Alex Social – Day Game Phone Game



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Alex Social – Day Game Phone Game

Get The Confidence To Socialise, Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace with ANYONE! 
Without coming across awkward or having to use social tactics!
Tired of seeing the same recycled material by most “pick up” companies that are backed up by nothing but “flashy pickups” and don’t even work most of the time… just to make some “guru” or company more money?
Have they really forgotten why everyone originally really got into pickup?
So you can go out to a club, bar or bookstore and approach ANY girl you like and create mind bending experiences with her…So you can fill your life with those movie quality memories…and eventually create loving/deep rooted/cherishing relationships with the girls you enjoy most.
Do you really want to be one of those guys?
Trying to “get her attention” while actually creeping girls out trying to replicate some YouTube “Guru”
Imagine a much more natural way of meeting girls, my method… that I have crafted for over 11 years.
Everyone’s trying to…Control the girl’s emotions, to trick the girl into liking them, using routines and lines, hoping the girl can’t see through their bullshit…
What if I told you that none of this was necessary? That you could meet your dream girl in a much more natural way…
Without creeping her out… and without ever doing anything “weird’. A method I have come to understand after 11 years of doing this and that I will teach you today…
But it’s time to put an end to it… it’s time to shift the community in the right direction.
Create Win-Win Relationships For You And Everyone You Connect With
My Name’s Alex
I have been teaching men of all types and all ages for the past 11 years… on how to improve in every aspect of their dating life. I’ve worked in this crazy mode around 300 days out of the year and traveled to some of the most remote places in the world. Trust me when I say… I have seen it all.
The secret to my game is very straight-forward, it’s purely about learning how to manifest a shit load of fun WHEREVER you are and creating a win-win situation for you and the girl. I repeat…WIN–WIN and FUN.
No manipulation, No scripts, nothing you need to memorize. Just learning to truly understand how to completely express yourself in the best way possible.
Imagine your game, your understanding of the social mess we live in, gets to such an immense depth, that people ASSUME you were always a natural. They assume you are much better looking than you really might be. They assume all these incredible positive qualities. but Why?
Because you are constantly showing them the best YOU. Then as a result they
only focus on your best qualities, constantly.
That is my life at the moment.
I was never the guy you see speaking in-front of you today. I was much different. Introverted — unable to express myself. I barely had 3 friends very less a real “best friend”. Things were very different than what the world assumes of me now.
Before I became an online dating coach, I was studying to become a psychologist. I wanted to really help people that had gone through hard times growing up as I did. So obviously after I became a dating coach, I began breaking down every student’s behavior and showed them what exactly is stopping them from getting the results and life they want.
Now listen, I’ve been teaching hundreds of students in person and thousands online, every year… and I’ve been doing this for almost a decade – you do the math…
I studied every student and every student taught me something new, but to be honest…
The biggest sticking points were always the same
Almost every student was doing the same few things wrong.
And chances are…. Whatever is holding you back right now from being the man you could be– whether it’s a small subtlety or a blatant mistake – I’ve probably seen it before…and fixed it.
So I sat down and put together everything I had, every piece of knowledge and experience… Every failure, mistake and sticking point I’ve seen out there…
And then I broke down my own brain, every single detail that makes me Who I Am…
About how I think and how I act, I created a program that covers literally EVERYTHING there is to natural game… from every possible angle.
Here’s What You Get: 24 Modules!
~ 20 hours of content!
The most comprehensive collection of instructional videos to show you every aspect of social dynamics and make you a true master in the social world.
The Full List Of Program Modules:
1. Instant Gratification (24m)
Alex gives a full overview of the program, and what you need to know to go out and get day game success right away.
2. Intro, Set Up & Preparation (44m)
Alex explains the journey ahead and how we implemented the the plan of this program, and all the things you need to know before you master your own day game phone game.
3. Just go (1h30m)
Alex and the team get started with day game with mixed results. and many lessons learned.
4. Banging Your Head Against The Wall (1h36m)
Alex talks about early rejections, realities of day game and emotional management.
5. Abundance Saturation (1h12m)
Alex talk about getting a sense of abundance and how it effect your new approaches.
6. Dating Apps (1h36m)
Alex talks about how dating apps work, and the strategies to implement.
7. Day Game Know How (1h05m)
Alex talks about the full day game approach process.
8. Day Game Skill-Set (3h46m)
Watch instructional videos from Alex and fellow instructors along with breakdowns
9. Day Game Rejections(1h06m)
Look at dealing with the imperfect interactions, how to interpret rejections, and how rejections are sometimes not all they seem. How to turn around objections and misunderstandings
10. Social Media Pull Marketing (1h05m) 
Alex talks about the use of social media to hep your phone game strategy.
11. Your Mindset vs The Girl’s Intention (1h55m)
Alex talks about the social psychology of connection from cold approach
12. Screening Masterclass (1h30m) 
How to quickly evaluate the situation you’re in, to take the best course of action, and calibrate accordingly.
13. Phone Game And Text Game(1h03m)
Alex gives examples of phone calls and text game and the psychology behind it.
14. Qualification and Statements of Motivation (1h20m)
Alex talks about the important conversation mechanics of qualification and statements of motivation.
15. Objections and Seduction (2h12m)
Alex demonstrates many approaches and talks about the process of getting to know new people.
16. Instant dates & Insta-Pulls (1h19m)
Alex demonstrates dates and instant dates.
17. Flakes On The Phone (1h15m)
You shouldn’t expect people to meet up with you immediately the next day after you get their number. Watch how patient Alex is with his leads and how he runs the conversation.
18. Multiple Relationships & Breakups (48m)
Alex gives advice on managing connections, and also gives ideas about closure.
19. Bonus Daygame Student Breakdown With Ryan + Alex (47m)
An included student breakdown from the day game phone game experience.
20. DGPG Alex Classic Infield #1 (29m)
Dealing with shy people.
21. DGPG Alex Classic Infield #2 (26m)
Overcoming bike crash.
22. DGPG Alex Classic Infield #3 (24m)
Socialising in cafe situations.
23. DGPG Alex Classic Infield #4 (23m)
Unique late night day game
24. DGPG Alex Classic Infield #5 (26m)
Connections around the world.
“Alex teaches true natural game. True change that improves all aspects of your life. Thanks Alex for all the things you do and the great products you come out with. I’m excited to check this one out!
Alex is probably the greatest social life instructor of today. I have read and watched a lot of other PUA material, but it wasn’t until I came across his old RSD YouTube videoas then everything really started to click with me.

After watching pretty much all his online YouTube videos, I knew I had to take a bootcamp with him. I emailed RSD a couple of times trying to figure out when Alex was going to be running a bootcamp, finally after weeks someone from RSD got back to me and said Alex is no longer with RSD and he was pursuing another business.
About a month later, I found out about 4WN. I was going to do a 4-day bootcamp that costs about the same, here I get to spend 4 weeks with a legend. ”
– Ryan
“Most coaches in the industry said it couldn’t be done. The myth is that you either are a natural or you weren’t and that it couldn’t be taught. Alex is proving everyone wrong.”
– James
“Alex taught me what game is supposed to look and feel like. The 10 commandments of what interactions need and what they don’t need helped focus my attention and mindset. After practise and repetition it becomes how you naturally relate to people instead of always having a micro-managing agenda behind what you say and do. I have gotten more value out of studying what Alex presents than any other material I’ve looked at. One thing I really like about what Alex teaches is coming from a place where you truly have pure intentions for the girl and for yourself. Your experience is largely determined by a win-win mindset instead of a value-taking, dirty pleasure type mindset. You’ve got a client for life here, Alex.”
– Chris

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