Amie Tollefsrud – Online Course Academy + Passive Income Academy BUNDLE



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Amie Tollefsrud – Online Course Academy + Passive Income Academy BUNDLE

Online Course Academy™️ + Passive Income Academy™️ BUNDLE
The step-by-step guide to creating, launching and selling your own profitable online course!

If you’re currently dreaming of a way to make a full-time income FROM HOME, that doesn’t require you to…

  • Trade time for dollars (1:1 clients)
  • Cover your website in ads
  • Have 100k Instagram followers
  • Promote a product you aren’t passionate about
  • or go back to school AGAIN in order to be seen as an “expert” on what you teach…

AND that allows you to work from wherever you are, help as many people as possible, and generate passive income…

And I know you might have doubts, like:

  • What would I even create an online course ABOUT?
  • Why would anyone listen to ME when there are so many experts out there?
  • How do I build an audience to sell my course to?
  • How would I launch/market it? Would anyone even buy?
  • What about all the tech stuff (videos, worksheets, audio lessons…AHHHH THE OVERWHELM)?!?
  • What about the logistics like: coming up with content, deciding which information to share and in what format, and how to ensure my students get results?

And most importantly…


This is where the Online Course Academy™️ + Passive Income Academy™️ BUNDLE comes in:

Hey, i’m Amie 👋🏽 the creator of Online Course Academy™️ + Passive Income Academy™️

I can confidently say that adding online courses into my business model as a FNTP and Nutritionist has CHANGED MY LIFE, and I believe they can do the same for you, no matter WHAT your niche.

In less than 18 months, I went from being in over 5 figures of debt and living in a 120 square foot tiny house (often taking client calls in my car and feeling drained AF trying to build a side hustle while also working another job)…

…to traveling the world full-time and helping HUNDREDS more people (daily) than I EVER could, all while consistently generating 6 figures per MONTH passively.

Now I teach my entire, step by step strategy to YOU inside the Online Course Academy™️ + Passive Income Academy BUNDLE!


  • How to grow an audience + email list full of future students
  • How to decide on a profitable online course topic, name, and price
  • How to create your entire course (videos, worksheets + more!) from start to finish
  • How to launch your course + enroll as many students as possible

How to create an entire passive income “funnel” so that your online course starts selling on autopilot (ever dreamed of waking up in the AM to sales notifications? I’ll teach you how!)


Course Curriculum

Module 1 – Prep For Online Course Creation

  • Welcome To Online Course Academy + Overview
  • Increasing Productivity (The 4 Tendencies – Which One Are You?)
  • Types Of Courses/Launches (+ Which is Right For You?)
  • Course Revenue Planning
  • Manifesting Your Revenue Goal
  • Prep For Course Creation

Module 2 – Your Profitable Online Course Topic

  • You Need A Niche (To Sell An Online Course)
  • Choosing Your Online Course Topic
  • Create Your “Unicorn” (i.e. Ideal Student Profile)
  • Will It Be Profitable?
  • Naming Your Online Course
  • Staying Organized During Course Creation
  • Determine your course timeline

Module 3 – Cultivate While You Create

  • What’s Your Teaching Type?
  • List Building 101
  • Visually Branding Your Course
  • Create A Promotional Plan (Go Get Your Unicorn)
  • Start Outlining Your Online Course

Module 4 – Online Course Creation

  • Creating Your Slides (+ Template!)
  • Recording Your Course Videos
  • Editing Your Course Videos
  • Creating Course Worksheets (+ Templates!)
  • Setting Up Your “School”
  • How To Create A Membership/Subscription Site

Module 5 – Sexify Your Course (So It SELLS!)

  • Position Your Course In Market
  • Telling Your Personal Story (Personal Branding)
  • How To Price Your Course
  • Optimizing Revenue and Conversions

Module 6 – Launch, Launch, Baby

  • Get The Party Started (Pre-Launch Prep)
  • Your 5-Part Launch Strategy
  • Increasing Urgency In Your Launch
  • Pre-Sale Strategy
  • Crafting A High-Converting Sales Page

Module 7 – The After Party

  • Keeping Up With Your Course/Students
  • Recap Your Launch + Pivot
  • Turning Students Into Cheerleaders (Affiliates)
  • Refunds + How To Deal
  • Plan Your Next Launch
  • Become an OCA affiliate!

Module 8- All Your Tech Tutorials

  • Setting Up Your Google Drive Folders
  • Trello Tutorial
  • How to set up a landing page in SS
  • How To Set Up Link-Triggers in Convertkit
  • How to Edit Slides in Canva
  • How To Record Videos Using Screenflow
  • How To Edit In Screenflow
  • How To Record Using QuickTime
  • How To Edit In iMovie
  • How to Edit Course Videos in Final Cut Pro
  • How To Edit Your Course Worksheets Using Canva
  • Accepting Payments (Via Stripe + PayPal)
  • Excluding ‘Students’ From Your Sales Sequence
  • How To Set Up An Automated “Welcome” E-mail To New Students
  • How To Set Up ‘Drift’ On Your Sales Page
  • How To Create Affiliate Links
  • How To Create “Coupons” In Teachable
  • How To Make A Course “Mockup” Graphic
  • How To Create Audio Files
  • How To ‘Tag’ Students
  • How to Connect ConvertKit with Squarespace
  • **How to Create a Landing Page in LeadPages** (not necessary – but looks very professional)
  • ConvertKit 101 with Sue – Setting up account, Segments, Tags, Broadcasts and Sequences
  • How to Add Captions to Your Course Videos
  • Set Up Your School in Kajabi (in case you choose to)

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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