Mark Lack – The Personal Branding Accelerator



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Mark Lack – The Personal Branding Accelerator

Can This ONE Thing Really Double Your Business In 2019?

How You Can Cash In On The “Missing Marketing Link” My Clients And I Use to Generate 7-8 Figures, Become The Authority, and Impact Millions of People

For The First-Time I’m Sharing My Proven Blueprint On How To Influence More People, Magnetically Attract More Clients and Double Your Business in 2019…

Your Prospects Demand A Reason

Why They Should Choose You

Listen: if your prospect does not have a compelling reason to choose YOU and YOUR business – they will never buy from you.

Instead, they’ll just stick to a business they already know, like and trust… or… they’ll “shop around” for the lowest price.

And, if you’re like the thousands of entrepreneurs I see and…

  • Your content gets ignored
  • Your sales funnels won’t convert
  • You struggle to stand-out from the competition
  • You can’t consistently generate traffic, leads and sales
  • You have to jump from new strategy to new strategy

It’s because…

Your Business – Big Or Small – Is Missing

This One Hidden Marketing “Link”…

… and it’s strangling your growth potential.

You see, without this “link” connecting your marketing and messaging to your audience, your prospects will have no reason to follow you, listen to you, like you or trust you.

In other words, they have no reason to choose you or your business and give you their money.

To Fix This And Scale Your Business

You Must Develop Your Personal Brand

You Already Have A Personal Brand And

Right Now It’s Either Helping You or Hurting You

Develop, Launch, Monetize And Scale

Your Personal Brand So You Can

  • Instantly Establish Authority In Your Market
  • Get Invited to Speak On Stages Around The World
  • Build a Raving Fan-base Who’ll Buy Anything You Offer
  • Stop Worrying About Where You’ll Get Your Next Client
  • Get Featured On The Biggest Media Channels In Your Industry
  • Consistently & Predictably Generate Floods of New Traffic & Leads
  • Network & Partner With The Biggest Influencers In Your Space
  • Finally Charge Premium Prices For Your Products and Services

And so much more.

Now, I’m inviting you to join the new game changer, community based membership and mentorship program that’ll show you how to engineer faster-than-ever growth in your business through the power of personal branding.

But First, Let Me Introduce You To…

The Personal Branding Accelerator

  • The proven step-by-step blueprint for developing, launching, monetizing and scaling your personal brand… even if you’re starting with no audience, experience or connections.
  • This is the exact system my clients usually pay me $10,000+ per day to implement in their business.
  • But now, for the first time, every step of my Personal Branding Blueprint is laid out in an easy-to-follow training system that eliminates any confusion, guesswork or overwhelm as you effortlessly build your personal brand like a pro.
  • Over 100 lessons all delivered via HD video and broken down into a short, step-by-step process for you to easily follow.
  • Plus, as you progress through The Personal Branding Accelerator Course I’ll be your virtual mentor every step of the way. Because I’ll be answering your questions LIVE on camera twice every month, giving you the guidance needed to shorten your learning curve and accelerate your results.
  • Here’s Just Some of The Business Growth Secrets You’ll Learn Inside The Personal Branding Accelerator…
  • The step-by-step system for developing, launching, monetizing and rapidly scaling your personal brand… even if you’re starting without an audience.
  • ​How to turn your new personal brand into an extra $1,000 – $10,000 per month… (You’ll get the exact roadmap for doing this within 60 days – guaranteed)
  • “Marketing Omnipresence” – How to put your message in front of millions of targeted prospects… without spending a dime… so you can become an authority for FREE.
  •  “Paradigm Shifting Marketing” – The counterintuitive strategy for magnetically attracting your perfect “ready-to-buy” prospects.
  • How to automate your Personal Branding Blueprint so your business fills up with new leads and buyers every minute of every day… without you lifting a finger.
  • How to use personal branding to skyrocket your income, impact and influence.
  • My Secret Weapon – “The K.L.T Funnel” – Discover how to trigger floods of new traffic, leads and customers using this simple 3-step marketing funnelPLUS… You’ll learn how to launch your profit-producing “KLT Funnel” in just 7-days… without complicated tech or hiring expensive copywriters.
  • ​How to position and present yourself (or your business) so you can charge premium prices and finally get paid what you deserve… (and how to do it without killing your conversion rates).Using this one strategy you can walkaway from The Escape Velocity VIP Workshop and confidentially double… even triple… your prices. 
  • You’ll discover how to use personal branding to create instant authority, trust and expert positioning in your market.
  •    ​How to ensure your prospects stick with you and don’t “shop around” for other solutions… (this is the secret to creating life-long customers who are worth tens of thousands of dollars)
  • ​Why personal branding is the “glue” that bonds all your marketing efforts together and exponentially increases the effectiveness of each element.
  • ​How my “KLT System” is designed to cut “the fat” from your funnel and leave you with only the hottest, A-List prospects… finally you can stop wasting your time with people who aren’t ready to buy!
  •  The “Hangout Hot Spot” Strategy – How to build a raving fan base from scratch by uncovering the untapped desires of your audience and giving them what they’re secretly begging for!(If you’re in a crowded market – this one strategy could literally transform your business – almost instantly)
  •  Why Sales Funnels Fail! You must take your leads through these three “stages of awareness” if you ever want them to buy… (critical if you sell services or high-ticket items).
  •  “The 3 Pillars of Monetizing Content” – How to make money from your articles, videos and social posts.
  • ​Discover the secret of “Content Audience Inception”… and… how you can leverage this strategy to ethically influence people to buy your products and services… with almost zero sales resistance.
  • ​The ONE thing your prospect must believe if they’re ever going to buy from you…
  •  Revealed – the “Three Business Letters” that separate the successful from the struggling. (I paid John Assaraf over $25,000 to learn this – and it was worth every dollar – after going through this membership & training system you’ll know it too).
  • “Media Inception” the strategy used to generate 70,000,000 video views… for just $100…… and I’ll show you how to unlock more traffic than you can handle using the same Media Inception strategy.
  • The 4 ingredients consistently used in creating viral content! 
  • ​How to leverage your influence to get paid speaking gigs, new business partnerships, guest media appearances, big affiliate deals and much more!
  •  Why you DON’T need a book, blog, podcast or YouTube channel to become an authority in your market – (Implement the “Authority Alignment” rule and you can shortcut how long it takes to build a profit-producing fanbase).
  • ​The little-known “disease” that kills most businesses before they even start.
  • ​The ONE step you must take before building an email list! Almost all marketers try to skip-past this and if you struggle to get your emails opened, read and clicked… it’s probably because you didn’t do this.
  • ​The secret to connecting with anyone and getting them to appear on your platform… even if they’ve never heard of you!
    Through years of testing I’ve refined this process to have a 87% success rate… and I assure you that it will work for YOU too!
  • This is how I got interviews with billionaire Tilman Fertitta, Grant Cardone, John Assaraf, Daymond John and hundreds of other legends in my industry.
  •  How to get featured on your industry’s biggest media outlets... (this process has put myself and my clients in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc. Magazine and dozens of others).
  • ​How to “engineer” your media appearances so you suck out the maximum fans, followers and money from their platform!
  • ​2-Step Process for borrowing your competitor’s audience and turning their followers into your raving fans and customers.
  •  60-second “Hook” framework that increases your average video-view retention by up to 350%.
  •  The “C.Q.V.F.Y” Formula – How to effortlessly sell high-priced offers… without feeling salesy or using pressure tactics.
  •  The secret for engineering instant trust with your prospects! (This is essential if your market is skeptical and hypersensitive to being sold or marketed too)
  • The 3-F’s Framework – How to establish rapport with your audience and make them feel like you truly understand them, their situation and their problems. (This works in person, over the phone or through the written word).
  • How to build a network worth millions of dollars using “Authority Alignment” 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. With over 100 videos inside The Personal Branding Accelerator there is too much to list here.

Plus, Inside The Accelerator You’ll Also Get:


Business and marketing is fast-paced and ever changing.

So every other week you’ll join me for a live online webinar where I’ll share the most up-to-date strategies and techniques that you can use to create bigger-than-ever breakthroughs. But that’s not all… 

… you’ll also get free coaching because each webinar will end with a Q&A where you can ask me questions, pick my brain and get direct one on one feedback and guidance from me. 

And, of course, every webinar will be recorded so you can watch them later or revisit them whenever you want.


Instantly you’ll have your own personal mastermind network.

You’ll finally have an eilite private community where you can connect with entrepreneurs from all around the world.

Inside you’ll get bonus resources; detailed support and feedback; new insights and strategies and a ton more. Plus – along with your new network – both my team and I will be inside answering your questions every day.


Over the past 4 years – (using the strategies you’ll learn) – I’ve cultivated a network of friends, mentors, partners and clients who’ve generated billions of dollars in revenue.

And as a member of The Personal Branding Accelerator, you’ll get access to them via private training events, Q&A’s and coaching sessions. 



If you’ve ever tried to profitably run paid advertising you’ll know it can seem like an impossible task. In this guide you’ll get 90 different ways to optimize your ads so you can finally acquire customers profitably.


The Escape Velocity VIP workshop is $2,500 per person to attend 2-days.

Over two intense days myself and a handful of elite marketers share our insights and strategies for rapidly growing your business.

In 2017 alone, the strategies shared at The Escape Velocity VIP event generated $10 Million Dollars worth of new revenue. Luckily for you, these value-packed sessions are all recorded and available to you.

When you join The Personal Branding Accelerator today, you’ll get access to all the value packed training sessions (a $2,500.00 value) you don’t have to pay a dime for it, it’s FREE to you because you’re a member.


This is a 2-hour long training session I hosted for a high-level mastermind group in Arizona where I made tens of thousands of dollars.

In the recording you’ll learn how to leverage Paradigm Shifts in your marketing to magnetically attract your ideal customers – even in the most crowded markets. (people in the room were blown away by this training)


As the host of the TV show “Business Rockstars” I’ve interviewed over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business-leaders from around the world (such as Daymond John, Tilman Fertitta, John Assaraf, Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone and Andy Frisella).

These interviews are usually for Business Rockstar members only, however you’ll get free access when you join The Personal Branding Accelerator today.


Over the past 4-years I’ve spent countless hours testing, refining and perfecting all aspects of my business and hundreds of my millionaire clients as well…

… from high-converting landing pages, to profit-producing Facebook Ads and from emails that land you on virtually any publication, to sales scripts that have sold millions and how to generate free PR for yourself… 

You’ll get dozens of “copy and paste” templates you can use to effortlessly grow your personal brand leading to you generating floods of traffic, leads and sales…

… without investing thousands in expensive copywriters, designers and marketers. I already did that part for you.


Every 6 months we do a highly exclusive invite only mastermind. Filled with 30 people looking to grow past the 7-figure level in their business.

Each individual invested 15K to 20K depending on the payment option they chose… just to be part of our mastermind for 6 months.

You’re going to get never-before released recordings of every conversation we had over the 6 months of our mastermind.

… without investing tens of thousands of dollars to be part of it.


This training will show you step-by-step how you can reach one million people or any number of people you want within 42 days.

You will have the secret weapon used by many of the top personal brands online to become omnipresent, and be seen everywhere by your niche.

All together, these bonuses have a real-world value of $32,041. 

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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