Dani Watson – The Clique Academy



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Dani Watson – The Clique Academy

The Clique Academy

Your life has a purpose.
Your story is important
Your dreams count
Your voice matters
And, you were….

Do you know you are meant for something BIG?
If you KNOW deep down that you are meant for so much more and have a HUGE passion for mindset, Law of Attraction and personal development we’d love to invite you to….

and RISE UP as the confident, empowered, feminine coach & leader you are destined to be. It’s time to claim your worth, step into your power and serve the world in a big way.

What will you learn
The Clique Academy Part One – Business Foundations
Weeks 1-5

The first part of your journey within The Clique Academy is building the foundations of your coaching business & growing your audience online. By focusing on this first, it means your audience can continue to grow as you develop your coaching skills so that once you are ready to unleash your coaching gifts to the world, you’ve already got an audience of IDEAL CLIENTS who are excited to work with you.

During these weeks, you will be supported with identifying and refining your niche, how to create content that attracts ideal clients, how to use social media effectively to get your content seen by those who need your message, how to grow your email list and overcoming your own fears and blocks to getting visible. You will also be shown how to develop a mini program so that as you are developing your coaching skills, you can start working with paid for clients.

The Clique Academy Part Two – Coach Training & Certification
Weeks 6-20

During the second part of The Clique Academy, you will embark on your coach training & certification. This is where you will learn how to become a masterful coach and guide your clients through powerful transformations.

We want you to feel confident in your coaching abilities and knowledge and so we teach you a proven framework for how to coach clients called The Clique Method. This method of coaching combines various coaching tools, healing technique and spiritual practices that will assist your clients in releasing any inner blocks that are holding them back from achieving their desired goals.

The Clique Method is a style of coaching that can be applied to a variety of niche’s including mindset, anxiety, stress, relationships, money, health, career and so many more.

There will be lots of opportunities for you to practice your coaching as well as getting coached yourself from other women inside The Clique Academy.

During your training, you will be taught how to use the following modalities: Clarity coaching, digging work, NLP, EFT, Chakra Cleansing, Energy clearing, Law of Attraction Coaching, Meditation & mindfulness facilitation, Inner Child Work, Shadow Work, Divine Feminine Activation and Money Mindset Coaching.

The Clique Academy Part Three – Working with Paid for Clients
Weeks 20-25

During the third part of The Clique Academy, you will be feeling confident in your abilities as a coach and ready to start working with paid for clients.

We will assist you in putting together your premium coaching program and how to price it. You will also learn how to conduct a powerful discovery call and sell your services with ease and confidence.

During this process you will be digging into money mindset work which will help with pricing, charging your worth & feeling confident selling.

We will also show you how to tap into the audience you have so far been building and convert that audience into paid for clients.

We will finish by providing you guidance on how to continue to grow your business moving forwards, including the mindset and strategy that will propel you towards six figure growth.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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