Alex Leon – Social Media Dating Guide



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Alex Leon – Social Media Dating Guide

Ignite your seductive results, reduce flakes & learn new funnels for lifestyle success by joining TNL’s most exclusive…

An intensive training in the fundamentals & practice of digital seduction

  • Build an online presence women cannot ignore
  • Create strong attraction and arousal through messaging
  • 10x your sexual opportunities and results on autopilot


What’s up gentlemen! It’s Alex Lèon here.

In the past few years at TNL, as we thousands of guys in person at our workshops, we noticed that the ways women screen and select––most times unconsciously––potential romantic and sexual partners have evolved.

Back in the day, good cold approaching skills were all you needed to stand out from the noise and show to a girl that you were a cool guy worth seeing again. If the interaction was decent and you got a phone number, the odds of getting her out on a date were pretty high.

Today, however, even the most average girl you wouldn’t normally notice and approach in the clubs or during daytime can have thousands of thirsty dudes liking her pictures on Instagram and sliding into her DMs––pumping overall women´s validation levels through the roof.

The rise of popular IG celebrities and creative people sharing behind the scenes in their amazing lives has reinforced a new narrative most attractive women live by when deciding if a guy is interesting and worth meeting again or not…

“Let me check his Instagram profile.”

This is the moment that makes it or breaks it.

Often, girls will stalk you or immediately ask for your profile to choose whether you’re a new potential lover to date or a guy with poor value to avoid.

It might sound unfair or even triggering to some, but this is how things work now, and if you want to keep getting good results with women, you cannot avoid this.



Seduction is, to an extent, a numbers game.

Of course, you can massively improve your stats by working a lot on becoming an interesting man, learning elite social skills, or leveling up in your appearance.

But the reality is that on average, even if you become world-class at cold-approaching if you go out and approach ten women in the streets:

  • maybe won’t even acknowledge you.
  • 5 will be like “no thanks, I’m busy” (or are nice but have a boyfriend and won’t cheat).
  • 3 you can talk to but only for a couple of minutes, enough to get their Instagram and number before they run away.
  • 1 is a long solid interaction. If you’re skilled enough you can take her home right away.

So, the truth is that because of the nature of the cold approach, most of your interactions will be on the shorter side. That means the girl is possibly intrigued by you but not attracted to and comfortable enough with you to date you.

And it’s very hard to bridge that gap with traditional texting.

A good social media profile with seductive content and photos “does the work for you” by allowing women to instantly get to know you more and connect with your masculine energy without having to spend weeks texting each other, possibly getting bored and giving up in the process.

By now, I’ve been regularly teaching SM seduction strategies to students for years as part of our week-long live seduction programs. Their incredible progress motivated me to make those same lessons available today to as many men as possible to help them unlock the next stage in their seductive evolution.

He has an ability to merge the micro and macro that is impressive
Excellent analysis post-approach with specific and surprising observations about language and other details I was unaware of; he’s really fun–showed me his nautical porn videos while on break and told hilarious stories about his experiences; enjoyed hearing his thoughts about business and lifestyle design. He has an ability to merge the micro and macro that is impressive.

Alex was able to spot some unbelievable small but very decisive details during my conversations
I think Alex’s feedback was a great one in regards of technical aspects. He has a great ear and was able to spot some unbelievable small but very decisive details during my conversations with the girls. I was amazed how carefully he listened to any of my interactions and was able to hear, spot and read my unconscious intent that was even not obvious to me (kind of sixth sense). That really impressed me. He explained to my the objection handling again and again and he wanted to make sure that I really got it.

Alex is great at calling out your bullshit
Good at taking resonsibility, especially at the end of the day then the guys was tired, and wanted to chat with the female actors instead of doing what we were there to do. He is great at calling out your bullshit, and getting down to your root problem, so you can focus on the right attitude. Thank you for your honesty, you made me a lot more aware of my faults!

Great piece of advice for me
Alex shared some concise, practical advice that stuck with me for the whole week, even though we only had one infield session together. He told me to assume that the woman was into me and operate from that perspective until proven otherwise. If the woman is not into it, she will let me know. It is kind of a funny approach because it is the opposite of how I have felt in past experience. I used to assume a woman wasn’t attracted to me until proven that she was. This was a great piece of advice for me.

His valuable social media insights blew my mind
First ever inflield session on a mic was with Alex and his first long list with constructive feedback (it hit my balls…) was eye opening and hard. But later on applying his first improvements I directly saw the impact… so grateful for this! And other pointed out similar areas so I know we’re to put my focus on to live MY future dating life. Also his valuable social media insights blew my mind and gave me basic awareness on what not to do xD step by step. Alex you rock! I’m looking forward to working again with you during the 8 weeks

program. See you!




Let’s get this straight…

There are lots of Tinder and online dating courses out there.

This is not one of them.

If you follow my system you’ll get to double the number and quality of girls you take into the bedroom without once downloading a dating app on your phone.

See, most attractive girls I’ve met do not use dating apps to meet romantic partners but to get free Instagram followers and validation when they’re bored; if you want to get a chance with them you need to stand out, not fit in.

My social media dating guide teaches you how to bridge the gap between approaching hot girls in real life and seeing them again on a date by using Instagram as a “funnel” to build insane levels of attraction and compliance so that they’re ten times more likely to see you and sleep with you.

You can also use this method with multiple girls at the time to get an endless stream of seductive opportunities week by week on autopilot.


Here is what you will learn
in the SM Dating Guide




The first things you need to learn to get good at this are the right Mindset & Inner Game that will make your future success possible.

Many of my clients often have unrealistic expectations and negative feelings about SM in general…

They think IG is something only teenagers use, or that they need to become selfie-maniacs spending endless hours every day shooting pictures to have a cool profile, and even that they must have X Zillion followers to make it work.

None of that is true.
This is a lot less about impressing women with big numbers and cool pics than you might think. The secret is knowing how to express yourself the right way.

I have learned this lesson through many years of trial and error, and after sleeping and befriending some of those hot IG girls most guys dream about, I’ve gathered enough intel to know by heart what most attractive women are looking for in a man’s online profile.




Before you start using SM as a tool to create leverage and increase your closing rate, you need to have built a great profile to back up your efforts.

While you don’t need to be the next Dan Bilzerian to make this work, just showing up with a random profile won’t work either.

Think of it this way:

Your profile is a reflection of who you are in real life.

Ironically, I’ve met many cool guys having little success with women because they wouldn’t be able to portray who they are online.

To help you with that, I will break down what a good IG profile looks like and teach you 3 strategies you can use to deliver an attractive masculine archetype through your pictures & bio. This way you can be sure that other people––especially girls––will get the right feeling for who you are when they find you online.




Finally, the last section of the course will be dedicated to expressing yourself and creating intrigue and attraction through carefully selected content.

This is the part most guys get wrong as they post stories and pictures that are either dull and boring for beautiful women, or are perceived as try-hard and ridiculous.

If there is one thing that my years as a Social Media seducer, and later as a TNL, have taught me is that the most successful people do not just rely on pretty content, but they make the real difference with interesting content.

Your profile has to tell a story, or it will get ignored
Part 3 of the Guide is all about becoming extremely proficient in expressing your most attractive and authentic self through what you post.

In them, you’ll see me run a detailed live analysis of several Instagram profiles breaking down what should be improved, how to improve it as well as the science and seductive rationale behind it.

Hope to see you in class and kill our FOMO together.
Talk to you soon!

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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