Vladimir Vasiliev – Contact, Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*)
Contact Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*), Vladimir Vasiliev – Contact Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*), Contact Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*) download, Vladimir Vasiliev – Contact Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*) review, Contact Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*) free torent
Vladimir Vasiliev – Contact, Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*)
Contact, Impact and Control (downloadable in 2 parts*)
A dynamic series of Systema drills on taking tension out of the body and total preparation for contact.
by Vladimir Vasiliev of Russian Special Operations Unit
A dynamic seminar on total preparation for contact in confrontations. Absolutely unique warm-ups and breath training, work with endurance, evasions and interceptions, subtle punches, punches from the ground,
defense and offense through tension, drills of taking tension out of the body and empowering every movement with effortless control.
Enjoy a perfect series of Systema exercises to develop flawless moving & striking, to dissipate the soreness, stretch the threshold of pain, to gain the understanding of what “relaxed” really means, to knock out the fear and achieve internal strength.
Includes astounding demonstrations of knife defense and multiple opponents, beyond what you would think is possible.
Connect the psychology of fighting with body control, strikes and movement.
Part One: 45 min.
Part Two: 44 min.
Also available in DVD format
MANUFACTURER: Vladimir Vasiliev
PART: Part 1, Part 2
George Borrelli – November 11, 2018
Systema helps a practitioner to work both brain hemispheres more appropriately and efficiently, the result is higher functioning.
Rated 5 out of 5
david yemm – May 8, 2008
Terrific. A phenomenal dvd I never thought I could have this much control over my tension and what a great way to strengthen your spirit. From were i come from i could not find any dvd of this type from were I am from this is a once in a lifetime of products. Excellent keep up the good work
Rated 5 out of 5
Christopher Hamilton – April 1, 2008
I always knew there were simple ways to have this kind of controll and technique, but good luck finding a school for it in the phone book. I have been sifting through literaly dozens of styles of MMA and pure taditional arts for 11+ years! I had a great instructor in Goju Karate and after I got my black belt I was 18 and had to take time out to work. Then I joined the Army at 20 and could never get back to his class. I have been through school after school since looking for a true combative art and had nearly given up hope.
I hate to break it to you if you think your American Kempo or Shaolin school has prepared you for real fighting than chances are it hasn’t come friggan close. I’m not talking down about all those schools, but the vast majority of any school in America is teaching you basic body movements for striking and grappling, but not to actually fight. I have been in enough fights and classes to walk in to a Shoalin Kung Fu school and beat every student in the place including the asistant instructor and it is not the arts fault, but rather the way they train does not include the simplicity of taking reflexes from the forms and puting it in to a sparring drill. This guy has done just that and achieved a level of controll that rivals Taiji and Bagua masters with decades of training!
Bottom line: I know a real fighting art when I see it and I knew this was a good one from the start. In fact it is far better than I originally expected.
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