutely nothing to worry about and can focus on providing true value to your clients. It’s a win-win situation!.

7 Repeat!

Client Mastery is a proven and tested formula that dramatically increases sales for Fortune 1000 companies – and it will do the same for you! You can repeat it over and over again and you’ll discover that you just keep getting better at it!

How does Client Mastery work?

Client Mastery – The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects to Clients in 3-Simple Steps is a highly effective training designed to get you maximum results within minimum time. We cut through the masses of sales content out there to give you the exact systems, scripts and tools you need as a coach. Not more, not less! You get:

3 in-depth training videos that take you by the hand and walk you through the 3 simple steps of attracting and converting prospects to clients – so that you can easily apply the strategies to your coaching practice and start closing sales right away

easy-to-complete action worksheets for every video lesson so that you can instantly put your knowledge into practice and master the content within less than 5 minutes per exercise

a thriving community of 100 students so that you can hold each other accountable, accelerate the learning process and make valuable business connections along the way

Your courses includes:

Sales Process Part 1: Sequence of Emotions

Sales Process: Sequence of Emotions (Video) In this video we’ll be introducing the Sales Process, sharing with you where it came from, and talking through the emotional stages that reliably create a sale. We’ll share with you the three misconceptions or ‘lies’ people buy into that have them struggle. You’ll also learn the difference between Commodity, Intermediate, and Value markets and how you can position yourself towards the Value side.

Sales Process: Sequence of Emotions (Audio Only)

Sales Process #1: 3 Lies of Sales Worksheet

Sales Process #2: Commodity vs. Value Markets Worksheet

Sales Process #3: Sequence of Emotions Worksheet

Sales Process #4: Network Interview Worksheet

Sales Offer Sequence Platform Selling Worksheet

Key Takaways

The 3 Lies About Sales

Commodity Vs. Value – How you can identify your spot in the marketplaceand level up your position

Sequence Of Emotions – Learn the 6 phases of customer response and tap into your customer’s head.

Sales Process Part 2: Benchmark Questions

Sales Process Part 2: Benchmark Questions (Video) In this video we’ll be diving in with more detail into the Sales Process teaching you each of the phases in the process. You’ll learn how to structure your sales conversations and how to make sure your potential customers are experiencing the emotions in the right order. We’ll also be teaching you benchmarks questions that let you know when its time to move on. We share with you some tips for how to elicit the right phase and some common mistakes to avoid and what to do about them.

Sales Process Part 2: Benchmark Questions (Audio Only)

Sales Process #5: The Sales Process Worksheet

Sales Process #6: Curiosity Meter Worksheet

Sales Process #7: Value Calibration Worksheet

Sales Process #8: Sales Process Scorecard Worksheet

Key Takaways

How to own the conversation

How to draw out the right emotions to influence customers

Biggest mistakes most businesses are making, and how you can fix them

Sales Process Part 3: Black Belt Techniques

Sales Process Part 3: Black Belt Techniques (Video) In this video you’ll learn the art of the non-sequitur AND the 6 ways to create value in a sales conversation. We talk about the importance of effectively dominating in a sales conversation and how to lead someone in the direction YOU want to go. We’ll teach you how to get into their world that will having you understand them better than even they do.

Sales Process Part 3: Black Belt Techniques (Audio Only)

Sales Process #9: The Four Types of Non-Sequiturs Worksheet

Sales Process #10: What Customers Want To Know Worksheet

Sales Process #11: 6 Ways To Create Possibility and Trust Worksheet

Sales Process #12: Getting Clear About What They Want Worksheet

Sales Process #13: Did You Get Into Their World Worksheet

Key Takaways

How to direct the conversation where you want it to go

How to use Non-Sequiturs – The best way to keep a conversation on track is to interrupt it. Here’s how.

The value phase – Enticing with possibility and trust

And 6 ways to establish an unbeatable sense of value

Sales Process Part 4: Bonus Materials

Top 10 Ways To Improve Sales Conversions

Focusing On Your Sales Prospect’s Pain And Desires In this audio training we talk about utilizing the proven sales format of focusing on your sales prospect’s pain and desires in order to be able to express to them that you understand their pain, you have a unique perspective on their situation they might not be aware of, and that you have a solution that will solve the underlying problem.

Making Sales Fun Through Contribution In this audio training we talk about how to make the sales process fun through contribution, caring, and being brave enough to speak the truth. We also talk about an effective game you can play at conferences that will help you to connect with your ideal clients.

Systematizing Your Sales Example 1 In this training we share real world examples of systematizing the highest leverage activities in your sales and marketing, identifying the most effective sales affiliates to promote your product or service, and why it’s important to experiment more in your lower priced products and services.

Identifying and Converting New Sales Channels In this audio training we share a real world example of how to identify new sales channels and convert them into paying customers. We specifically talk about how to walk your prospects through the proper sequence of emotions, how to keep control of the conversation using non-sequiturs, and how to get referrals during your sales conversations even if the person you’re talking to isn’t a good match for your product or service.

Identifying and Filling Missing Competencies In this audio training we talk about identifying missing competencies that cause projects to fall through in the bidding process, and how to fill in that gap with your strengths so that you are seen as a central part of each project. We also talk about the role of leadership in making the competition irrelevant, and how to come up with a pricing structure for requests that are outside of your traditional offerings.

Creating Curiosity In your Sales Emails

End of Marketing – Viral Loops

Bonus  Audio sales trainings that have never been available outside of Bryan and Jennifers exclusive master mind groups until now.

In 3 simple steps Client Mastery will teach you:

The 3 Biggest Lies About Selling You’ve Bought Into And How They’re Holding You Back From Becoming The Natural Sales Person You Could Already Be

Why not knowing which market you’re REALLY in will break your neck in sales and how exactly to identify your spot the marketplace

The secret sequence of emotions that will get your perfect prospects to happily say YES! to anything you offer over and over again – no matter what you’re selling

The only script you truly need to lead through your sales conversation with joy and ease – no more awkward silence or dead-end conversations!

The 5 phases of the natural sales process that establish trust and build a true relationship with your prospect so that they can buy from you feeling relaxed and in charge

Why curiosity will rapidly increase your sales and which one word you must avoid like the plague if you don’t want to scare people off when they were just about to say yes

The exact 3 questions you need to ask to build massive value and effortlessly make them want to work with you even more

Why the best way to keep a conversation going is to interrupt them and 3 techniques that teach you how to do this like a pro

How to translate your customers’ questions and figure out what they REALLY want to know so that you can give them the answers they need in order to say yes!

6 master tools to create instant possibility and trust without coming across as needy or pushy

A tiny conversation hack that will have the biggest impact and make people feel like they’ve been buying from you for years

Get Bryan Franklin – Client Mastery right now!

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