Luther Landro & Jessica – Passive Consulting Profits



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Luther Landro & Jessica – Passive Consulting Profits

Thanks to a new online service, sending direct mail to biz owners is as easy as sending an email…
YOU can copy & paste the exact postcards
that are flooding my account
with $2,500 payments:

At $0.40 per postcard…
Converting at 0.5% ( Half of 1% )…
That’s an average cost of $80 for every
$2,500 consulting deal you land.
Want a fast way to land $2,500+ consulting clients before the end of the month?

Then you need to read every word on this page – because I’m about to reveal the unusual way that an underground group of rookie consultants have been banking $2,500… $5,000… even $10,000 deals with local business owners…

…All by using an online service to send $0.40 post cards from their kitchen table.

The system outlined on this page is NOT about mass mailing, spamming, Facebook ads, or any of the generic sales advice you read about on marketing blogs.

This is about tapping into a little-known but FREE ‘government list’ of new businesses, and using cheap direct mail postcards to sell the business owners a service they are already looking for.

I was introduced to this untapped sales strategy a few months ago by a colleague, and had one thought after seeing it in action:

This is unlike anything I’ve seen before…
You see a small, ‘rag-tag group’ of internet marketers have spent the last 3 years milking government websites that list new businesses the day they start their corporation ( sometimes before they have even opened).

It usually takes about 60 days for these businesses to appear in lead companies’ databases, and months before they are listed in the yellow pages or other online directories.

This means one thing: YOU can have a 60-day head start selling these business owners before ANYONE else has even reached out to them.

Fact: More than half of these new businesses do not have a website, and the top reason they give is the cost of having one developed:

Design firms are charging $50,000 or more to build a simple website:

The strategy is simple: Contact these businesses in a unique way before anyone else and offer them a website for only $2,500… an offer these new entrepreneurs can’t refuse.

According to Forbes Magazine there are 543,000 new businesses started every single month in the US alone. Tapping into this free government lead source means YOU will have access to a nearly endless supply of hungry clients.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: ONLY target new businesses:
We use little-known government websites to find new businesses even before they open

You’ll have the contact address, owner’s name, number, and business information for every prospect. It typically takes about 60-days before these new businesses show up on ‘lead lists’ that most big agencies use.

That gives YOU a 60-day head start on every other agency who wants to sell them.

Step 2: Use postcards to do the selling for you
Use a point-and-click online service to send these businesses a carefully crafted post card selling them a discounted website.

Listen: The mailbox is the still cleanest inbox. You’re likely to be the ONLY mail that these new businesses receive for the first few months ( outside of bank statements and IRS forms).

These ugly post cards stand out, and get read by decision makers. Biz owners will stop what they are doing and pick up the phone to take you up on your offer IF you include all of the right sales elements:

  • A compelling offer – Offer the business owner a website at a fraction of what other designers charge.
  • A strong perceived value – Make the price seem like a steep discount from what you normally charge to avoid looking ‘cheap’.
  • A ‘reason why’ that makes them feel like they earned this discount – Explain that your ‘discount’ is only available to new businesses.
  • A strong call to action – Tell them exactly what to do to claim their discount.
  • A fear of missing out – Include a deadline for when the client will LOSE their discount.

This formula may sound simple, and it is. However, if you miss any of these sales elements, or get them in the wrong order you will KILL your chances at getting the sale ( Read on to get you’re your hands on proven post card templates in a copy-paste format ).

Step 3: Outsource all the real work.
It costs on average $500 to hire a web designer to build a professional looking website when you use a pre-built WordPress theme.

We’ve been charging $2,500 for the websites, which is a sweet spot price that business owners are saying yes too with few objections, and still provides you with a healthy profit:

$2,500 payment from the client

$80 in advertising costs ( 200 post cards at $0.40 each)

$500 in outsourcing fees ( paid after you collect your fee)

Total: $1,900 in profit per deal.
Remember: That’s $1,900 in pure profit before selling the client monthly services like the ones mentioned in the survey above.

New businesses need everything: SEO, web hosting, social media marketing, reputation management… Services that you collect monthly fees to provide while outsourcing the work for a fraction of those fees. (My typical client is worth around $5,000/month in fees)

Oh and don’t forget the best part: You’re the only one that’s pitching these services for at least 60 days.

And think about this: It costs just $0.40 to get a physical post card in the hands of a decision maker… Quite possibly the ONLY piece of mail they will receive when they first open their doors.

Physical mail stands out, gets read, and lingers on their desk until they pick up the phone or visit your website to take action… All for $0.40.

Compare that to spending $1 or more PER CLICK with Facebook ads where you have to compete with dozens of other ads promoting dozens of other offers…

AND compete with all the funny cat videos and ex-girlfriend photos that your prospect is probably on Facebook to look at in the first place. ( Pro tip: If you compete with cat videos and ex-girlfriends, you’ll lose every time.)

The surprising truth about the biggest online advertising companies in the world…
Do you know the number 1 way both Google and Facebook attract businesses to their online ads?

Get this: Both Facebook and Google, the titans of online advertising, use direct mail postcards sent to new businesses to land their customers:

They offer an expiring discount to new businesses who are looking to get started…

Sound familiar?

You are standing on the shoulders of giants when you use postcards to sell new businesses, and using these government lead sources means that YOUR post cards will arrive in their mailbox EVEN before Google’s does…

A marketing plan stolen from…
a carpet cleaning company?
My student and close friend Jessica has been quietly using this method for the past 3 years to build her work-from-home consulting business. Her father owns a carpet cleaning business and for over 2 decades has been building his customer base by sending post cards to new home owners

These post cards warn the new home owner about the dangers lurking in the carpets of their new home. He offers to eliminate their allergies (guaranteed) by doing a full home cleaning at a massive discount IF they responded by a certain date (strong offer with a deadline for scarcity).

A simple, yet brilliant approach that has been working for over 20 years.

Jessica decided to try this same method to land web design clients. It was by random accident (and weeks of Google searching) that she stumbled upon dozens of local government websites that list new business’ contact information before anyone else does.

Using the same sales tactics that her father uses in his post cards, she started selling discount websites to new businesses in her home town.

The results were incredible…

Jessica managed to earn 6-figures her first year as a consultant and has been doubling the size of her business ever year after that… All of her clients being sold via post cards.

After 3 years of trial and error perfecting this method, Jessica now lands $2,500 website deals for every $80 she spends on postcards. (Not including the upsell funnel that sells half of her client into $5,000/month packages for SEO and other services)

Recently, she joined my coaching program to help compile this method into a system that ANYONE can use to build their own consulting business from home.

After all, with 543,000 new businesses being created every single month – there are way more businesses who need websites than there are consultants who can service them. Jessica wants to give regular folks the same opportunity she found: Total financial freedom working from the comfort of her home.

I have worked with her to compile EVERYTHING that has been working for her for the past 3 years into a done-for-you package that we call:

The Passive Consulting Profits System.
The Passive Consulting Profits system is the only done-for-you system that lands $2,500 website deals with new businesses using a cheap online direct mail service.

With this system you are getting everything you need to turn $80 in postcards into $2,500 consulting deals:

  • ALL of the new business ‘government’ lead sources…
  • ALL of the post card designs and sales copy in a done-for-you, copy-paste format…
  • The names of every outsourcer Jessica uses to service her clients.

Take a look at what’s inside the Passive Consulting Profits System:

First you are getting Jessica’s tell-all guide that walks you through her entire process of selling not only websites, but every monthly service that a new business wants. Inside you will learn:

  • The little known local government websites that provides a daily list of new businesses – Quickly search through over a dozen different sources of new business leads that are complete with the owner’s direct contact information. You’ll have thousands of free, exclusive leads downloaded to your desktop minutes after you read through the guide.
  • How to legally claim 20+ years’ experience from day 1 – By outsourcing all the work to the designers in this guide, YOU can use their portfolios in your advertising. This builds instant credibility and trust with your clients.
  • The sweet spot pricing for any service you want to sell – It took years of testing to know what to charge new businesses that provided the most profit AND left the business owner happy that he got a great deal. (These prices get biz owners saying yes without any objections)
  • How to earn passive income by offering free websites to new businesses – By offering a free website to new business owners, you open the door to sell them other monthly services like SEO, Reputation Management, Web hosting, Mobile apps… All of which can be outsourced for a fraction of the fees you charge. (Jessica earns as much as $5,000 a month from some of her clients.)
  • How to have new business leads sent to your inbox daily – Skip searching for leads and have them sent to your inbox with a cheap service that saves time, and makes you the first person to contact the new business owner with a proposal. (You’ll be shocked how receptive business owners are when you are the FIRST one they talk too)
  • Why becoming a ‘niche specialist’ will have business owners turning down other offers to pay you more money for the same service – It costs nothing to target specific local niches, yet you can command HIGHER fees, and enjoy a higher response as a result (I’ve had clients TURN DOWN more experienced and lower priced designers just because I mentioned that I specialize in sites for restaurants)
  • The ‘rejection proof’ sales scripts that close every inbound phone call generated by these post cards – This rolodex of sales lines and rebuttals will make you, or any outsourcer you give them too, smooth as silk on the phone. End every call with the client thanking you for the pleasure of buying from you. (Make sure your sales person pays extra attention to the tonality exercises in this section, which can make or break any sale)
  • How to skip client phone calls and close deals over email – These post cards can be adapted to have business owners email you their order… Use the included email scripts to take prospects from the first reply all the way to thanking them for their first payment. This ’email conversation in a box’ is full of responses to the most common objections and is designed to close deals no matter what a prospect throws at you.
  • The online service that makes sending post cards as easy as sending an email – If you can copy and paste some text, you can start sending post cards to new businesses in minutes for as little as $0.40 with this new online service.
  • How to lock clients into annual contracts that will keep you paid every single month – Learn how to use PayPal to automatically collect payments from your clients every month and lock them into an industry standard annual contract.
    EARN Passive income, paid on the first of every month BEFORE you do any work
    NEVER have to handle a check or credit card directly
    NEVER have to chase down clients for YOUR pay
  • Earn $5,000/month or more from every new client by offering the 5 ‘core services’ every new business needs – Once these post cards get your foot in the door, YOU will have established yourself as the go to consultant for EVERYTHING the business owner needs. ( Clients would see an advertisement for some new service, bring it to Jessica, and Jessica would find a provider and mark up the fee. ) Learn which services to offer, how much to charge, and where to get the work done for you at a fraction of the fees you collect.

You’re also getting all of Jessica’s most successful postcards…
Just put your name and contact information into the sales copy, plug it into the mailing service and you are ready to send out your first 6-figure campaign…

Here are just a taste of some of the cards included in this package:

The ‘Free SEO Scan’ offer that converts 1 in 15 new businesses
on paying $1,000 per month for SEO services.

Biz owners will flood you with phone calls for this free scan. Put their web address in here:

And it will generate a report outlining everything they need to do in order to rank their website to the top of Google, providing MASSIVE value to the client at no cost to them, or you.

This report SELLS the business for you on paying $1,000/month to have all the work done for them (every smart business owner would rather hire a professional than do the work themselves)

It only costs $500 to outsource this work, leaving you with $500 in pure profit every month from each client you land.

“claim your discount website” post cards that turn $80 in ad costs into $2,500 website clients
This is the offer that started it all, and is the surest way to earn fast money as a consultant.

Jessica’s “Bag Of Dirty Tricks”
That Multiply The Response Of Any Ad Campaign

Add these dirty little tricks to any advertising campaign (including postcards) to double or even triple the response overnight.

Take a look at just some of the dirty tricks you’ll learn:

  • Triple your response by adding Jessica’s 3-word ‘implied scarcity’ sound bite to every ad – NOTHING inspires action like a fear of missing out… Stop losing money by finally knocking prospects off the fence and turning them into paying clients. ( Business owners are busy and will put off buying decisions even after you’ve hooked them with your discounted offer).
    Scarcity is the number one thing missing from a rookie’s campaign.
    Do this right and a biz owner will drop whatever they are doing to respond to your offer.
    Do this wrong, and you will kill any chance of selling them in the future.
  • My ‘location offer’ trick that increases your offer’s credibility: Adding the line “Special offer for new businesses in X city” will double your response by increasing credibility, but ONLY if you follow it up with the right offer (businesses will often compete over hiring you so their competition doesn’t get to you first) this is how I became the go to consultant in my area…
  • The ‘faux coupon code’ trick that generates hot phone call leads – 80% of prospects that call with this ‘coupon code’ convert into high-ticket buyers. The best part about these ‘personalized’ post cards is that it requires NO additional cost, NO expensive tracking software, NO individual post cards. (In fact, every post card is the same! This relies on one cleverly disguised line of killer sales copy)
  • Calls to action that will have the clients contacting you on your terms:
    Generate inbound phone calls from pre-sold clients and take their order rather than sell your offer
    Fill your email inbox with business owners who are hungry to claim their expiring discount and buy from you
    Generate visits to your website and let sales videos and funnels do the selling for you

Bonus Section: How to generate customers for your clients using postcards
Imagine: Biz owners can’t stop throwing money at you because every dollar they spend on post cards turns into $2… $5… or even $10 in new customers for their business.

YOU earn money for every post card the business sends.

Copy & Paste customer generating post card copy to earn money for every post card your client sends including:

  • Send mailers out for carpet cleaners to help them book new home customers ( This is how the whole method originated)
    Accountants can send post cards to new businesses to sell book keeping services. ( This even helps you generate referrals as you and the accountant can share clients. )
  • Target for sale by owner houses to generate listing for real estate agents – You generate a listing for a real estate agent and you’ve made a business friend for life. ( I’ve had agents pay me a premium just to prevent me from working with other agents, their competition. )
  • Send new business clients to lawyers and build a referral network – You can become the go to guy in your area for referrals. ( I always go after lawyer clients and give them a HUGE discount on everything… Why? FREE Legal advice when I need it. )

Mastering this ONE area and becoming the go to guy for direct mail will make you a pillar of the business community, and the one who BRINGS IN THE CUSTOMERS and BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER

Bonus Section 2: How to turn every client you land into 5 more clients using endorsement mailers
Pro Tip: After you land your first client, send a post card to EVERY business around their location and include a testimonial from your client. (Someone the other business owners probably know personally). In direct marketing circles, this is known as ‘endorsement mailing’.

You are leaving money on the table if you are not using endorsement mailers. Your entire business should be run exclusively with this simple client getting method.

TIP: When using client testimonials, ALWAYS get the testimonial to mention the specific benefit of your service in either new customers, or more revenue.

BAD testimonial: “Jessica built me a great website!”

GOOD testimonial: “The website Jessica built me is getting me customers!”

GREAT testimonial: “Jessica built me a website that is brining customers through our door, giving us the biggest cash night we have ever seen”

Endorsement mailers are the real secret
to landing whale clients.
Want to land major chains and large retail stores as clients (the type of clients that sign $100,000+ contracts?)

Then you must use endorsement mailers to get your foot in the door.

These ‘whale’ clients want to see social proof in order to back up your claims, and there is no better social proof than their competitors singing your praises. Get their small competitors to hire you, recommend you, and you will have grabbed their attention.

Recommendations from colleagues is the number one way that large corporate businesses hire consultants. (I’ve been hired by McDonalds, Adobe, and other large companies using a similar strategy).

Work smarter: There’s an outsourcer for that…
To help free up your time and make this business as hands off for you as possible, I’m including a copy of my outsourcer rolodex at no extra cost when you invest in the Passive Consulting Profits system today.

This rolodex normally sells for around $27, and includes a master list of every outsourcer I use in my business.

Inside this rolodex you’ll find:

  • Real Estate Lead service you can re-sell to hungry realtors – Real Estate Agents will line up down the block to get their hands on these home sale leads. I pay about $15 per lead and sell them for over $50 ( sometimes to multiple realtors at once ). This service is by far the EASIEST to sell, and can provide a steady passive income stream for years.
  • Press Release service that gets your articles on CNN, CNBC, New York Times , GUARANTEED – Businesses will pay thousands of dollars to get mentioned on major news sites. All it takes is one article, and they can boast about being ‘Seen on CNN’ for as long as they are in business. With the go to PR services in this rolodex, YOU can get their business published on major news sites for as little as $500.
  • SEO reporting service you can sell for $497/month – These SEO reports can be generated for $5 and sold to businesses for $500. Or use my ‘free report’ sales strategy and give these reports to business owners for free in exchange for a monthly fee to be their SEO consultant.
  • Google News ( Guaranteed) Ranking Service – Google News is a little-known traffic goldmine that most marketers are simply ignoring. Local business owners will pay a fortune to have their business appear in Google’s News results, and this service only costs you $5 with guaranteed results!
  • Mobile e-commerce App Developers – Business owners will pay as much as $25,000 to have an e-commerce app developed for their business. I’ve included a list of the programmers I use to build mobile apps for all my clients so you can start selling app development without having to learn how to code.
  • Local SEO service that guarantees first page ranking – Biz owners are paying over $5,000 for this guaranteed ranking service, PLUS $1,000 per month to keep their site ranked! Sell it as your own and let the service do all the work for you.
  • Biz owners pay $1,000/month for this reputation management service – And it only costs you $200 to re-sell it. Online reputation management is still a hot topic and I’ve listed all the best services that have reseller programs. All you do is sign up the business, and collect a fee every month with no hassles.
  • Mobile Site Designs for only $99 – Fact: 80% of websites are still not mobile ready which means many business websites are not showing up in Google’s mobile search. Businesses are losing customers as a result and will pay any amount of money once you point this problem out.
  • Google plus 5-star review service – Google reviews are one of the biggest attractors of new business, AND Google factors them into their search engine rank. These review services will add 5 star reviews to any businesses page, and boost their local search ranking overnight ( business owners are incredibly grateful and shocked at this service. You’ll look like a magician when these 5-star reviews appear on their page )
  • Flyer and Brochure designers – Create stunning brochure and flyer packages for local businesses that need them. Designers charge hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for this design work and you can get it done for $40, keeping the difference as profit.
  • The SEO agency who manages all of my clients – You can charge top dollar for this SEO service and have them do all the work. Even if you don’t know what SEO stands for.
  • My go-to website fix it guy – I’ve always had problems with my websites at crucial moments… The day of a launch… The day sales presentation for a client… Things always seem to break when I need them the most! When I am in these snares, THESE are the guys I call on. They’ve gotten me out of jams and kept my business running smoothly at crucial moments.
  • WordPress gurus that build sites for $5 – Ever buy a WordPress theme and it looks nothing like the demo you saw on the sales page? Hire one of these professionals for $5 and your websites will look like the demo you bought every time! ( I use these experts every time I set up a new WordPress site to save me precious time )

BONUS: Consulting agency in a box kit
To help you get up and running professionally from day 1, I’ve put together a complete agency tool kit that saves you thousands of dollars from having to buy all these items yourself.

Inside this pack you are getting:

Print-ready post card templates that have been proven to turn $80 mailers into $2500 clients.

These ugly post cards work better than over-used glossy flashy designs for one big reason: They stand out

These cards get read, and the proven sales copy written on them get results.

The SEO Re-seller program that includes a free SEO scanner and sales report generator, as well as a dashboard that YOUR clients can log into:

Charge clients a MINIMUM of $1,000 a month for access to these tools.

Drag-and-drop local WordPress theme that can be used to build websites for ANY type of local business:


This theme can be customized for every client’s individual needs… No 2 websites made with this theme look the same.

The theme requires no technical skills to build websites, you can do it from the comfort of your own home or hire one of the outsourcers in the included guide to do it for under $500.

The ‘consulting agency’ WordPress theme for building your own website to help sell clients – This theme is designed for your own website and builds credibility and trust with prospects.


My ‘consulting agency-in-a-box‘ kit that gives you all the material you will ever need for your business, whether you do earn money in your spare time or grow this to a million dollar a year empire

Everything is included from professional business card templates, to brochures, sales presentations, and flyers

The Passive Consulting profits system
works for rookies and veterans alike…
If you are new to consulting local businesses…

I’ve included a 30-day challenge course designed to take you from raw rookie, to first paying client in under 30 days.

Just follow along for 20 minutes a day to the instructions you are given:

Days 1-10 will walk you through setting up your consulting business, as well as giving you the confidence building exercises to make you a productive machine.

Days 11-20 You’ll start sending out your first post card campaigns by coping and pasting the done-for-you templates into the online mailer service. It’s as easy as sending an email.

Days 21-30 You’ll start getting calls and emails from the business owners. I’ll walk you through the process of handling customer orders with tested sales scripts, copy-paste email replies, and fast payment set up with PayPal.

After just 20 minutes a day for 30 days, I promise you a new consulting client… guaranteed.

If you are a consulting veteran…

I’ve included two quick start videos that allow you to skip the learning curve and get to work landing deals:

The ‘speed lead’ video – look over my shoulder as I generate 10,000 new business leads in about 20 minutes… Leads that can grow your consulting business or even be sold to other consultants for a nice profit. Whether it’s you doing the work, or an outsourcer, learn by doing along with me.

’20-minute direct mail’ video – copy and paste along with me in this video to have your first lead gen campaign set up in under an hour. AVOID all the common pitfalls that rookies make to ensure your post card campaigns are profitable from day 1.

Warning: Don’t try this out on your own.
Don’t be fooled by how simple this system looks. Sure, all it takes is a few post cards sent to new business owners with the right sales message.

Yet there are so many ways to get this wrong and ruin your chances of turning these business owners into paying clients.

There are hundreds of free lead sources that are outdated and have the wrong information…

There are mailing services that don’t actually deliver all the mail you order (in fact most bulk mail gets dumped)

Most direct mail is flashy, expensive, and completely botches the sale with the wrong message.

The Passive Consulting Profits System is your short cut…

Why spend years of trial and error, thousands of dollars in wasted ‘test mailers’, and the embarrassment of rejection figuring this our on your own when all of the work is already done for you. It took Jessica 3 years to perfect this system, and that’s after starting with her father’s 20 years of experience to guide her.

Learn this system while you earn money putting it into action. Just follow along, use the proven sales templates included with this program and start seeing results immediately.

OK Luther and Jessica I’m in…
How much will this cost me?
As you can already tell, this package is massive and meant to be a complete consulting business in a box. Jessica and I will be selling this system over private webinar for the low price of only $997, which is a total bargain considering you will make that back with your FIRST client.

However before we launch this product officially I need two things…

  • I need more testimonials from regular folks who go out there and use it to earn money for themselves.
  • I always give my previous customers the chance to get my training at a substantial discount.

So if you are on this page now, consider yourself lucky. You get to have it at less than half what everyone else will pay.

Right now we are doing a limited release of the Passive Consulting Profits System.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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