John Anthony – Approach Breakthrough Challenge



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John Anthony – Approach Breakthrough Challenge

Get Rid Of Your Approach Anxiety With The Approach Breakthrough Challenge
Be A Part Of A Live Online Event Which Shows You A Fun, Effortless, Natural, And Stress Free Method To Easily Create A Connection With Any Woman You See Anywhere…

What Is The Approach Breakthrough Challenge?

The Approach Breakthrough Challenge is a live online intensive where we show you how to effortlessly approach women and create a connection with them using my Natural Approach System.

This isn’t just an online presentation, you’ll actually be going out in public to apply the material.

Best of all, you won’t need to act like someone you’re not or use gimmicky tactics that make you look like a tool.

The Natural Approach System gives you everything you need to look like a natural with women, it’s as simple as that.

This is the most effective way to get a girl’s number and get her interested in you.


If you want to get intimate with a girl you have to get to know her…

And if you want to get to know her it starts with getting her number..

The only way to do that in the real world is by approaching her.

Here is a fact: The hottest girls in your city have left dating apps behind.

Why? because they’re constantly getting harassed… and they already have a lot of options anyways…

This is why you need to focus on meeting girls in real life, they’re everywhere in your city and you never know when you’re going to see them…

But more than likely you’ve been sold the myth that being able to walk up to a woman and talk to her is extremely difficult.

  • Solve your childhood trauma…
  • ​Meditate for hours and don’t touch your you know what…
  • Become an alpha by spending years in the gym…
  • Create some sort of celebrity social circle and spend your life in the club…

What a load of BS.

There’s a better way, and that better way is the Natural Approach System.

Most men feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety around approaching beautiful women, otherwise known as “Approach Anxiety.”

Or if they do approach women, they constantly get rejected…

There’s all sorts of negative beliefs that run around in a man’s mind when he sees a beautiful woman in person, such as…

  • She’s out of my league
  • ​I’m too ugly…
  • ​I’m too short…
  • ​I’m too old…
  • ​I’m not successful enough…
  • ​I’m not in good enough shape…
  • ​I don’t know what to say to her
  • She’ll be annoyed…
  • What if someone around me judges me?

And most guys stay in this spiral of negative limiting beliefs and the girl just ends up walking past you.

She could’ve been in your bed, and maybe eventually became your girlfriend or wife!

But you couldn’t overcome the fear of rejection…

You go home at night, lying in bed, wondering what could have happened if you had the balls to walk up and talk to her..

Going through The Approach Breakthrough Challenge means you’ll never have to experience that feeling of regret again.

You’ll discover…

How to remove those negative self limiting beliefs which cause “Approach Anxiety” and replace them with positive empowering beliefs that give you a feeling of confidence…

The easiest way for any guy to create free flowing conversation that builds desire and interest with women effortlessly…

How to get her number so you can continue the connection and position yourself so she wants to set plans with you…

And so much more!

The Only Training You’ll Ever Need On How To Approach Girls In Any Situation

Over the past 13 years I’ve hosted tons of in-person trainings all over the world, showing guys the exact same system that you’re going to discover inside of the Approach Breakthrough Challenge…

Here’s Everything Else You’re Getting With Your Approach Breakthrough Challenge Ticket

Approach Breakthrough Challenge
Access To Live Training

straightforward and effective dating training streamed from the comfort of your home

You Can Learn A Fun, Effortless, Natural, And Stress Free Method To Easily Create A Connection With Any Woman, Anywhere, Anytime…
This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, And Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Natural Approach System…

From: The Desk Of John Anthony
Re: The Best Way To Approach Her And Get Her Number
To: The Man Who Wants To Improve His Dating Life

How many times have you seen a beautiful woman…

And said nothing to her?

You had an opportunity to create an amazing connection with someone…

Hell, there’s a chance she could have become your girlfriend…

But you didn’t want to take the chance…

The fear of rejection overpowered you…

And like most men, you’re probably using a lot of reasons to justify why you shouldn’t approach her…

  • She’s out of my league…
  • I’m not her type…
  • She’ll be annoyed…
  • She looks busy…
  • She probably has a boyfriend…
  • I don’t know what to say to her
  • ​What if I say something dumb?
  • ​What if someone around me judges me?

This is what’s called “Approach Anxiety.”

When You Live With Approach Anxiety You’ll Always Be Left Asking WHY…

  • Why do some guys get all the girls?
  • Why aren’t girls interested in me?
  • Why is it so hard to connect with women?
  • Why is my dating life non-existent?
  • ​Why do I feel like I’m not good enough?
  • ​Why does nothing that I’ve tried work?

But listen, it doesn’t have to be this way…

And fixing this problem does not require you to go talk to 10,000 women…

It does not require you to solve childhood trauma…

It does not require you to be someone you’re not…

Without A Doubt, 
Let me introduce myself…

She’s bi-sexual and loves being with other girls, which is really fun for the both of us…
So needless to say, I set myself up in a really solid position that most guys can only dream of.
But I’ve also been able to help tons of other guys achieve their dream lifestyle with women…

Like Roland, Who Had Such Bad Anxiety That He Couldn’t Approach Without Drinking Alcohol…

Roland had terrible approach anxiety, drinking alcohol to approach and talk to girls. He recently decided to stop drinking because it felt like a ‘crutch’ and he didn’t know what to do until…

…he joined the last Approach Breakthrough Challenge and had his ‘breakthrough’.

He overcame his self-limiting beliefs by implementing my mindset tactics and he was able to approach and get the number of his dream girl.

The best part is now he doesn’t need to use any substance to overcome his approach anxiety to talk to women.

That’s right, all he needed to do is to apply and follow the system and he’s able to see results.

And Roland isn’t the only one either…

Loris, A 45 Year Old Man Who Wanted To Be With Younger Women…

Loris was looking to remove his mental blocks with dating younger women.

He had experience with older women in their late 30s but didn’t want to settle.

Following my directions and advice, he was able to start seeing a 19 year old and a 20 year old in no time…

And this method works equally well for guys such as Anthony…

Meet Anthony Who Was Looking For A Simple & Natural Method To Talk To Women…

Anthony had some previous success with online game. The problem he found was when it came to approaching and talking to women, he kept getting in his head and froze.

He joined The Approach Breakthrough Challenge and immediately realized that this was a better way…

Because he didn’t have to use any stupid gamey stuff anymore and there was a simple process that he could easily implement to talk to girls naturally and socially.

And these are just a few of the 400+ testimonials I have from all types of guys from all over the world.

Getting Rid Of Approach Anxiety Is Simple When You Follow A System…

But before I was able to have this amazing abundance with women and show other guys how to do the same…

I was just a shy dorky looking nerd who was filled with anxiety around women.

I worked as a systems engineer at an aerospace company…

And my job all day long was, as you can guess, coming up with systems.

I had always been extremely analytical so being able to come up with very complicated systems was very natural for me.

Little did I know that this skill set would help me eventually change tens of thousands of men’s dating lives.

Here’s what happened…

After Years Of Telling Myself All The Excuses In The Book Of Why Girls Weren’t Interested In Me, I Decided To Make A Change…

While I had a good amount of success in my career, my dating life was completely non-existent.

I was extremely insecure about the fact that I couldn’t get girls interested in me.

And that caused me to desperately search for an answer to my problem…

This led me to discovering the underground world of “Pick Up Artists” which you’ve probably heard of.

Every source of information I went to had a different way of talking to a woman and getting her interested in you…

Needless To Say, The Amount Of Information Out There Left Me Extremely Confused And Lost…

When I first got started in this world of “pick up” I tried everything…

I was starting to get some dates and here and there I would get lucky, which did somewhat help with my confidence.

But the majority of the time I was dealing with a lot of rejection.

I realized this was because I wasn’t following a system when I approached women.

A system is a set of principles which are designed to get you a specific outcome…

They were teaching canned lines and after that there was no advice on how to steer the conversation to the outcome I wanted.

Of course I was getting blown out in almost all of my interactions!

When a woman would say something I wasn’t expecting, something extremely stupid would come out of my mouth.

This Is Why I Decided To Create Systems Which Would Help You Know The Perfect Thing To Say So You Can Spark Her Interest And Build Desire

This is really where everything started to change for me…

The systems I started to build out had one goal in mind…

Create the most straight forward approach to getting a girl’s number and getting her interested in you.

  • No more corny pick up lines…
  • No more harassing women…
  • No more acting like someone you’re not…

Basically I wanted to create a simple and easily replicable way to create a Natural Approach…

When you have a Natural Approach with women you…

  • Effortlessly present yourself as a high value man…
  • Separate yourself from all of the other guys fighting for her attention…
  • Come off as charismatic and instantly appear more attractive

And that’s why I decided to call it, The Natural Approach System…

The Natural Approach System Instantly Helps You See Way Better Results In Your Interactions With Women…

It was a bit bumpy at first, but I knew that with enough interactions I could fine tune this system to perfection.

Over time, testing it with tons of women, this system became absolutely lethal and all of a sudden my problem wasn’t my approach anxiety or fear of rejection…

My problem was that I didn’t have enough time during the week to keep up with the amount of dates I was getting.

And I developed such a reputation that guys started seeking me out for advice.

The reason these guys wanted to work with me was because…

The Best Part Of This System Is That It Doesn’t Just Work For Me, It Works For Every Guy That Uses It Properly

I started teaching my Natural Approach System to all types of guys…

  • 40 year old virgins who had tried everything…
  • Guys who recently got out of a divorce…
  • Busy professionals and entrepreneurs who thought they had no time to meet women…
  • Everyday normal guys who were stuck in a dry spell…

Almost everyone who applied the system I had created was able to breakthrough their self limiting beliefs and start seeing results.

Meet Fabio – A Single Dad In His 30’s Frustrated and Angry About His Dating Life…

Fabio, a 30 year old single dad who wanted to find a way to improve his horrible dating situation…

He joined the Approach Breakthrough Challenge to look for a way to get over his crippling approach anxiety…

By the end of the three days, he was able to overcome the anxiety because he had a framework to carry the conversation with the girl which gave him confidence…

This is Kieran Who Was Cold Approaching And Wasn’t Getting Success…

Kieran came to me after cold approaching by himself and not getting the success that he was hoping for…

…He had lots of social anxiety and self doubt issues that prevented him from being successful with walking up and talking with women.

The Natural Approach System gave him a predictable method of getting over his anxiety and negative self beliefs of talking with women.

By the end of Day 2, everything came together and he was able to go home with a Canadian Model.

Without A Doubt, My Methodology Has Changed More Guy’s Lives Than All Of The Competition Combined Together

My company, John Anthony Lifestyle, is one of the largest dating companies in the market…

  • Warsaw, Poland
  • Kiev, Ukraine
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Miami, Florida
  • London, England
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Beijing, China
  • San Diego, California
  • And so many more…

I’ve helped over 55,000 men start seeing results with their dating life and especially in the area of approaching women…

Just so you have an overwhelming amount of proof, here’s what the comment section on my Youtube Channel looks like…


While other programs focus on making guys feel good about themselves…

I focus on getting you results, because I know that’s the only real lasting way to feel good about yourself.

Here’s Why My Natural Approach System Is So Much Different From Everything Else Out There…

There’s a few problems with most of the other approach methods that gurus are teaching…

  • They require you to act like someone you’re not…
  • You end up looking low value with cheesy pick up lines…
  • The girl can tell you’re being a try-hard with gamey tactics…

Most of what’s being taught is just a great way to instantly get rejected by a girl.

Think about how many guys approach a hot girl in a week with some stupid line…

Those girls get sick of it!

The reason The Natural Approach System works so much better is because…

  • It allows you to be yourself so you come off as authentic…
  • You’re instantly perceived as a cool chill guy that would be fun to hang out with…
  • It positions you as a high value male because you’re not saying needy lines…

And now I’d like for you to see first hand just how well this system works.

I Created The Approach Breakthrough Challenge So You Can Learn My Natural Approach System From The Comfort Of Your Own Home…

I prefer to show what my methods can do for others, rather than talk about what they do for me…

So that’s why I decided to create The Approach Breakthrough Challenge.

To shatter the myth that it takes years or months to get good at talking to women…

And to give guys undeniable proof that my system works and that it gets you results fast

I’m going to show you how to go from experiencing Approach Anxiety…

To having your Approach Breakthrough.

This is the moment of zen where the Natural Approach System works its magic…

You’ll realize just how easy it is to meet and connect with a beautiful woman who excites you!

The Approach Breakthrough Challenge Is A Live Online Intensive That Shows You How To Effortlessly Approach Women And Create A Connection With Them.

On Day 1, you’re going to figure out how to fix the most common problem every guy faces when it comes to approaching women…

It is that internal voice that tells you all the reasons WHY she wouldn’t be interested in you…


Once you discover how to overpower this voice, your base instinct will no longer be to overthink and come up with a bunch of negative self limiting beliefs.

After that, once we’re done talking mindset, we’re going to dive deep into the strategies and tactics which give you the highest probability of achieving your dream lifestyle with women.

I’ll be breaking down and explaining all parts of the system…

And you’ll see how easy it’ll be to know exactly what to say with our If/Then control paths…

Meaning if she says this, then you say that…

It really is that simple.

This Event Is Not Just An Online Presentation, You’re Going To Go Out And Implement The Material!

Once we share the system with you that’ll wrap up the training part of Day 1…

We’ll be going straight into the implementation part of Day 1…

This is where you’re going to go out and test drive the methods we’ve shared with you…

Go to a popular bar, head over to the busy part of the city, or even go to your local mall…

You’ll get to see first person just how effective this system is…

When you see that beautiful girl, you’ll know…

  • What to think to get past the fear of rejection…
  • What to say to get the conversation flowing…
  • What to do to get her number so you can set up a date…

You’ll Finally Be Able To See How Easy It Is For You To Have An Abundant Dating Life By Knowing How To Approach

This is where the rubber meets the road because you’ll finally be in a position where you’re not overthinking…

Whatever it is that you want…

Whether it’s a girlfriend that makes your life better…

The ability to casually date girls that excite you…

Or to find a wife so you can settle down and start a family…


You’ll solve the main problem preventing you from having any of those options.

The Only Reason You Should Enter Into This Challenge Is If You’re Looking For A Way To Transform Yourself…

When you go through The Approach Breakthrough Challenge you’ll come out more confident, more certain, and life will all-around be more exciting for you.

And you may be wondering, what is this going to cost me?

We’re sick of most of our competitors scamming some guys for upwards of $10,000 for bootcamps just to show them BS tactics that don’t work…

You’ll Discover The Method Of Approaching A Woman Which Gives You The Highest Chance Of Getting Her On A Date

We’re Hosting The Approach Breakthrough Challenge On Sept 9th, 10th & 11th At 5PM EST…

But if you’re on the fence if this is for you, let me ask you…

Are you tired of going to bed every night by yourself?

Waking up every morning by yourself?

Constantly being alone and watching all of those opportunities pass you by to meet and connect with a really hot girl?

A Week From Now You’ll Be In The Perfect Position To Approach A Drop Dead Gorgeous Woman…

You’ll more than likely be out and about somewhere…

It could be a grocery store…

It could be a mall…

It could be a park…

And you’ll see a stunning woman by herself…

The perfect opportunity has presented itself…

Are you going to capture it?

Or will it pass you by?

The Only Training You’ll Ever Need
On Approaching Girls

Over the past 13 years I’ve hosted tons of in-person trainings all over the world, showing guys the exact same system that you’re going to discover inside of the Approach Breakthrough Challenge…

Here’s What’s You’ll Discover In The Approach Breakthrough Challenge

  • The Easiest Way To Develop Self-Confidence That Allows You To Walk Up To Any Beautiful Woman Without Getting Nervous Or An Overwhelming Sense Of Anxiety.
  • How To Stop Acting Needy Or Insecure When You Talk With Woman (Psst! 90% Of Guys Don’t Even Realize They’re Doing This!)
  • Why It Doesn’t Matter How You Look…using Our Natural Approach System Will Instantly Position You As A High Value Male

Ditlef N.
“I can’t believe I’ve been opening girls incorrectly this whole time… These weeks are going to be insane”

  • Should You Approach 10,000 Girls To Get Rid Of Your Approach Anxiety? No! This Is The Main Reason Why Most Beginners Stay Stuck.
  • The Thing Almost All Men With Approach Anxiety Do That Actually Makes You Feel Twice As Worse… And Often Drives You Down A Negative Downward Spiral Of Depression
  • How To Finally Get Rid Of The Negative “Internal Voice” That Tells You All The Reasons Why She Wouldn’t Be Interested In You
  • A Simple 30-Second Exercise To Overcome Any Feelings Of Nervousness Or Anxiety So You Can Freely And Effortlessly Walk Up And Create A Connection With Any Woman You See Anywhere.
  • How To Get Comfortable With Rejection (Hint: This Is How You Get Better At Approaching Girls And Supercharges Your Success With Your Next Approach)
  • Don’t know what market to enter and sell to? Discover the exact process on how to identify a highly profitable yet sustainable market where the actual needs of customers are not being met – and how to know exactly what those customers are willing to buy (before you ever sell anything to them)…
  • The Step By Step Process To Turn A Stranger Into Your Girlfriend In No Time At All…
  • The Single Biggest Mistake Guys Make When Approaching And How To Make Sure You’re Not Unconsciously Doing The Same…
  • If You’re Good At Talking To Females But Struggle With Strangers, Here’s How To Dramatically Improve Your Cold Approach Skills Overnight (The Best Part Is That You Don’t Need To Change Anything About Your Personality)
    The Right Way To Walk Up To A Girl Who’s “Out Of Your League” (Handle This Situation Right And She’ll See You As “Not Like Every Other Guy”)
  • Why Most Guys Never Get Better At Approaching Girls — And How To Make Walking Up And Talking To A Girl Fun, Easy, And Effortless.
  • Why Rich, Famous, And Good Looking Guys Can Get Away Saying Anything — And How You Can Steal Their Secrets To Appear More Desirable Than Any Man That She Knows.
  • A Fantastic Way To Strike Up A Conversation With A Woman Regardless Of If You Meet Her On The Street Or In A Night Club
  • How To Walk Up To Any Woman You’ve Never Met, Have Free-Flowing Conversation, And Build A Genuine Connection That Makes Her Want To Set Plans With You
  • My Go-To Opener That Makes Her Instantly Think “Oh Damn He’s Cute” So You Can Steer The Conversation Anywhere You Want
  • Why Women Talk To Certain Men And Ignore Others (Here How You Can Be Interesting Easily Create Conversation That Builds Desires And Interest With Women Effortlessly.)
  • Why You Should Never Use “Pick Up Lines” Or Gimmicky Tricks (And How To Say The Right Thing So You Set Yourself For Success)
  • A Simple Tip That Makes A Woman You’ve Never Met Open To Having A Conversation With You (And Why It Works Even Better If She’s Looking Busy Or Unapproachable)
    The Unconscious Mistake Too Many Men Make When They Talk To A Girl That All But Guarantees They End Up In “The Friend Zone”
  • How To Make Yourself Instantly More Attractive Than 90% Of Guys Without Changing Anything But Your Mindset

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