Bob Bly’s Marketing X-Files (ebook)



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Bob Bly’s Marketing X-Files (ebook)

Dozens of Quick Tips – and Battle-Proven Marketing Strategies – That Can Double or Triple Your Response Rates as They Have for Others!

About Bob Bly

Bob Bly has been a writer since 1979 and a full-time freelance writer since 1982. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his freelance writing, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s.

Bob has written copy for more than 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, IBM, Intuit, Nortel, and AlliedSignal.

Bob is the author of more than 80 books including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Direct Marketing (Alpha), The Ultimate Unauthorized Star Trek Quiz Book (HarperCollins), The “I Hate Kathie Lee Gifford” Book (Kensington), The Science in Science Fiction (BenBella), and, with Bo Dietl, Business Lunchatations (Penguin).

He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Subscription Marketing, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer’s Digest, and Amtrak Express.

Bob’s writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He also taught writing at New York University.

Bob has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation’s Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer.

Dear Marketer:

Does my marketing advice really work?

Listen to what just a few of my clients have said about and achieved with my help… and then judge for yourself:

  • Chubb Institute ran newspaper ads to sell its IT training services. I changed the cover of their course catalog, wrote a new headline for their ad – and their response promptly doubled.
  • A landing page I wrote to sell an e-book generated an unheard of 33% conversion rate … meaning out of every three people visiting the page, one purchased the product.
  • A direct mail package I wrote for an accounting software package generated a staggering 10X more sales than their control mailing.
  • A publisher of options trading courses says, “Bob’s promotion was a breakthrough – our most profitable mailing in over 2 years.”
  • Another mailing, for a trading software program, tripled response to the control.
  • Physician’s Desk Reference had a control that remained unbeaten for years. After they called me in for a consultation and rewrite, the new package pulled triple the orders.

My advice is so on target that it moved the legendary ad man David Ogilvy to say that “everyone should read Bob Bly’s” writings on marketing.

AWAI voted me their Copywriter of the Year.

And Early to Rise gave me their Lifetime Marketing Achievement Award.

One reason is that I’ve been studying, practicing, and writing about marketing nonstop for 3 decades … and these folks think what I have to say is worth paying attention to.

But how can you get the best of my selected marketing advice in a convenient, quick-reading format?

Recently, I assembled several years’ worth of my collected marketing guidance in a 119-page e-book — Bob Bly’s Marketing X-Files

It’s packed with dozens of quick-reading, practical, response-doubling marketing tips and tactics.

In this volume, you will discover:

  • 4 ways to market your product or service during a recession — page 5.
  • Copywriting secrets of a master fundraiser – page 53.
  • Double your online sales with a print catalog – page 106.
  • How to proofread better than your spell-checker – page 37.
  • How to win back lost business – page 54.
  • The simple word change that sold 60% more fruit cakes by mail – page 109.
  • Describe your product’s benefits at all 3 levels – page 110.
  • Double your e-mail click-through rates with a new subject line – page 13.
  • How to get the customer’s e-mail address when she orders by phone or mail – page 112.
  • Dick Benson’s 10 secrets of successful direct mail – page 55.
  • Does supermarket pricing really work? – page 39.
  • Become a better copywriter by falling asleep on the job – page 56.
  • 10 ways to increase direct mail response rates with lift letters – page 14.
  • 7 steps to a winning advertising strategy – page 58.
  • How to be funnier when telling a joke – page 40.
  • 7 e-mail offers that can get you more clicks and sales – page 104.
  • Stop spam filters from blocking your e-mails – page 59.
  • Free software marketing tips – page 6.
  • 6 ways to write web pages that search engines can find – page 62.
  • Get free premiums from the federal government to use in your marketing – page 42.
  • Tom Collins’ 10 secrets for writing great space ads – page 116.
  • The 3 things Jeff Bezos says made Amazon successful on the web – page 63.
  • 10 essentials for outrageous online marketing success – page 11.
  • What copywriters are charging today – page 65.
  • 3 ways to optimize your search engine rankings – page 43.
  • How to market your business on a shoestring budget – page 7.
  • 5 savvy direct mail design suggestions – page 66.
  • Why you should always wear a jacket with two pockets when attending networking functions – page 45.
  • 5 steps to becoming a better writer – page 68.
  • Triple your orders by holding the customer’s check for a month before you cash it – page 103.
  • 6 common web marketing mistakes and how to avoid them – page 12.
  • Play this type of music in your store to increase sales – page 46.
  • Where to place hyperlinks in e-mails and landing pages – page 69.
  • Nick Usborne reveals how to write great home pages – page 73.
  • Does it pay to send the same direct mail package to the same list twice – page 8.
  • How to get past voice mail when cold calling – page 75.
  • 4 ways to increase response to market research surveys – page 47.
  • Increase response rates in lead generation with a bait piece – page 9.
  • Donald Trump’s 10 secrets of entrepreneurial success – page 776.
  • Forecast direct mail response rates with uncanny accuracy – page 48.
  • 10 ways to make yourself magnetically attractive to other people – page 10.
  • 3 great questions to ask when interviewing subject matter experts – page 77.
  • The 5 commandments of writing for your reader – page 49.
  • “Scarsdale Diet” author reveals how to write for the reader – page 79.
  • 3 steps to writing copy that boosts your search engine rankings – page 15.
  • 3 proven techniques for keeping your new business pipeline full – page 17.
  • A neat little trick increases average order size 14% — page 80.
  • What pulls best – one long landing page or a landing page on multiple sequential screens? – page 81.
  • Choosing the right domain name – page 18.
  • 3 little-known strategies for increasing the sale of luxury products – page 84.
  • 4 tips for writing more powerful white papers – page 20.
  • 8 rules for writing kick-butt online copy that sells – page 22.
  • How to supercharge your copywriting – page 85.
  • The 6 commandments of creating winning Johnson boxes – page 23.
  • 3 proven ideas for creating a sense of urgency in your copy – page 26.
  • Collect past-due invoices faster – page 88.
  • How to make sure the prospect reads the paragraph in your copy you feel he absolutely must read to be sold – page 27.
  • Where to find wholesale merchandise to sell via mail order and online – page 88.
  • 12 words that increase response rate by 15% — page 29.
  • Online test shows whether your home page downloads too slowly – page 89.
  • How to calculate lifetime customer value and use it to out-market your competition – page 32.
  • 8 reasons why donors give money to nonprofit organizations – page 91.
  • The world’s most powerful networking secret – page 35.
  • Why putting too many keywords in your web copy can hurt your search engine rankings – page 92.
  • The secret to raising price without reducing sales – page 96.
  • A sure-fire way to become a more confident and polished public speaker – page 99.
  • Don’t waste time with unqualified prospects – page 36.
  • A technique that increases e-mail response rates almost every time – page 100.
  • And dozens more…..

Praise for Bob Bly’s marketing

and business advice

“You are awesome! I will always come to you first for the products that I need. You have class, integrity, brilliance, naturally gifted, and you are second to none! I am impressed with and appreciate your prompt response.”
–Adella Pugh

“Once in a blue moon, you get the chance to meet a living legend, one of the great men who has shaped his chosen field. In my unending pursuit of powerful marketing, I came face-to-face with just such a man. Robert Bly is America’s Top Copywriter and a genius marketer. He’s authored over 70 books for McGraw Hill and others, and gets paid more per word than nearly every author in America. Like all great men, he is a teacher and mentor extraordinaire. He freely shares the secrets of turning marketing into money.”
–Dick Larkin

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