Steven Hayes – Values and Action


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Steven Hayes – Values and Action

Values and Action
by Steven Hayes
In this fifth video in the ACT in Action series, we learn about the importance of values in therapy and how to incorporate them into clinical practice.

In his customary active and engaged style, ACT founder Stephen Hayes uses a series of mindfulness techniques to help Tony, a client in recovery from addiction, come into contact with his most deeply-held values and beliefs. Once these values are clearly established, Hayes works experientially with Tony to uncover the link between his values and his emotional pain, creating the groundwork for Tony to create goals imbued with meaning and purpose.

We also get to see how the ACT model is applied to working with chronic pain patients in sessions with a teenager and an adult, each of whom struggle with severe daily pain. The “Acceptance” aspect of ACT is fundamental in working with these clients, since they cannot connect with their deeper values without squarely facing the reality of their chronic pain conditions. And in an impressive session with a depressed young mother, master ACT therapist Rainer Sonntag quickly and deftly helps her define her values as a parent and set goals for herself.

Your clinical work will never be the same after watching these transformative sessions. Don’t miss it!

“Counselors, psychologists and social workers attend professional development activities for a variety of reasons, some of which include learning something new, learning more about something they already know, and becoming reinvigorated by their work. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find professional development activities that meet even one of these goals. ACT in Action is a 6-video series that meets all three goals and more. The didactic portion of the series is clear and informative, and the counseling demonstrations bring it all to life. After watching just one video, I was able to immediately incorporate ACT strategies, conceptualizations, and analogies into my work with clients. With tight budgets leaving little money for conferences and travel, the series offers quality in-house training for all staff, not just ‘the lucky one’ who attended the conference.”
— Jennifer M. Whitney, PhD, Associate Director, The Counseling Center, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

“These videos are an incredible learning resource for any practitioner. You will witness some of the world’s leading ACT therapists weaving their magic, and gain valuable insight into the many different ways there are of doing ACT. It’s a world apart from reading a book; essential viewing for anyone interested in honing their ACT skills.”
— Russ Harris, MD, author of The Happiness Trap & ACT Made Simple

“Counselors, psychologists and social workers attend professional development activities for a variety of reasons, some of which include learning something new, learning more about something they already know, and becoming reinvigorated by their work. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find professional development activities that meet even one of these goals. ACT in Action is a 6-video series that meets all three goals and more. The didactic portion of the series is clear and informative, and the counseling demonstrations bring it all to life. After watching just one video, I was able to immediately incorporate ACT strategies, conceptualizations, and analogies into my work with clients. With tight budgets leaving little money for conferences and travel, the series offers quality in-house training for all staff, not just ‘the lucky one’ who attended the conference.”
— Jennifer M. Whitney, PhD, Associate Director, The Counseling Center, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

“These videos are an incredible learning resource for any practitioner. You will witness some of the world’s leading ACT therapists weaving their magic, and gain valuable insight into the many different ways there are of doing ACT. It’s a world apart from reading a book; essential viewing for anyone interested in honing their ACT skills.”
— Russ Harris, MD, author of The Happiness Trap & ACT Made Simple

“Counselors, psychologists and social workers attend professional development activities for a variety of reasons, some of which include learning something new, learning more about something they already know, and becoming reinvigorated by their work. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find professional development activities that meet even one of these goals. ACT in Action is a 6-video series that meets all three goals and more. The didactic portion of the series is clear and informative, and the counseling demonstrations bring it all to life. After watching just one video, I was able to immediately incorporate ACT strategies, conceptualizations, and analogies into my work with clients. With tight budgets leaving little money for conferences and travel, the series offers quality in-house training for all staff, not just ‘the lucky one’ who attended the conference.”
— Jennifer M. Whitney, PhD, Associate Director, The Counseling Center, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

In Depth
In this video you will learn:
• How ACT distinguishes values from goals
• What ACT defines as the Pain-Values Connection
• Ways to modify ACT techniques for increased effectiveness with adolescents

Length of video: 1:39:00

English subtitles available

Steven C. Hayes 
is Nevada Foundation Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada. He is the founder of the ACT model, and author of 35 books and over 500 scientific articles. Hayes has received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to the field, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare the ACT concepts of values and goals
  • Describe the connection between pain and values
  • Apply effective ACT techniques in your work with adolescents
  • Bibliography available upon request

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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